Rafgeymar, efnarafalar
22.11.2014 | 02:54
Sett á blogg Ómars Ragnarssonar
(Hér fann ég framhald á
PML Flightlink, á rafmótor í felgu.
Við leitum bestu lausna.
Egilsstadir, 22.11.2014 Jónas Gunnlaugsson)
Það er fullt af lausnum í rafgeymum og efnarafölum.
Lausnirnar eru faldar, broskall
- júní 2001 | Aðsent efni | 1127 orð | 4 myndir
Ál er fullt af efnaorku, segir Björn Kristinsson, alveg eins og olía og kol
Egilsstaðir, 21.11.2014 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Viðbót. Forvitnilegt.
Viðbótin hér er meira og minna rétt, en,
stundum er sagt ósatt til að fela sannleikann.
Þetta skriðdreka fyrirtæki, PML Flightlink var sett á hausinn og
síðan skipt í tvö fyrirtæki eftir þessa sýningu á Ford 150.
Efnið, rafmótorar, rafgeymar og stýringar var allt til á vörulager fyrirtækisins.
Ford's Electric F-150: A Radical Rethink of an American Icon
Publish date: Nov 3, 2008
The electric Hi-Pa Drive Ford F-150 concept vehicle uses one of the world's favorite pickups to demonstrate what OEM and specialty-equipment innovators can do today to make powerful, profitable vehicles that are clean and fun to drive. Built by U.K.-based PML Flightlink in collaboration with Ford, the F-150 concept is powered by four in-wheel motors that can deliver 600 combined horsepower. It will be on display at the 2008 SEMA Show in the Ford Motor Company booth (#22200, Central Hall). Hi-Pa Drive effectively replaces the mechanical drivetrain, gearbox, transmission, engine, exhaust, gas tank and the differential in the F-150 concept vehicle, freeing up space for a 40-kilowatt battery under the chassis with no loss of load space. The Hi-Pa Drive system acts as a motor that delivers over 150 hp per wheel and a powerful generator that recaptures more of the kinetic energy lost during braking than other hybrid technologies, according to project representatives.
Each 66-lb. motor delivers over 150 lb.-ft. of torque where it matters mostin the wheelat any speed. Together, the four motors installed on the F-150 deliver more power and torque than the 320-hp 5.4L V8 that was removed from the truck. The master vehicle controller included in the system gives designers the option to control each wheel independently or as a single unitthe truest form of all-wheel drive. The light, compact nature of the Hi-Pa Drive system makes it simple to install on almost any vehicle and easy for systems integrators to create new applications and designs that meet a wide variety of needs.
The compact motor can fit almost anywherein the wheel, on standard bearings or on dead axles and other small spaces. The system allows designers and builders to eliminate the oil, carbon emissions and cost from the vehicle while adding power, room, performance and driver control.
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