The visions of Nikola Tesla A lot of people call me a dreamer, laughing at my ideas. Our world is generous with superficial people. Time will be the judge.

Lesa setningarnar á milli beggja **** stjörnu merkingana.  Read the sentences between the two **** star markings.

Þetta getur verið rétt, í báðum setningunum, eða er einhver að hræra í sögunni.

This can be correct, in both sentences, or is someone stirring up in history.
Lesa einnig á milli++++ plús merkingana.
Read between the ++++ plus markings.
Einhver þýði þessa grein.

The visions of Nikola Tesla


The visions of Nikola Tesla


"A lot of people call me a dreamer, laughing at my ideas. Our world is generous with superficial people. Time will be the judge. "


In Philadelphia, Tesla predicting a disaster, almost by force, prevented his friend to board the train departing in the evening, and draumoramadurso saved his life. In reality, the train has been involved in a big accident.


**** Tesla convinced JP Morgan to give up his voyage on the Titanic. Morgan believed in Tesla’s intuition, listened to his advice and returned the ticket.****  

John Jacobs, another sponsor and friend ignored the advice of Tesla and died on the ocean liner.
A few years later Tesla predicted the exact duration of four years of the First World War and that it would have been completed by December, 18. He missed only 5-6 days. He also predicted the next twenty-year period of peace.
He sought to prevent the Second World War, but...


Tesla was convinced that thoughts can be sent and received at a distance and this worked.

"It seems to me I am much more ahead of time," said Tesla. He was seventy-eight years old and became famous, and was known as the father of radio, television, broadcast, induction motor and the discovery of cosmic rays.
At that time he announced the existence of a previously unknown source of energy in unlimited quantities that is present everywhere around us.
At the time of publication of the article, he was studying the development of devices, arguing that they would make unnecessary wars in future.

"Nineteen years had passed before the Niagara electric power station started to operate based on my system and it took fifteen years before my patent for the wireless transmission of signals, published in 1893, became universal application."

"I announced the existence of cosmic rays and my theory of radioactivity in 1896."

"One of the most important discoveries, the resonance of the Earth, as the basis for the transmission of energy without wires, was published in 1899, but many do not understand even today." (It should be noted that Tesla refers to the year 1937, we are now in the third millennium and people still do not understand or maybe they just pretend not to understand.)
Edison, Steinmetz, Marconi and others, two years after completing the transmission of electricity across the planet, argued that it was impossible to transmit even a normal signal wirelessly across the Atlantic.

"As I have mentioned, thanks to many important discoveries, I think it would not be a mistake to predict what life will be like in the twenty-first century. In 2100 the development of life will be under the complete control of science. "

"In the past, with the law of survival, the character to be good disappeared. A new sense of sympathy is opposed to the relentless action of nature. As a result, it will continue to preserve the life and development of less skilled members of the human species. "

"Health and physical education will become a fundamental part of the school system and the state apparatus. Since 2035, the Minister of Education, Hygiene and Physics of the U.S. government will be more important than the Minister of Defense. "

"The pollution of our coasts, as they are today near New York, for our children and grandchildren will be as inconceivable as for us life is inconceivable without water and sanitation."

"More and more people die from diseases caused by water pollution and because of coffee, tea, tobacco and other stimulants. Personally, I gave up all stimulants. Furthermore, I do not eat meat. I am convinced that in a century coffee, tea and tobacco will not be so pleasant. Alcohol, however, will continue to be used because it is a stimulant and the elixir of life already selected. The excitement will not disappear for taxation. It will be no longer fashionable to poison the body with harmful substances. In the twenty-first century natural food such as milk, honey, cereals will be the basic epicurean dinner in many restaurants. "

"There will be enough grain and grain-based products to feed the whole world, including the millions of hungry people in China and India."

"Our planet is rich, and if there is a lack of something, nitrogen, arising from the air, will restore the fabric of the Earth. In 1900 I developed a system for this purpose. Later, after fourteen years, before the needs of the war, it had been improved in a similar system by German chemists. "

"By the end of the next century, the systematic reforestation and scientific management of natural resources will have ended the forest fires, droughts and floods."

