Hvað er til ráða í þessari veröld?
11.11.2013 | 21:58
Hvað er til ráða í þessari veröld?
Egilsstaðir, 11.11.2013 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Using the Suez Canal, it is 7200 miles (11,600 km) from London to Mumbai. Without using the Suez Canal, the trip going around South Africa is 12,300 miles (19800 km). In ordinary life, time is money. In war, time is victory or death.
Just a short while ago, Port Said welcomed American warships, and allowed them priority passage through the Suez Canal. At the end of October 2013, the Chief of Russian Military Intelligence General Vacheslay Kondrasco met with Egypt's General Sisi for 3 days, probably to discuss major new weapons' deals.
And in the future, the USS Eisenhower, - and its aircraft carrier strike group of 4 surface and 1 or 2 nuclear submarines - may have to wait a very long time to get to and from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. The United States may very well have lost Egypt's Port Said to the Russians ..
Obama's incendiary reaction to Sisi's counter-revolution seems to indicate a pro-Iran policy of "topple US allies, and support US inimical enemies."
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