Međ ţví ađ hćkka gengi krónunar, ţá getur fólkiđ keypt meira af útlendum vörum og ţjónustu, og ţá er von til ađ ţjóđin, Ríkiđ skuldi meira, og ţá fá útflutningsfyrirtćkin fćrri íslenskar krónur, og geta ţá síđur borgađ lánin, bókhaldiđ til bankans.

Central-banks  slóđ


 Kreppufléttan, endurtekiđ  slóđ

Allar ţessar kreppur eru skipulagđar fyrir fram.

Fyrst fćrđ ţú peninga, bókhald til ađ byggja upp heiminn.

Bókhaldiđ, peningarnir eru ekki verđmćti.

Ef allir myndu geta greitt bankanum bókhaldiđ til baka, ţá fćr bankinn, bókhaldi, peninginn, sem er ekkert.

Ef bankinn getur komiđ í veg fyrir ađ ţú getir greitt bókhaldiđ, peningana til baka, ţá eignast bankinn eignirnar.

Međ ţví ađ hćkka gengi krónunnar, ţá getur fólkiđ keypt meira af útlendum vörum og ţjónustu, og ţá er von til ađ ţjóđin, Ríkiđ skuldi meira.

Ţegar ég hef hćkkađ gengi krónunnar ţá fá útflutningsfyrirtćkin fćrri íslenskar krónur, og geta ţá síđur borgađ lánin, bókhaldiđ til bankans.

Ţegar allir eru orđnir velskuldugir, og verđbólgan nćgilega mikil, loka ég fyrir fjármálabókhaldiđ, ţađ er peningalánin.

Ţá verđa allir ađ greiđa lánin sín á gjalddögum, og ţá minnkar samsvarandi fjármála bókhald, peningar út í ţjóđfélaginu.

Ţar sem bankinn veitir ekki ný lán út í ţjóđfélagiđ, hann segir ađ nú sé kreppa, verđur ţurrđ á fjármála bókhaldi, peningum í ţjóđfélaginu.

Ţá stöđvast allt ţjóđfélagiđ, fólk og fyrirtćki missa tekjur og geta ekki greitt lánin sín.

Ţá reyna allir ađ selja til ađ borga skuldir, en bankinn neitar öllum um lán, fjármálabókhald til ađ kaupa eignirnar.

Allir reyna ađ lćkka verđiđ ţegar ađila vita ađ til stendur ađ bjóđa eignirnar upp og selja ţćr á brot af verđmćti, en engin getur keypt, bankinn segist vera tómur.

Nú segir bankinn, ađ ţín eign í fasteignum og fyrirtćkjum sé farin, og tekur eignirnar til sín á brot af verđmćti eignanna.

Nú segir bankinn ađ kreppan sé búin, ţeir séu búnir ađ ná flestum verđmćtum í ţjóđfélaginu, og nú viljum viđ endurmeta eignirnar upp í byggingakostnađ og meira vegna stađsetningar.

Ţessa fléttu, KREPPUFLÉTTUNA, hefur fjármálakerfiđ notađ yfir aldirnar til ađ hirđa allt af fólkinu.

Viđ munum ađ banki er alltaf tómur.

Kreppufléttan, endurtekiđ  slóđ

Central-banks    slóđ

18.3.2012 | 15:25


The SBUS sold franchises and literally doubled the number of banks in a short period of time.

The country began to boom and move westward, which required money.

Using fractional lending at the 10:1 rate, the central bank and their franchisees

created the debt/money for the expansion.

Things boomed for a while, then the banks decided to shut off the debt/money,

citing the need to control inflation.

This action on the part of the SBUS caused bankruptcies and foreclosures.

The banks then took control of the assets that were used as security against the loans.

Closely examine how the SBUS engineered this cycle of prosperity and depression.

The central bank caused inflation by creating debt/money for loans and credit

and making these funds readily available.

The economy boomed.


Then they used the inflation which they created as an excuse to shut off the loans/credit/money.

The resulting shortage of cash caused the economy to falter or slow dramatically

and large numbers of business and personal bankruptcies resulted.

The central bank then seized the assets used as security for the loans.

The wealth created by the borrowers during the boom was then transferred

to the central bank during the bust.

And you always wondered how the big guys ended up

with all the marbles.


Now, who do you think is responsible for all of the ups and downs

in our economy over the last 85 years?

Think about the depression of the late '20s and all through the '30s.

The FED could have pumped lots of debt/money into the market

to stimulate the economy and get the country back on track,

but did they?

No; in fact, they restricted the money supply quite severely.

We all know the results that occurred from that action, don't we?

Why would the FED do this?

During that period asset values and stocks were at rock bottom prices.

Who do you think was buying everything at 10 cents on the dollar?

I believe that it is referred to as consolidating the wealth.

How many times have they already done this in the last 85 years?

Do you think they will do it again?

Just as an aside at this point, look at today's economy.

Markets are declining.


Because the FED has been very liberal with its debt/credit/money.

The market was hyper inflated.

Who creates inflation?

The FED.

How does the FED deal with inflation?

They restrict the debt/credit/money.

What happens when they do that?

The market collapses. Ţađ verđur önnur bankakreppa
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

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1 Smámynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ţumalfingurinn upp,er eitthvađ á bakviđ ţetta, get ég flett ţessu upp, ef eitthvađ er ađ baki ţessu merki?

Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 12.9.2017 kl. 18:42

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