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Þú getur hlustað á þetta ef þú hefur tíma.
Þessa frétt er einnig að finna í öðru bloggi hjá mér.
Þar var sagt að nokkrum vikum eftir að Gaddafi var drepin, var búið að búa til seðlabanka, centralbank.
Næst á að koma Alþjóða-bankanum, gjaldeyrissjóðnum til Sýrlands
Muna að peningur er fyrirfram útbúið bókhald.
Nótur, kvittanir, peningur er færanlegt bókhald.
Egilsstaðir, 06.02.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Do You Know About The Act of 1871 Teach this in your School
Gaddafi announced that Libya's oil was for sale, but only for the Gold Dinar. Other African nations, seeing the rise of the Gold Dinar and the Euro, even as the US dollar continued its inflation-driven decline, flocked to the new Libyan currency for trade. This move had the potential to seriously undermine the global hegemony of the dollar. French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly went so far as to call Libya a threat to the financial security of the world. So, the United States invaded Libya, brutally murdered Qaddafi ( the object lesson of Saddam's lynching not being enough of a message, apparently), imposed a private central bank, and returned Libya's oil output to dollars only. The gold that was to have been made into the Gold Dinars is, as of last report, unaccounted for.
thetrueknowledge.net (trúlega diskur)
klikka á myndirnar, þá verða þær stærri
You the dept slave
The dept that can never by payed back!
The future.
Under one ruler who is to come in the very near future.
Who will make you beg for your food, water, your very life in excange for a complete submission to him.
It is right in front of you, for all to see....
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