Vesturkirkjan og Austurkirkjan stóđu ekki saman síđustu 1400 árin til ađ verjast útţenslu stefnu Islam.
25.2.2016 | 12:02
Samstađa Kristinna safnađa.
Vesturkirkjan og Austurkirkjan stóđu ekki saman síđustu 1400 árin til ađ verjast útţenslu stefnu Islam.
Islam óđ yfir löndin og stundađi mannrán allt til Íslands, samanber Tyrkjarániđ.
Kalífinn var samnefnari fyrir Islam, hvort sem ţeir komu frá Alsír eđa öđrum stöđum.
How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries? ***
Meeting of Pope and Patriarch may avert WWIII
Iben Thranholm
.. The meeting of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill in Cuba on February 12 may turn out to be not only the most significant ecclesiastical event, but one of the most momentous political events in recent years.
Since the schism of 1054 when the church separated into an Eastern and Western part, the differences have been irreconcilable and the two have not engaged in any dialogue. Leaders, political and military, know the strategy of divide and conquer. Although the Eastern Church, as well as its Western sister, has seen enormous development after the schism and has created cultural progress, the rule that division weakens an entity also applies to Christianity. ..
No matter how tragic the cause of the summit meeting between the Patriarch and the Pope, the savage slaughter of Christians, it must be remembered that the church in ancient Rome grew strong and achieved influence on society on the basis of the testimony and blood of the martyrs.
In a similar way, the Christians sacrificed by ISIS now help heal more than a thousand years of schism between the two churches.
The foundation of the Christian faith is that sacrifice brought in love brings the fruit of peace, reconciliation and healing.
This historic meeting with the good will brought by the Patriarch and the Pope may help transform the world and snatch peace from the jaws of the chaos that currently threatens to engulf us all.
The significance of the meeting therefore vastly exceeds the relationship between Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christians.
A strong Christian voice and a united church is what world needs now to avert a third world war, at a time when politicians are exposed as bankrupt and impotent in the face of evil.
*** How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries?
Viđ verđum ađ muna ađ taka baráttuna um olíuna á síđustu tímum međ í reikninginn., sem er olíufélögunum, Vesturlöndum í óhag sýnist mér.
Engin afsökun er til fyrir ţví ađ Islam hafi mátt eyđa Kristni og kristnum, síđustu 1400 ár.
Islam frá árinu 700 til 2015, mjög fróđlegt.
Ţađ er eins og viđ getum ekki sagt í orđum, hvert vandamáliđ er.
Er ţetta raunveruleikinn í dag?
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.