It's available now, in the pharmacies. It's approved by the FDA since 1945. Just not for covid-19. The problem, Big Pharma can't make any money of it because it's 5 cents a tablet. They want to "invent" a vaccine they patent and overcharge you for.

(panta strax, ef það er nothæft, hydroxy-chloroquine, malaríu lyf, athuga að gefa öllum, athuga vel ofnæmi og allt sem fylgir notku á þessu lyfi. Er þetta sölutgrix? þAÐ ER FULLT AF GREINUM Á NETINU UM NOTKUN VIÐ COVID-19 )

HUGE! New Study Reveals Taking Chloroquine Fights Off COVID-19 in 6 Days and Works as Preventative for Coronavirus Infection


Dr. Rigano said their study found that those COVID-19 patients who took hydroxy-chloroquine were found free of the disease in 6 days.  

The patients were testing negative for the coronavirus in six days!  

Dr. Rigano also said taking choroquine could act as a preventative.

This is a remarkable study!




dbdb nodhimmi 17 hours ago edited  35

Another article same subject... Hydroxychloroquine
.05c a tablet with side effects known and acceptable.

From the artice "More than 20 clinical studies were launched across several Chinese hospitals. Doctors found superior positive responses in over 100 patients who received chloroquine, including reduction in pneumonia. South Korea is also conducting studies on chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and zinc." Results of another test supported " 500 milligrams twice daily for 10 days for patients diagnosed as mild, moderate and severe cases "

Are we going to wait for a 100% solution, when an 80% solution is currently available? As a government project it would take a week to produce a million pills and 3 weeks to package them with correct warning labels and a pink or blue bow !



Sapper 9 dbdb13 hours ago

The problem is that the supply for this medication won't meet the demand; however, it is a start at least


xcharliemoore Sapper 99 hours ago    29

The problem is that Big Pharma can't make any money off of it because it's 5 cents a tablet. They want to "invent" a vaccine that they can patent and overcharge you for.


Shane xcharliemoore7 hours ago

True, but worse than that, the coronavirus vaccine could contain substances to cause another pandemic. I do not trust the CDC or Big Pharma especially since it has been said that a vaccine would take a year to be ready.

JKL Shane4 hours ago

mRNA vaccines don't contain attenuated viruses


    • Stanford university school of medicine says 100 mg, twice a day for 7-10 days.
      My dr. Says he is waiting for the FDA to recommend it.
      It's available now, in the pharmacies.
      It's approved by the FDA since 1945.
      Just not for covid-19.
      From Stanford university school of medicine!
      My doctor said they are giving it to patients in hospital in intravenously


  • This Study changes everything. Everyone who is at risk should be given Chloroquine treatment / prevention /antidotes. If There are No Side Effects, then What Are We Waitng For?

    Trump, make the supply chainnmandatory now available to all who want it, and win a 2020 landslide. Stop The Spending before You Tank the Economy Twice.

  • 14
  • Who says there are no side affects? Compliments

    Hydroxychloroquine side effects:

    Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to hydroxychloroquine: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

    Taking hydroxychloroquine long-term or at high doses may cause irreversible damage to the retina of your eye. Stop taking this medicine and call your doctor at once if you have trouble focusing, if you see light streaks or flashes in your vision, or if you notice any swelling or color changes in your eyes.

    Call your doctor at once if you have:

    headache with chest pain and severe dizziness, fainting, fast or pounding heartbeats;
    very slow heart rate, weak pulse;
    muscle weakness, numbness or tingling;
    low blood sugar - headache, hunger, sweating, irritability, dizziness, nausea, fast heart rate, and feeling anxious or shaky; or
    low blood cell counts - fever, chills, sore throat, weakness or ill feeling, swollen gums, mouth sores, skin sores, rapid heart rate, pale skin, easy bruising, unusual bleeding, feeling light-headed.
    Common hydroxychloroquine side effects may include:

    headache, dizziness, ringing in your ears;
    nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
    loss of appetite, weight loss;
    mood changes, feeling nervous or irritable;
    skin rash or itching; or
    hair loss.

