After Trump’s  win, a huge part of enlightened America was plunged into mourning. Students were crying, teachers canceled lectures to calm them down. In the USSR such mass hysteria happened only after Stalin's death, people cried it was end of the world.


A Comedy of Terrors: Western progressive thinking against nature & man

Want to see Anti-Utopia? Look at the stand of mind of the Western establishment.

After Trump’s  win, a huge part of enlightened America was plunged into mourning. Students were crying, teachers canceled lectures to calm them down, a "hotline" started working to help desperate people. …

… In the USSR such mass hysteria happened only after Stalin's death, when people cried thinking that it was the end of the world. …

… The  USSR was  hypocritical - it's true. But it supported the definition of the family as a "cell of society" and didn’t promote a homosexual 'family.' None of the Soviet scientists offered to use the gender-neutral pronoun 'ze' instead of 'he and she', as suggested by Oxford University. No one tried to get boys to urinate while sitting, like girls, in the name of gender equality, and no one thought to replace the term "boy" and "girl" by the word "it” ( «hen»), as occurred in Sweden. …

… Western cultural totalitarianism succeeded in doing much more. It turned people into sterile zombies, brainwashed them, perverted the minds of men and women, and subdued intellectuals that have responsibility for the future of their people.

I feel sorry for these young people who cried after Trump’s election. But I am even more sorry for the nations whose progressive students will eventually become the elite of their societies. I am afraid we will return to the Middle Ages with a quasi-religious cult, where “progressive” Inquisition will rule. …

Egilsstađir, 17.01.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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