NASA data clearly establishes that there has always been a cycle to CO2 long before man’s industrial age... and handing academics $100 billion to prove global warming is an absolute joke.

NASA Finally Admits It's Going to Get Colder | Armstrong Economics

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2017-05-01-NASA Finally Admits Its Going to Get Colder

... NASA has actually admitted that there may be a link between the solar climate and the earth climate ...

2017-05-01-NASA Finally Admits Its Going to Get Colder-02

2017-05-01-NASA Finally Admits Its Going to Get Colder-03

... The data clearly establishes that there has always been a cycle to CO2 long before man’s industrial age.

This is data government wants to hide.

As along as they can pretend CO2 has never risen in the past before 1950, then they can tax the air

and pretend it’s to prevent climate change.

Moreover, while we can clean the air with regulation as we have done, under global warming,

they allow “credits” to pollute as long as you pay the government.

It is the ultimate scam where they get to tax pollution and people cheer rather than clean up anything. ...


,,, We need to pay attention to Climate Change but stop blaming man.

Something far more significant is developing

and handing academics $100 billion to prove global warming is an absolute joke. ...

Egilsstađir, 01.05.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Gengiđ fyrir vísindin
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1 Smámynd: Valdimar Samúelsson

Flott samantekt og greinin frá NASA. Dálítiđ á skjön viđ Gengiđ fyrir Vísindum  en ég hef veriđ ađ skođa bulliđ frá umhverfisstofnun en ţar líka eru ţeir međ lygar. NOAA hefir ekki sannfćrt sjálfan sig um CO2 vegna áranna 2010 til 2017 og setja viđvörun ađ ţessi gögn eru ekki sönnuđ ţ.e. hitastig og CO2. 

Valdimar Samúelsson, 2.5.2017 kl. 21:14

2 Smámynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ţakka innlitiđ, allt rannsóknar starf byggir á ţví ađ greina hvort efnin skilji eftir sig ummerki í borkjörnunum. Síđan reynum viđ ađ draga ályktanir af ţví sem viđ sjáum.

Ef viđ tökum svo tillit til ađ heimurinn er hologram, getur ţá einhver međ nćga ţekkingu hrćrt í öllu saman?

Gangi ţér allt í haginn

Egilsstađir, 03.o5.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 2.5.2017 kl. 23:17

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