Frumvarp um ađ endurskođa hinn einkarekna seđlabanka, Bandaríkjanna. A bill that would force an audit of the notorious Federal Reserve. The bill has passed the House several times in the past, only to be opposed by the Democrat-controlled Senate.

daŢarna virđast Republikanar hafa haft meirihluta í The House, og ađ ţeir hafi samţykkt endurskođun á Bandarískaeinkarekna seđlabankanum.

Svo höfđu Demókratar meirihluta í The Senate, og ţeir felldu endurskođun á Bandaríska, einkarekna seđlabankanum.

Nú hafa Republikanar meirihluta í báđum deildum ţingsins í Bandaríkjunum, og hafa ţá möguleika á ađ endurskođa hinn einkarekna seđlabanka Bandaríkjanna, Federal Reserve.

Ţingiđ í Bandaríkjunum er tvćr deildir, The House og The Senate.

Rand Paul Reintroduces „Audit The Federal Reserve“ Bill.

Today Senator Rand Paul and Representative Thomas Massie have reintroduced a bill that would force an audit of the notorious Federal Reserve.

While all attempts in the past have not suceeded, as Wall Street and the shadow government have clearly opposed the bill, this time around could be different.

With both the House and Senate controlled by Republicans, the bill has the best opportunity it has ever had to pass. In addition to that, President-Elect Donald Trump has said in the past that he would like to audit the Federal Reserve. Rand Paul mentioned Trump while addressing the bill: 

“The U.S. House has responded to the American people by passing Audit the Fed multiple times, and President-elect Trump has stated his support for an audit. Let’s send him the bill this Congress.”

The bill has passed the House several times in the past, only to be opposed by the Democrat-controlled Senate. 

However, now that the Senate is Republican-controlled, the bill could have more success.

Additionally, it was believed in the past that even if it passed, that it would be blocked by Democrat President Obama.

With President-Elect Trump soon to take over Obama’s seat, those attempts could succeed.

Representative Massie said of the bill:

Egilsstađir, 24.02.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


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