Skotmennirnir sögđu nemendum ađ koma út úr skólastofunum, svo ađ hćgt vćri ađ bjarga ţeim, og skutu svo drenginn. She added one of the shooters was taunting students to come out of the classrooms and be rescued. One student ran out and was shot.

Svo virđist, sem Nikolas Cruz hafi engan drepiđ, en hafi veriđ sagt ađ fara međ eitthvađ, ef til vill tösku? í skólan.

TV, upptökuliđ frá Houston, var statt í íţróttahöll skammt frá skólanum í Flórída, og fóru ađ skólanum og sýndu sín fréttamanna skilríki. Ţeim var hleypt inn í hverfiđ, ţar sem ţeir tóku viđtöl viđ nemendur. Ţessi viđtöl, voru send ađ einhverju leiti í beinni heim til Houston.

Ţar segja nemendurnir ađ ţađ hafi veriđ ađ minnsta kosti ţrír sem skutu á nemendurna, og ein stúlka, segist hafa talađ viđ piltinn, sem sagđur er vera árásarmađurinn.

Hún segir hann hafa veriđ í venjulegum fötum og ekki haft nein vopn, en ţau hafi heyrt skothríđina, á međan ţau töluđu saman.

Nemendurnir sem upptökuliđiđ frá Houston töluđu viđ sögđu ađ skotmennirnir, hefđu veriđ međ gasgrímur og búnir ýmsum vopnum.

Stúlkan hafđi á orđi, viđ drenginn, ađ hún hefđi helst trúađ ţessu, upp á hann, sem sýnir ađ ţeim orđrómi hafđi veriđ dreift í skólanum.           

Nú er talađ um ađ rífa skólann, og fjarlćgja sönnunargögnin, svo ađ óháđir geti síđur metiđ atburđina.



The building where the massacre started will be teared down and possibly turned into a memorial


Florida school district plans to tear down building where shooting took place

February 18, 2018



Truth or Consequences

reporterAround the same time David’s initial shaky interview was taking place with the designated MSM, some uninvited reporters, from out-of-state, flashed their press credentials and were accidentally allowed on to the school grounds to interview the students at random.

The Houston sports reporter, Matt Musil, and his filming crew, had wandered over from a nearby Astro’s baseball spring training game to provide live coverage back to their Houston news network. They were unknowingly exposing a drastically different, second narrative to the shooting massacre. They were hearing about the possibility of an organized attack involving multiple shooters.  In the earlier 6 PM (Houston, Texas airing (2.45 min)[14]

Matt refers to the 10 PM interview with a student who claims she knew the alleged shooter from Middle School and actually bumped into him in the corridor during the shooting.


The 10 PM, 2.42-minute interview[15] with Douglas High School senior, Alexa Miednik was not aired by Houston station. Was pressure put on the station not to show this remarkable interview to the public?

Fortunately, Matt Musil, appearing to be a Patriot, released his interview on his Twitter account.

In Alexa’s interview, she describes how she and Nikolas Cruz walked side-by-side as shots were being fired elsewhere. She detailed how she nervously joked with him she thought if there ever was a school shooting, he would have been the shooter. Alexa commented Cruz replied dumbfoundedly, “What?” She finished the interview by again saying, if Cruz was one of the shooters, there had to be a second. Cruz and she just separated when she heard shots being fired elsewhere in the building.

student 2In this third interview, with an unidentified student, the female student described multiple-shooters stalking and entrapping students and teachers alike upstairs for execution.[16]

She added one of the shooters was taunting students to come out of the classrooms and be rescued. One student ran out and was shot.

The unidentified student says multiple shooters totaled three.  She detailed how the building only had two exists located at opposite ends of the first floor. When students ran upstairs to escape down the corridor from one shooter, students from the other end warned them they were being stalked from the other end too.

Students had to scurry into classrooms to barricade themselves from these predators. As two of the shooters continued blocking access to the only two exits on each side of the building, a third shooter, starting on the first floor worked his way up to the third floor. The student detailed how one brave teacher was shot in the head while trying to defend students. Another teacher from another room was shot in the arm while opening the door for students to hide.

Egilsstađir, 15.03.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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