


Ég rakst á ţessa athugasemd frá 24.12.2012 og fannst ađ rétt

ađ koma henni á framfćri.


Augnablik... Vakta athugasemdir Ţú ert ađ vakta athugasemdir viđ ţessa fćrslu. Hćtta ađ vakta


Because it is through the limitation of our money incomes that

we feel the restrictions which our relative poverty still imposes on

us, many have come to hate money as the symbol of these restrictions.

Actually, money is one of the greatest instruments of freedom

ever invented by man. It is money which in existing society

opens an astounding range of choice to the poor man – a range

greater than that which not many generations ago was open to the


Paragraph taken from the condensed version of The Road to Serfdom published in the Reader's Digest.

Merry Christmas from Las Vegas.

Jóhann Kristinsson, 24.12.2012 kl. 02:52

2 identicon

Ţakk fyrir athugasemdina.

Mér sýnist ţetta vera allt rétt sem ţú skrifar.

Öll tćkni og framfarir virđast byggja á ţessu skiptakerfi, sem peningarnir gera mögulegt.

Ég er ađeins ađ reyna ađ auk skilning minn og annarra á peningakerfinu.

Gangi ţér allt í haginn.

Gleđileg jól og nýtt ár.













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