"The electricity produced by hydroelectric power, its distribution and long distance transport will allow each family to get cheap energy, so will stop burning oil. Reducing the effort for survival, humanity will be directed towards the development of ideals rather than material values. "

"Countless activities, carried out by man, will be replaced by machine "by hand "."

"Right now, scientists in the laboratories of American universities are trying to create something that has been described as "a machine that thinks." Such a development was already planned before. In fact, I built a "robot". Today, robots are a fact of life, but the principles are still to be discovered. In the twenty-first century, robots will occupy the place that slaves had in ancient civilizations. "

"In general, there is no reason, why this should not happen in less than a century. If the attention of mankind was not too concerned about the internal and external wars, revolutions, there would be no reason that the electronics in the millennium could be developed in a few decades. "

Nikola Tesla, 1937


Nikola Tesla

Wireless energy

Philadelphia Experiment

Tesla Purple Plate

Tesla Vs Einstein

Nikola Tesla's wireless car

What are flying saucers?

The water engine

How to stay young as long as possible

Who is God? Nikola Tesla explains

Egilsstaðir, 25.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


World War I, RMS Titanic, And The “Nitrogen Bomb” That Will Kill Us All

Special Report from Sister Ciara

One hundred years ago today, the world was nearing the final year of what was then called the Great War, and known now to history as World War I—and having a cost of 41 million human beings killed, maimed and missing, it’s important to remember, that at its very essence, this global mass insanity of slaughter and bloodletting was nothing more than a dispute among cousins over who was going to control the how’s and why’s of global trade.

The main Allied Powers of the British Empire and Russia Empire, along with their main Central Power adversary the German Empire, you see, were all ruled by the descendents of Queen Victoria—as the three principal monarchs of the age, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany; King George V of England; and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia were all cousins with each other: Kaiser Wilhelm II and King George V were first cousins, King George V and Tsar Nicholas II were also first cousins, and Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II were third cousins.

The competing economic ideologies between these warring cousins, you should also know, were the same as they are today—with the British Empire favoring Globalism (the failed liberal authoritarian desire for a “one world” view that rejects the important role of nations in protecting values and encouraging productivity), and the German Empire favoring Nationalism (loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups).

As to why these competing economic ideologies of Globalism and Nationalism were so critical for that time is because Europe was on the brink of mass starvation—and everyone knew it!

In fact, just 16 years prior to World War I, in 1898, Sir William Crookes called on science to save Europe from impending starvation as the world's supply of wheat was produced mainly by the United States and Russia.

Sir Crookes noted in his presidential address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science that as Europe’s countries populations grew, their own demands would outpace any increase in production. And then would happen to Europe? “It is the chemist who must come to the rescue of the threatened communities. It is through the laboratory that starvation may ultimately be turned into plenty” Crookes cried.

Prior to 1912, you must know, the only way that a rapidly transforming industrial world was able to feed itself was through the mass planting of grain crops that required enormous amounts of nitrogen fertilizer—but by the early 20th century had been nearly completely depleted as all sources of guano (bird feces) had been mined the world over.

The German Empire, however, in 1912, achieved the greatest scientific achievement in the history of mankind in their discovering how to produce nitrogen by “drawing it from the clear blue sky”—and that has since unleashed a fury on the world as threatening as the invention of the atomic bomb.

With all of the world knowing that the German Empire was now able to feed its population, and hence be able to field the greatest army in Europe (if not the world), and its stating that it would not share this historic discovery with any other nation, an elite group of American and British bankers, and business tycoons, meet in London during the Spring of 1912 to plan their revenge.

This revenge, of course, meant war—but that neither the British Empire nor United States could afford—that is unless they merged their nations’ banking structures together.

In order to merge the banking structures of these two nations, though, the United States first had to first establish a central bank that through the printing of money (fiat currency) would enable it to finance a war against the German Empire.

