The globalist agenda, The New World Order
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Steve Quayle Saw All of This Coming
Steve Quayle Is the author of Empire Beneath the Ice-How the Nazis Won World War II.
Steve Quayle was recently the special guest of The Common Sense Show. He is the author of a fascinating book that is sweeping the nation and the world. The book is entitled Empire Beneath the Ice, How the Nazis won World War II.
Dave Hodges and Steve discussed the fact that most of the key Nazis survived the end of World War II. Steve would argue that the Nazis never went away. | | In his book, he documents how Hitler and several top Nazis escaped the hangmans noose.
Many prominent Nazis were brought to America and occupied many key positions in our government along with many of its key affiliated partners (e.g. Wernher Von Braun and NASA).
Steve Quayle is absolutely correct as my own father worked with these captured Nazi scientists and my father predicted in 1985 that this Nazification had already been visited upon the United States and it was only going to get worse.
In our interview, Steve pointed out that we are not just looking at the rebirth of Hitlers ideas, we will also witness, as pointed out in the Book of Daniel, that Christians will soon be persecuted in this nation.
One might reasonably believe that the globalists will use the rise of Hitlers ideas to give birth to a new form of fascism that will become the standard bearer of planetary unification.
Listen to Dave Hodges interview with Steve Quale here.
Related: Russia's Had Enough: No More 'Business as Usual' With US Egilsstaðir, 24.09.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson |
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