


look into

intriguing; curious

“Poll: Jews get more Nobel prizes because

Date: Oct 06, 08:38 PM

they are a naturally brainy bunch.

the Torah and Talmud make them smart.

they are well-connected with the Prize Committee.



It looks like it works.

Eg. 13.10.2011 Jg

“The Korean-Talmud Love Affair

Reports of the Talmud being a national classic in S. Korea

have been floating around for years,

but it’s now official:

Students must study Talmud.”


“9. Its because Jewish Mothers stress education

All the Moms say... "Its the only thing they can't take away from you"

In our home 5 kids, 5 university degrees.


moishe , montreal (11/10/11)”

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