The American bankers and tycoons attending this Spring 1912 meeting in London had an agenda of how to create a central bank structure in the United States—and whose attendees were John Pierpont (JP) Morgan (the richest man in America), Henry Frick (American industrialist and business associate of J.P. Morgan), Milton Hershey (of Hershey chocolate fame), Benjamin Guggenheim (one of the richest men in America), Isidor Straus (American multi millionaire co-owner of Macy’s (with his brother) and former US Congressman), John Jacob Astor IV (one of the richest men in America) and John Mott (one of America most influential evangelists).

One of the main incentives used by JP Morgan to get these powerful people to attend this London meeting was their returning to the United States on the new ocean liner he had just built—called the greatest in the world—and named the RMS Titanic.

**** The only passengers of the London 1912 meeting to return on the RMS Titanic, though, were those who opposed to the creation of a central bank in the United States in order to finance a war against the German Empire—who were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus and Jacob Astor, and all of whom died when the RMS Titanic sunk **** on 12 April 1912—as opposed to JP Morgan, Henry Frick, Milton Hershey and John Mott, who all “suddenly” canceled their reservations and survived.



With no powerful opposition left to create a central bank in the United States after the sinking of the RMS Titanic, 18 months later, on 23 December 2013, the Federal Reserve System was created with World War I starting seven months later on 28 July 1914—and that saw, between 1914 and 1917, the American gross national product (GNP) go up an astounding 20%, its manufacturing soar up to 40%, the Allied Powers purchasing over $3 billion dollars in wartime orders and them borrowing from the Federal Reserve over $2 billion in bonds.

In fact, it was only when the German Empire appeared to be winning the war in 1917 that the United States even entered World War I—because if this happened, all the billions in loans made by the Federal Reserve would be worthless.

Now the reason it’s critically important for you to understand this true history is because without your knowledge of it, you would not be able to fully comprehend this graph of our world’s population over the past century:



As you can see by this population graph, since the start of the Industrial Revolution, beginning in the 1760’s, the world’s population remained nearly steady—but after World War I, when the German Empire’s nitrogen making process began to spread around the globe, the greatest explosion of human population growth our planet has ever known was unleashed.

Now I’m going to tell you something here that 100 years ago every school child in the modern world knew—EVERY SINGLE species of plant life that exists in the world needs nitrogen, and that nature provides via a bacteria called rhizobia that takes nitrogen from the air—but with our pumping massive amounts of artificially produced nitrogen into our planet’s atmosphere for the past century has thrown this whole system off.

++++ Because this is happening, the greatest cover-up in history is now occurring keeping you from knowing that our ocean food chains are near total collapse, that all over the globe plants are growing into strange circular patterns, that mass death events” are now occurring all throughout the Pacific Ocean, that throughout North America hundreds of millions of trees are dying, and that nitrogen filled blue clouds are now filling the skies of Antarctica.

To fully understand what exactly these “blue clouds” are we must go back to 1802 when guano (the accumulated excrement of seabirds, seals, or cave-dwelling bats) was discovered to be nitrogen fertilizer needed by the world to grow food—but by 1885, the use of began to throw large amounts excess nitrogen into our atmosphere—and that “scientists” of today call “Noctilucent clouds”.

But to thinking that these “blue clouds” of nitrogen floating in at the highest reaches of our planets atmosphere are our only danger, you’d be wrong, as this prize goes to a red alga species named Gracilaria Tikvahiae that voraciously eats nitrogen—and whose effect on our world soon to come I’ll let the Bible explain: “And the second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it turned to blood like that of the dead, and every living thing in the sea died. Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water, and they turned to blood.…”.

Many of you reading these words, of course, have been raised and taught by your elite rulers not to believe whatever the Bible says—and ++++ is evidenced by the shocking numbers of people this past week in America cheering a company micro chipping its workers, and the large numbers of Europeans, likewise, cheering their growing cashless society—but with all of them failing to heed, or even realize, this Biblical warning: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

As all of you who have read my letters for years know too, I, and my other Dear Sisters, only tell you the truth based on history, observable facts and right knowledge—how you receive these truths, however, I fear greatly for because so many of you are embroiled in the mass insanity enveloping your nations—and that is being deliberately done to you by those who seek your madness, otherwise you’d awaken to true things and prepare for what is soon to come.

