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Námsmađur sem rćktađi kanóinn sinn úr sveppum, heldur ađ sveppur sé besti bandamađurinn í loftslagsbreytingunum.
Andy Corbley
25. apríl 2020
Ţar sem mycelium, mygla, net af samofnum sveppaţráđum, ađ mestu neđanjarđar, getur bundist og myndast í kringum tiltekinn beinagrind tókst Ayers ađ rćkta kanóinn einfaldlega međ ţví ađ láta mycelium myndast á vírgrind sem var í lögun eins og kanóinn.
Tengt: Námsmađur fer til Yellowstone og finnur bakteríur sem borđa mengun og andar rafmagni
Student Treks to Yellowstone and Finds Bacteria That Eats Pollution and Breathes Electricity
ÚTGANGUR: Nýlega ţróađ ensím sem brýtur niđur plastflöskur á einhverjum klukkutímum getur breytt endurvinnslunni.
Newly-Developed Enzyme That Breaks Down Plastic Bottles in Hours Can Change the Recycling Game
Student Who Grew Her Own Canoe Out of Mushroom Thinks Fungus is Our Best Ally in Climate Change
Apr 25, 2020
Since mycelium can bind and form around a given skeleton, Ayers managed to grow the canoe simply by letting the mycelium sculpt itself around the wire frame of a canoe.
RELATED: Student Treks to Yellowstone and Finds Bacteria That Eats Pollution and Breathes Electricity
CHECK OUT: Newly-Developed Enzyme That Breaks Down Plastic Bottles in Hours Can Change the Recycling Game
Egilsstađir, 16.05.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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