Russian man volunteers for first human head transplant
.Canavero has said the transplant which would require 80 surgeons and cost tens of millions of dollars if approved would have a 90 percent plus chance of success. .
.For example, Canavero is presuming that transplanting Spiridonovs head and brain onto another body would automatically transplant his whole self with his mind, personality, and consciousness. But its not that simple, as Anto Cartolovni and Antonio Spagnolo, two Italian bioethicists, pointed out in a letter to Surgical Neurology International after Canaveros paper was published last year ..
.Furthermore, if Spiridonov were to reproduce with his new body, his children would not have his genetic makeup but that of the donors. What kind of rights, then, might the donors family have to the offspring?.....
Egilsstaðir, 30.08.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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