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War With Russia Is The Democrats Oct. Surprise
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Egilsstaðir, 18.10.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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It's Zero HourFyrir 22 klukkustundum (breytt)
This will be a limited nuclear exchange. It will be just enough chaos to cause people to utterly tremble with fear. Then, when the people of the world are fully distraught, the ones who created the chaos, will conveniently offer the "solution." Their solution will be a global UN government, where no country will declare war "ever" again. And out of fear, the people will willingly stand behind this new world government because it will bring in "peace." Think about the parallels of everything right now. The world economies are BARELY holding on. Tensions are worse than EVER. And weather disasters are setting records. These three things are also three agenda's the UN and elites have been pushing. A world government, with economic unity, and climate change. And once war begins or the economy crashes.. it will domino the others. And THEN, when all things have hit the ground.. these treaties signed will take affect, and the power and sovereignty of all nations will be handed over to the UN, in the name of peace. And the people will be willing and cheer it. The whole US will not be destroyed. Either way, lots of people will die soon. From wars and natural disasters. Everything is so perfectly planned to shake the world to its core. And those climate change agenda's and global governance agendas will all suddenly make sense as everything becomes a unified. In between all of this, and especially after a UN world government is established, Christians, of all beliefs will be persecuted. First, legal persecution, then physical persecution. We will be called bigots. You see this new push for political correctness? You'll see soon how Church sermons will be labeled as "hate-speech" then, the government will take away 501C3 tax exemptions, then, start closing churches. Only those who conform the Word of God will remain open. But they will teach deceit and the new world religion. Sin will be allowed. Homosexuality and all immorality be praised and God and His teachings will be shut out and illegal. ""If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first." John 15:18 "and you will be hated by all for my name's sake" Matthew 10 We are literally living on the cliffs edge of chaos. Its TODAY you have to seek Christ and salvation. Ask yourself.. where does all this evil and hatred come from, in the hearts of these elites? Your only escape and precious asset is your soul. They can take your house, car, and life.. but they can NEVER take your salvation in Christ.. although they try so much through immoral media and so on. But we are encouraged to yank ourselves out of the world, out of a sinful life and seek Christ. And I tell you, I haven't had such unexplainable joy in my soul as I do now. Why? Because: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.
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MrMorethanexistFyrir einum degi
Hillary is taking the blood of BABIES to keep her alive.
Chris BurnsideFyrir 7 klukkustundum
No. It's the blood of babies. The abortion thing is spot on, like a vampire owning a blood bank, gotta keep the supply lines up and running.
Russians are good people and they like Americans... it's just the government in the United States of America is cuckoo
deplorableFyrir 5 klukkustundum
i voted already trump 16. holy cow , a war with russia? what a mess that would be
АндÑей СмиÑновFyrir einum degi
I do not want to fight with the Americans!((((
Stephen LarsonFyrir 2 klukkustundum
The problem is our American government is trying to create a United States of United Nations the Assad regime is in the way one government supports Assad one opposes it that's gonna be what starts this stupid ass war it's ridiculous we should be going to war with anyone
Stephen LarsonFyrir 2 klukkustundum
I thought we as a world were better than this by now but I guess not
It's Zero HourFyrir 22 klukkustundum (breytt)
This will be a limited nuclear exchange. It will be just enough chaos to cause people to utterly tremble with fear. Then, when the people of the world are fully distraught, the ones who created the chaos, will conveniently offer the "solution." Their solution will be a global UN government, where no country will declare war "ever" again. And out of fear, the people will willingly stand behind this new world government because it will bring in "peace." Think about the parallels of everything right now. The world economies are BARELY holding on. Tensions are worse than EVER. And weather disasters are setting records. These three things are also three agenda's the UN and elites have been pushing. A world government, with economic unity, and climate change. And once war begins or the economy crashes.. it will domino the others. And THEN, when all things have hit the ground.. these treaties signed will take affect, and the power and sovereignty of all nations will be handed over to the UN, in the name of peace. And the people will be willing and cheer it. The whole US will not be destroyed. Either way, lots of people will die soon. From wars and natural disasters. Everything is so perfectly planned to shake the world to its core. And those climate change agenda's and global governance agendas will all suddenly make sense as everything becomes a unified. In between all of this, and especially after a UN world government is established, Christians, of all beliefs will be persecuted. First, legal persecution, then physical persecution. We will be called bigots. You see this new push for political correctness? You'll see soon how Church sermons will be labeled as "hate-speech" then, the government will take away 501C3 tax exemptions, then, start closing churches. Only those who conform the Word of God will remain open. But they will teach deceit and the new world religion. Sin will be allowed. Homosexuality and all immorality be praised and God and His teachings will be shut out and illegal. ""If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first." John 15:18 "and you will be hated by all for my name's sake" Matthew 10 We are literally living on the cliffs edge of chaos. Its TODAY you have to seek Christ and salvation. Ask yourself.. where does all this evil and hatred come from, in the hearts of these elites? Your only escape and precious asset is your soul. They can take your house, car, and life.. but they can NEVER take your salvation in Christ.. although they try so much through immoral media and so on. But we are encouraged to yank ourselves out of the world, out of a sinful life and seek Christ. And I tell you, I haven't had such unexplainable joy in my soul as I do now. Why? Because: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.
