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Pentagon Completes Takeover Of US Government, Begins Next Stage Of “Deep State” War

3. maí 2017


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A very interesting, though somewhat chilling, new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Department of Defense (DoD/Pentagon) has secured its takeover of the American government and is now in “full battle mode” for its next assault against its “Deep State” enemies currently waging war against President Donald Trump—but that Federation experts warn could lead to nuclear war.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

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According to this report, the American “Deep State” is a confederation of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives who have permeated every branch of the US government since the early 1950’s,  and who, in 2016, were exposed by Udo Ulfkotte (the assistant editor for the German mainstream media newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) as being in control of the entire Western mainstream media—and for his exposing them, was assassinated just prior to his meeting with then President-elect Trump.

With this “Deep Statetranscending all US laws and having sold-out the Pentagon’s counter-terror efforts in order to keep itself in business, this report continues, then candidate Trump aligned himself with the American military establishment to gain the presidency—and who after taking power, has appointed to his Cabinet more generals than any other US leader since World War II

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The most important “observable” military leaders appointed by President Trump to fight the “Deep State”, this report details, are General James Mattis, who now heads the Pentagon, General John Kelly, who now heads the Department of Homeland Security, former US Navy SEAL Ryan Zinke, who now leads the Department of Interior, and former US Army officer Mike Pompeo, who now heads the CIA.

Likewise, this report notes, the most important “non-observable” military leaders appointed by President Trump are Jeff Sessions, who now heads the Department of Justice, Rex Tillerson, who heads the Department of State, and Rick Perry, who heads to the Department of Energy—which is the ministry in charge of America’s nuclear arsenal currently under civilian, not military, control.

Critical to note about Trump’s “non-observable” military leaders Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson and Rick Perry, this report says, is that all of them are Vietnam War-era Eagle Scouts who were deferred from fighting in this conflict by the Pentagon in order for them to become established political and business leaders put into positions of power to further the goals and aims of the US military against their “Deep State” CIA adversaries. …

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Completing the US military takeover of the American government, this report continues, was President Trump, yesterday, appointing former US Marine General Randolph Alles to head the Secret Service (SS) that protects his, and his families, lives—and that was critical to achieve as the last president to fight against the CIA’s “Deep State (President John F. Kennedy) was allowed to be assassinated when his Secret Service protectors abandoned him in Dallas, Texas, when they were called off from their positions at the back of his limousine thus allowing assassins to blow his head off minutes later.

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With some American experts questioning if President Trump has lost control over the Pentagon, this report says, Security Council analysts, instead, state that the new powers he’s given to these generals is but another crucial step the US military has taken against the CIA’s “Deep State”—but whose unintended consequences could very well lead to nuclear war.

To understand the Federations nuclear war fears, this report explains, is due to the US militaries current doctrine of “Deterrence=Capability x National Interest x Signaling”—which is an aggressive formula at odds from the deterrence-chaos theory that guided both the US and USSR through the Cold War and kept World War III from destroying the entire world.

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