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Egilsstađir, 28.11.2014 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


“Op-Ed: A Western Tourist Hasn't a Chance in a Persian Bazaar

To get what you want in a Persian bazaar you have to play by the rules.

If you don't even know they exist, you are going to be roundly cheated.


The Iranians played the role of the seller throughout, the seller who doesn't need to be rid of his merchandise and who has all the time in the world. They sold damaged goods over and over in the form of agreements that they did not keep, and the West did not come to the obvious conclusion: they are professional charlatans, inveterate liars and brilliant prevaricators. The reason is that they are the only sellers in the market, and the West  - at least that is how its leaders feel – must reach an agreement with Iran at any price. The Iranians have never felt that the West wants to or is able to give them  - to the Ayatollahs, that is – one good blow that will send them flying from the bazaar to hell so that another trader can take their place. Why, then, should they behave any differently?

The West played the role of the dumb tourist as it shopped in the Iranian bazaar;  the leaders of world powers sent distress signals about deadlines, because they had to come to their voters with proof that they had achieved a peace deal "in our time". The Iranians felt the pressure and raised the price, lowered the quality and sold the West agreements they had no intention of keeping.

They wore down the Western negotiators, a familiar tactic: they offered a little bit, some kind of concession, the West jumped at it only to discover that is was unconnected to the issue at hand. Most important, crucially important, were the smiles on Rouhani's face. They just loved to be able to say that he is not Ahmadinejad, that this is a new, nice , friendly man and cannot possibly be putting one over on us because he is not an extremist. He is one of us because he speaks English, surfs the web and uses a smartphone. Zrif continued to leave a similar impression on them”.

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