Ţjóđirnar eiga ekki ađ greiđa spilapeninga fjármálakerfisins.



Ţjóđirnar eiga ekki ađ greiđa spilapeninga fjármálakerfisins.

Eg. 10.05.2013  jg


Ţađ skađar ekki ađ líta á ţessa grein frá 2009.


August 18, 2009


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The Specter of Debt Revolt Is Haunting Europe

Why Iceland and Latvia Won’t (and Can’t) Pay for the Kleptocrats’ Ripoffs





“The European Union and International Monetary Fund have told them

to replace private debts with public obligations, and to pay by raising taxes,

slashing public spending and obliging citizens to deplete their savings.



Resentment is growing not only toward those who ran up these debts

 – Iceland’s bankrupt Kaupthing and Landsbanki with its Icesave accounts,

and heavily debt-leveraged property owners and privatizers in the Baltics and Central Europe



– but also toward the neoliberal foreign advisors and creditors who pressured

these governments to sell off the banks and public infrastructure to insiders.”


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