In some parts of London, half the population is already Muslim. They call it multiculturalism!
3.3.2016 | 08:25
Op-Ed: Is UK's conversion to Islam a joke? Maybe not
.... Four government departments (Work and Pensions, Treasury, Revenue and Customs, Ministry of Interior) have recognized polygamy. ....
.... The imams call to prayer is rising up on the roofs in the English industrial suburbs and 100 Courts of Sharia are acting outside the common law, but within the cities. The churches are used as nightclubs or mosques.....
.... In some parts of London, half the population is already Muslim. They call it multiculturalism! ....
.... The National Youth Theatre censored the play Homegrown about the radicalization of British Muslims who go to fight with ISIS in Syria or Iraq. It is not the first time that sharia, and its favorite ally, the cowardice of the élite, decided what should go on stage in the theaters of London. ....
Fjölkvæni, Sharia lög og ritskoðun til að friða Múslima.
Egilsstaðir, 03.03.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Oft eru æðstu embættismenn handgengir Islam, jafn vel forsætisráðherra fjölskildan af trú Islam. Þá las ég að konan og börnin væe-ru alin upp í Islam.
Trúlega má fletta upp á þessu, en oft er reynt að fela netupplýsingar.
Stóru hagsmunahóparnir og stórfyrirtækin virðast geta látið fella út upplýsingar, og fyllt leitarvélina, af til dæmis 1000 til 10000 færslum sem leiða fram hjá upplýsingunum sem þú ert að leita að.
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