China, India, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan all are expressing a large interest in and financial commitment to developing a harvesting infrastructure for this promising resource. Ţetta er ástćđa deilunar um Suđur Kína haf.

China and India To Harvest Massive New Fuel Source: Crystal Methane Jason Mick (Blog) - December 14, 2007 5:08 PM

China, India and numerous other developing nations bet on new carbon fuel to complete their ascent to economic dominance

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Ţeir báru eld ađ botnfallinu, setinu af hafsbotninum, og gasiđ lekur úr kristöllunum, sem eru eins og svampur, og sjúga í sig gasiđ.

Here the methane hydrate trapped within the muddy sediment is showed fueling a golden flame. Methane hydrate resources are estimated to surpass coal, oil, and natural gas supplies combined.  (Source: Spiegel Online)

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Hér er blái liturinn, stađirnir ţar sem mest er af setinu, sem er fullt af orku.

Ţetta er ástćđan, ađ Kína reynir ađ yfirtaka Suđur Kína haf, 800 kílómetra í suđ vestur ađ ströndum Víetnam, Malaysiu , Brunei og suđur ađ Filipseyjum.***

There are rich deposits of methane hydrates surrounding much of Asia.  (Source: Spiegel Online)


... China, India, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan all are expressing a large interest in and financial commitment to developing a harvesting infrastructure for this promising resource.  While the west has only expressed marginal interest in it, these Asian nations see it as an invaluable tool to pass their western competitors which they are fast approaching in terms of economic power. ...

... Fossil fuel prospecting companies are considering using drilling and heating pipes to melt the crystals and release the methane, which will be subsequently captured.

China is not alone in its zealousness for the fuel.  Japan built the world's largest research drilling ship to aid in its prospecting chances and India has invested almost 300 million USD to begin a national program of methane prospecting and harvest.  India has achieved a significant early success, discovering an extremely thick 132 m methane-hydrate containing layer of sediment has been found in the Krishna-Godavari Basin in the Indian Ocean. ... 


***Ţarna virđist Washington hafa sagt ađ USA mundi ekki skipta sér af svćđisbundnum deilum, og ţá er strax fariđ í landvinninga. "Yang, called on Washington to "honour its promise of not taking a position in territorial disputes""

14.6.2016 | 16:09

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Egilsstađir, 29.04.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hefur stjórnsýslan náđ yfirhöndinniní Hvíta Húsinu? Nú eru ýmsir ađ gera ţví skóna ađ gamla stjórnsýslan sé farin ađ sniđganga Trump.




 FBI Whistle-Blower : Trump White House Has Been COMPROMISED

Birt 21. apr. 2017

Trumps odd behavior and flip-flopping has had millions of supporters asking what has happened. Now this fmr. FBI Agent is warning America about what is coming!


Allir sem geta lesi sér til á netinu, youtube, allstađar og reyni ađ skilja ástandiđ, og túlki ţađ fyrir okkur sem erum ekki eins fćrir.

Ţađ er sagt ađ mikiđ sé sagt ósatt á netinu, og er ţađ rétt.

Ţađ eru ađilar sem vilja geta stöđvađ Jón og Gunnu, svo ađ ţađ verđi ađeins blekkingar á netinu.


Nú eru ýmsir ađ gera ţví skóna ađ gamla stjórnsýslan sé farin ađ sniđganga Trump.

FBI Whistle-Blower : Trump White House Has Been COMPROMISED (4/2017)

Jafnvel er skrifađ um ađ Pútín hafi veriđ skipt út fyrir stađgengil.

Lyudmila Putin: "My Husband Is Long Been Dead" Former First Lady Of Russia WOW REALLY ?

Hvađ er rétt, vitum viđ ekki.

Hvađ er farsćlast?


Hvađa leyniţjónusta sem er getur látiđ okkur upplifa árás frá geimverum, eđa látiđ loftstein falla í hafiđ austur af Bandaríkjunum, Síđan kemur ađilinn međ harp vopniđ, og býr til mikla flóđbylgju, sem fćri í átt ađ austurströndinni.


Vonandi fáum viđ skilningarvit sem leiđir okkur rétta leiđ.

Höfum viđ ef til vill skilningarvit, sem eiga ađ leiđa okkur á rétta leiđ?

TRÚLEGA, höfum viđ ţađ.


Hver er sá hugur sem ţađ getur?

Viđ allir getum međ okkar huga, gert veröldina ađ himnaríki á jörđ.

Munum ađ heimurinn er hólograph, heilmynd, orkumynd.

Sá sem kann ađ leika á orkupíanóiđ, getur leikiđ sér ađ ţví ađ breyta veröldinni í allar áttir.

Veröldin er hugurinn okkar.

Tesla hugsađi, opnađi fyrir hugmyndir frá KJARNANUM, THE CORE,og breytti heiminum.


Never mind that Nikola Tesla spoke 8 languages, had 700 patents, Invented 80% of our modern technology, or that almost every thing electric is his inventions...the one thing that he talked about in depth, that nobody seems to mention is "Intuition". 

THIS IS HOW HAARP DECEIVE OUR SENSES. MUST KNOW!! Ţú verđur ađ vera vakandi, og vita hvađ hćgt er ađ gera, Hvađ er satt og hvađ er ósatt? Til ţess fékst ţú hugan, til ađ meta ađstćđur, og til ađ geta valiđ hiđ góđa og varast hiđ slćma.

Gangi ykkur allt í haginn.

