Nýar rafhlöđur fyrir bíla.

Nýar rafhlöđur fyrir bíla er hćgt ađ hlađa 70% á tveim mínútum, og hlađa 10.000, tíu ţúsund sinnum og endast í 20 ár.


Ultra-fast new batteries can recharge 70 percent in two minutes


Scientists in Singapore have designed a highly durable battery that can also be recharged 20 times faster than current models.

Nanyang Technology University (NTU) scientists in Singapore say they have developed an advanced lithium-ion battery that, in addition to charging faster, has a longer lifespan. Their battery can apparently be recharged 10,000 times – meaning it lasts more than 20 years compared to the conventional ones currently run about two to three years.


Egilsstađir, 13.04.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugson

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