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Bob MitchellFyrir 16 klukkustundum
It's Zero Hour Well thought out...sadly good chance you will be proved right...hope the head of the US Army is one of the first to go!
Lee Harvey OswaldFyrir einum degi
America has NO proof of Russia hacking us. Everyone saw this stupid crap from the US coming.
TheBlues IneFyrir 10 klukkustundum
its China,,, they hacked Australia as well ...
joann robinsonFyrir einum degi
I'm voting Trump..only idiot would vote Hillary
Jack Parker lol
The Medical MysteryFyrir einum degi
Of course Hitlary wants a war with Russia, who here hasn't seen videos of those underground cities that run from Maine to Oregon and all points between? They will all be deep underground with those thousands of semi trailers of food, water, supplies and military equipment. We are all expendable to her since they have micro organisms when released can eat any radio active particles after a bomb goes off. So they have a good game plan, wipe out most of the country, hide for a while and then start over with a limited number of people.
The Medical MysteryFyrir einum degi
+rascalMatt17 To answer your question about micro organisms that can clean radioactive particles, well, here is just one of many.....
Michael O'BrienFyrir einum degi
They've dropped the idea for the FEMA camps so??
maybe everyone will repent their sins and turn Back to God to heal our land! !!
need2burnFyrir 3 klukkustundum
The what ancestor? The first? It doesn't work like that. You don't just have an ancestor who popped out a human. You would not see a "first ancestor" so to speak. One, because we're talking hundreds of millions (even billions) of years and very few things up end ever being fossilized and/or discovered, and 2. evolution is like the hour hand on a clock. It appears to not move but we know that it changes slowly and gradually, so you only see differences over huge lengths of time. We may never find every piece of the puzzle, over 99% of every species that has ever lived is extinct. Oh so you were there when your god created everything a few thousand years back? Can you answer how distant stars light can be seen here when they are hundreds of millions of light years away if the Earth is only as old as the Bible states?
Hentai Kami-SamaFyrir 2 klukkustundum
+need2burn the guy's a troll so stop replying to him. It's made pretty obvious by his previous comment. No one is that fucking stup-.....anyways he's a troll.
I have a mosquito bite on my arm. THE RUSSIANS DID IT.
RubberusDuckusFyrir einum degi
They're poking the bear, in case Trump wins then they can point the blame to Trump. If Hillary wins, they'll still blame Trump because he said something mean more than a decade ago.
Doesn't matter, because if Trump wins he's made it clear that he wants to smooth things over with Russia, which would probably take no more than a meeting with Putin.
Democrats are evil scumbags. Always were. I recommend you watch "Hillary's America". It's unbelievable how they use blacks as voting cattle nowadays and what they did to them in the past. How are these people voting Democrat is beyond me...
Foreign Globalists are Jews right?
If Hilary has Parkinsons disease she should not hold office. It is a form of dementia and effects the way you think for the worse e.g. aggression etc etc
Alex BurnsFyrir 18 klukkustundum
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NATO vs Russia - Who is The Real Aggressor?
Egilsstaðir, 18.10.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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