""When Trump calls for 45% tariffs on Chinese imported goods, the geeks in Washington get out their spreadsheets and economic models. ... What they don’t understand is that for Trump, the 45% tariff is just the starting place for a negotiation.""

The Trump Election: Myths vs Realities


[Ed. Note: Jim Rickards latest New York Times best seller, The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites’ Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis (claim your free copy here) goes beyond the election and prepares you for the next crisis]

When Trump calls for 45% tariffs on Chinese imported goods, the geeks in Washington get out their spreadsheets and economic models. They begin calculating the drag on growth and impact on jobs from a tariff increase on a static quantity of imports. What they don’t understand is that for Trump, the 45% tariff is just the starting place for a negotiation.

Vonandi virkar þetta sem auglýsing fyrir þessa aðila, ef ég má þetta ekki, tek ég það strax niður,

Egilsstaðir,04.12.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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