“If they wanted to concentrate on the real program, they certainly have all the opportunity to look at what I call propaganda from the leftist mainstream news media… But they do not have interest in that, because Congress isn,t calling them to say, "Oh, big bad CNN or big, bad, evil MSNBC",” Malzberg said. “Russia is "boogeyman" right now, and this is all part of that deal.”
Google will ‘de-rank’ RT articles to make them harder to find – Eric Schmidt
“It is a form of censorship, and the idea is to lead readers away from RT content. And it will have an impact on the discourse in this country,” Kovalik told RT.
“When [you start] censoring anyone, they are going to censor everyone,
and I think everyone in the US should be appalled by this and very concerned.”
Google is dancing to the tune of the US government as part of the broader campaign to demonize Russia, political commentator and TV host Steve Malzberg told RT.
“This is all about the fact that Russia is right now the enemy.
Russia has been made the enemy
by the left, the Democrats and, by definition, the media.
The media has been nonstop for a year now about ‘evil Russia.’ Anything associated with the ‘evil Russia’ will incur the wrath of the government,” Malzberg said. “It is because they have been called in before Congress and because of this witch hunt that is going on... They don’t want to risk the wrath of Congress, and that is the problem.”
‘Google’s plan to isolate Russian media is an act of information warfare’
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