MH17 downed over Ukraine was missing MH370

MH17 downed over Ukraine was missing MH370

Putin did it, not US, Israelis or aliens? CNN ‘expert’ solves MH370 mystery with hint from chickens  

A number of theories have also evolved speculating that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing shot from Ukrainian skies en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was, in fact, the same plane from flight MH370 that had disappeared some four months before, after being hijacked and hidden somewhere (maybe even Diego Garcia, theorists say). Citing visual “proof” indicating that the downed plane’s fuselage and that of MH370 were one and the same, proponents of this scenario claim that the tragedies were brought about as part of a false-flag operation against Russia.

Additionally, some amateur sleuths even claim that the bodies found at the site of the MH17 crash were actually those of the passengers from MH370. One such theorist said the MH17 victims looked like “rotten corpses, drained of blood and reeked of decomposition,” citing an unidentified “rebel commander” and an “independent journalist,” according to whose “statements,” the people on board MH17 “died days before the plane took off.”

Okkur er orða vant.

Næst verður flogið með brak úr flugvélinni suður í Indlandshaf og sagt að vélin sé fundin.

Við trúum því ekki heldur, en höldum áfram að horfa yfir leiksviðið.

Egilsstaðir, 03.03.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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