  • 9
  • I'm a pharmacist. This is not an innocuous drug like amoxicillin. It is also very toxic to children.

    Should it be used? Absolutely. For everybody en masse? No. A real doctor giving a real exam first is absolutely necessary


    Egilsstaðir, 17.03.2020


Ótækt að Landlæknir og Sóttvarnarlæknir standi í starfi fréttamanna. Þeir hafa nóg að gera í sínu embætti. Oft nauðsynlegt að gjörbreyta stefnu við nýjar aðstæður, ný þekking. Betra að forustu menn stofnana séu ekki myndgerðir sem einhver hugmynd frá ESB

Nú virðast þjóðirnar vera að taka málefnið í sínar hendur, og gera það sem þarf, það er þekkt frá fyrri farsóttum.

Ekki hlusta á þá sem vilja láta hlutabréfin ráða för.

Við endurskoðum peningakerfið

Skólarnir kenni það sem er satt og rétt.


Það er ótækt að láta Landlækni og Sóttvarnarlækni standa í starfi fréttamanna. Þeir hafa nóg að gera í sínu embætti.

Þeir þurfa að fá sérfræðinga til að kanna allar heimildir fyrri tíma um hvernig tókst til í hinum ýmsu farsóttum. *

Þeir þurfa að fá nokkrar verkfræðistofur til að útskýra hvernig veirur dreifa sér.

Ég er búin að gleyma þessu, enda langt síðan ég las söguna.

Hlusta á skýringu á veldisdreifingu, hlusta á söguna um hrísgrjónið og taflborðið.

Keisarinn bauð snillingnum að velja greiðslu til sín, og snillingurinn valdi eitt hrísgrjón á fyrsta reit á taflborðinu,  2 grjón á annan reitinn, fjögur á þriðja reitinn, og átta á fjórða reitin og þannig áfram á alla 64 reitina.

Og þá kom rúsínan, það voru ekki til svo miklar kornbirgðir í heiminum. Fletti upp og lenti á slóðinni:

18,446,744,073,709,551,615 hrísgrjón. eru 461,168,602,000 tonn sem er 1000 fallt meira en meðal ársframleiðslan síðust 10 til 20 árin

Þeir eiga að reyna að hafa yfirsýn, hlusta á hin ýmsu rök.

Það getur verið nauðsynlegt að gjörbreyta stefnu við nýjar aðstæður, bóluefni væntanlegt, ný þekking.

Þá er oft betra að forustu menn stofnana séu ekki myndgerðir sem einhver hugmynd frá utlendum stofnunum sem réðu ferðinni vegna samþykkta Alþingis.

Alþingi hefur samið við útlent ráðuneyti um að við förum eftir reglum þeirra.

Hvers vegna að skikka embættin til að reyna að tala fyrir þessum reglum, og mega ekki leita að  lausnum með hliðsjón af reynslunni í fortíðinni.

Inn með blaðafulltrúa með reynslu og Íslenskar aðgerðir strax.


What an Overwhelmed Healthcare System Looks Like

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Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

Politicians, Community Leaders and Business Leaders: What Should You Do and When?


Countries that act fast reduce the number of deaths

at least by 10x. .


The only way to truly reduce that is with social distancing: Keeping people home as much as possible, for as long as possible until this recedes.


This has already been proven in the past. Namely, in the 1918 flu pandemic.

Learnings from the 1918 Flu Pandemic


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You can see how Philadelphia didn’t act quickly, and had a massive peak in death rates. Compare that with St Louis, which did.


Then look at Denver, which enacted measures and then loosened them. They had a double peak, with the 2nd one higher than the first.


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Egilsstaðir, 17.03.2020  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Bloggfærslur 17. mars 2020


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