And to be brutally honest with you too, as nearly every single month we plead with you to support us with just a pittance of what you have, my heart sank to a new level of sadness this week when I read that the supposed fact checking site Snopes—that joined with Facebook to destroy all articles of truth you should know and is now in danger of closing its doors” due to its owners lavish spending on prostitutes, and who is now going through a salacious scandal riven divorce—raised $500,000 in 24 hours to defend itself against the company suing it.

Those who support evilness, it sometime seems, always triumph over those who seek truth and knowledge—but which, RIGHT NOW, I’m asking each of you to make a stand against by supporting us.

Our Lord has told us all “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”—and if you don’t believe these sacred words then let me please ask you:

If you won’t support us for telling you the truth with even the merest pittance, why do you keep coming into our “house” and taking from us what we work so hard to make? Is this honest? Is this fair? Or is it madness?

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1 Smámynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Lesa einnig á milli++++ plús merkingana.

Read between the ++++ plus markings too..

Because this is happening, the greatest cover-up in history is now occurring keeping you from knowing that our ocean food chains are near total collapse, that all over the globe plants are growing into strange circular patterns, that “mass death events” are now occurring all throughout the Pacific Ocean, that throughout North America hundreds of millions of trees are dying, and that nitrogen filled blue clouds are now filling the skies of Antarctica

To fully understand what exactly these “blue clouds” are we must go back to 1802 when guano (the accumulated excrement of seabirds, seals, or cave-dwelling bats) was discovered to be nitrogen fertilizer needed by the world to grow food—but by 1885, the use of began to throw large amounts excess nitrogen into our atmosphere—and that “scientists” of today call “Noctilucent clouds”. 

But to thinking that these “blue clouds” of nitrogen floating in at the highest reaches of our planets atmosphere are our only danger, you’d be wrong, as this prize goes to a red alga species named Gracilaria Tikvahiae that voraciously eats nitrogen—and whose effect on our world soon to come I’ll let the Bible explain: “And the second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it turned to blood like that of the dead, and every living thing in the sea died.  Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water, and they turned to blood.…”.

Many of you reading these words, of course, have been raised and taught by your elite rulers not to believe whatever the Bible says—and is evidenced by the shocking numbers of people this past week in America cheering a company micro chipping its workers, and the large numbers of Europeans, likewise, cheering their growing cashless society—but with all of them failing to heed, or even realize, this Biblical warning: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” 

Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 25.9.2017 kl. 22:52

2 Smámynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Lesa setningarnar á milli beggja **** stjörnu merkingana.  Read the sentences between the two **** star markings.

Þetta getur verið rétt, í báðum setningunum, eða er einhver að hræra í sögunni.

This can be correct, in both sentences, or is someone stirring up in history.


Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 25.9.2017 kl. 22:53

4 Smámynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson

 Munum eftir þörungagróðrinum í Mývatni, sem kom við vissar náttúrulegar aðstæður, og fór aftur við aðrar náttúrulegar aðstæður.

Við endurnýjun námaleyfis Kísiliðjunnar, fékk ríkisstjórnin þrjá viðurkennda óháða erlenda vísindamenn til að ræða við rannsakendur og heimamenn. Útkoman varð að hvorki væri hægt að kenna Kísiliðjunni né mengun af mannavöldum um sveiflurnar í lífríkinu.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 19. september 2016

Jón Kristjánsson hefur undanfarið útskýrt fyrir okkur, hvernig lífríkið við Mývatn breytist í gegn um árin. „Nýlega kynnti ég enn einu sinni þá tilgátu að sveiflurnar í lífríki vatnsins tengdust ofmergð fiskjar, hornsíla og stundum bleikju.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 4.10.2017 kl. 11:18

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