Google flipped seats, shifted millions of votes to Dems in 2018 midterms, researcher tells RT
Upwards of 25 percent of the national elections in the world are being decided without peoples knowledge by Googles search algorithm, senior research psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology told RT, calling the search engine the deciding factor in close races.
Epstein, who received his PhD in psychology from Harvard University and is the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, said that his methodology was thorough and meticulous.
We did this very, very carefully. We had field agents focusing on three congressional races in California which were very hotly contested races in Republican districts, Epstein told RT.
And we gave to these field agents about 500 election-related search terms. Each one had different search terms for different districts, where there are different issues, of course.
And the point is, we simply looked at what kind of search results they received when they were conducting election-related searches.
Egilsstaðir, 26.03.2019 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Flott skýrsla Jónas Þessi grein um Google verður örugglega til þess að americanarnir geri gangskör heima við. Ef einhvað er deep state þá stjórna þeir innviðum Google líka.
Trump á eftir að umturna þessu öllu ekki bara Google heldur þeim sem vinna fyrir skemmdarverkum innan USA.
Valdimar Samúelsson, 27.3.2019 kl. 09:20
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