Trump’s “master plan” to destroy these private bankers is mirroring the, likewise, plan against these oligarchs launched on 5 June 1963 by President John F. Kennedy five months before he was assassinated.

Trump’s “master plan” to rebuild America, this report notes, was his also stating this past week that it was impossible for the US to default on its debt, no matter what he did, because his nation could print all the money it wanted to.


Sett á blog: Einar Björn Bjarnason

Sífellt hækkandi gengi Bandaríkjadollars - er alvarleg ógnun við hugmyndir Donalds Trump um að eyða viðskiptahalla Bandaríkjanna!

Trump “Master Plan” To Rebuild America Sends Shockwave Through A Collapsing Europe

… Equally terrifying for European leaders regarding Trump’s “master plan” to rebuild America, this report notes, was his also stating this past week that it was impossible for the US to default on its debt, no matter what he did, because his nation could print all the money it wanted to.

Kremlin financial experts note in this report that Trump is correct in saying this as global economic markets typically don’t worry about the US running out of money because it can print all it wants, as opposed to country like Greece that cannot be it uses the Euro.

Trump’s anger against the Federal Reserve (indeed Russia’s too), this report continues, began in 2011 when the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) discovered, during a partial audit, that this private banking cartel had secretly lent to European banks and corporations a staggering $16 TRILLION of the American peoples money—while at the same time tens-of-millions of these US citizens were thrown out of their homes and jobs so these oligarchs could get even richer.

Important to note, this report says, is that after the shocking 2011 discovery by the GAO of what the Federal Reserve had done, their audit was ordered stopped by the Obama regime—after which US Senator Rand Paul introduced a bill in Congress to order the audit be conducted, but that was defeated by forces loyal to both President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

With the Federal Reserve cartel, also, itself owning nearly $4 TRILLION of the US government’s debt and mortgage securities just two years ago (as the American people continue to suffer), this report further notes, Trump’s “master plan” to destroy these private bankers is mirroring the, likewise, plan against these oligarchs launched on 5 June 1963 by President John F. Kennedy five months before he was assassinated. …

 Egilsstaðir, 16.12.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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