Egilsstađir, 26.04.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Islam Jihad, komst inn í Frakkland, frá Afríku, áriđ 729. Í tíđ Ferdinands og Ísabellu, 1492, losnađi Spánn undan Islam, eftir 781 ár. Áriđ 1675 komst Islam, Jihad, til Austurríkis, Ungverjalands, Litháen, Póllands, Muscovy, norđan Miđjarđarhafs,


The History of the World: Every Year


Islam byrjađi útţenslu sína međ Jihad, yfir í Kristnu löndin, eftir ca. áriđ 630

Kristni, frá árinu 300 til ársins 600, en ţá var allt fólkiđ Kristiđ, allt í kring um Miđjarđarhafiđ.

klikka á mynd ţá verđur myndin stćrri.

kristni 700

Hér er Islam Jihad, komiđ langt inn í Frakkland, áriđ 729, skođa mynd hér neđan viđ.

Ţú getur taliđ löndin, sem Islam náđi međ Jihad, frá ca. áriđ 630 og til ársins 729.



Í tíđ Ferdinand og Ísabella, 1492, taldist Spánn hafa losnađ undan Islam, eftir 781 ár. Á nćstu 100 árum voru flestir Múslimar, (moors) sendir til Afríku og einhverjir til Frakklands.

Spánverjar reyndu í 100 ár ađ fá Múslimana til ađ samlagast Kristninni, en Múslimarnir reyndu međ hjálp Islömsku ţjóđanna ađ ná völdum aftur.

On January 2, 1492, the Islamic Kingdom of Granada was surrendered to the Catholic majesties of Ferdinand and Isabella. After 781 years, Spain was free

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Áriđ 1675 komst Islam, Jihad, til Austurríkis, Ungverjalands, Litháen, Póllands og Muscovy, norđan viđ Miđjarđarhafiđ, eins og ţessi mynd hér fyrir ofan sýnir.

Síđan hefur Islam látiđ nokkuđ undan síga, mest 1917, en halda ennţá miklum landsvćđum, sem áđur voru Kristin.


Ţessa sögu ćtti ađ kenna í öllum skólum, til ađ viđ skiljum ađ ţetta er alvörumál.

Hvađa konur, vilja láta setja sig í poka.

Kristna menningin er ómetanleg.

Ég var ađ lesa um ađ nú vćru ađ minnsta kosti 30 miljónir af ţrćlum í heiminum.

Ţađ er betra ađ halda í Kristnu reglurnar, og reyna ađ hafa ţćr í heiđri.

Viđ ţessir vanţroskuđu, getum ađeins beđiđ um hjálp.

Egilsstađir, 27.03.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Islam frá árinu 700 til 2015, mjög fróđlegt.


If this privatisation of the money supply was reversed, Ł50 billion would fund our public services. We could increase spending on public services wipe of deficits, give students free tuition, maintenance grants, increase pensions, cut in taxes!

Jónas Gunnlaugsson -

betra ađ nota ţessa slóđ

If this privatisation of the money supply was reversed, Ł50 billion would fund our public services. We could increase spending on public services wipe of deficits, give students free tuition, maintenance grants, increase pensions, cut in taxes!


Ţessa slóđ verđur lesa.  This link you must read.

Learn, learn, learn. Lćra, lćra, lćra.

Aftur,   Prosperity - uk

Egilsstađir, 24.12.2014 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Currently the public purse benefits annually

by about Ł1.5 billion on the profit of providing

that 3% of the money supply.


By contrast, the banks, in creating the remaining 97%


subsidised by the British people to the tune of

Ł50 billion every year.


If this privatisation of the money supply was reversed,

then that Ł50 billion would be available to fund our public services without there being a need to increase taxes.

Indeed, the nation could enjoy increased spending on public services

wiping out NHS deficits, giving students free tuition and maintenance grants, increasing pensions

and a cut in taxes!



The desire of evil and vile beings to literally destroy an entire race. Have admitted it. The secret is out. The people have opened their eyes. The most evil leaders, bankers, and people ever in World History. Declared War against a race and a Belief!

The Sinister Plot To Genocide an Entire Race! Its Not a Secret Now!

Birt 27. jan. 2017

There are not words to describe the desire of the most evil and vile beings on this earth to literally destroy an entire race. They have admitted it. The secret is out. The people have opened their eyes. You are seeing some of the most evil leaders, bankers, and people ever in World History. They have declared War against a race and a Belief!

Egilsstađir, 22.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Jesú kenndi sannleika, vísindi. Nústađreyndatrú er ţađ, sem viđ höldum ađ sé rétt , til dćmis Einstein og tómiđ, var áđur eterinn, nú sagt súpa og svo efniđ, sem er ađeins orka. Holograph ţrívíđi skjárinn sem viđ lifum í, er ađeins, sýndarveruleiki.

 Gyđingar, og  Guđsfólkiđ, er Kristni, eđa Kristnir eru Guđsfólkiđ og Gyđingar.

Munum ađ Rómverjar, eđa stjórnsýsla Rómverja krossfesti,  Krist. 


Ađ sjálfsögđu voru Gyđingar í stjórnsýslunni, svipađ og nú, ţegar öll stjórnsýslan er ađ flytja Múslima til Evrópu og Ameriku, og er stjórnsýslunni talin trú um ađ hún sé ađ bjarga heiminum.

Ţađ er miklu áhrifaríkara ađ stöđva banka og olíu klíkuna, í ţví ađ sprengja allt í tćttlur í löndunum.

Byrja svo strax á ađ byggja upp löndin, svo ađ fólkiđ geti veriđ heima hjá sér.

Fyrir ţá peninga sem viđ notum á hvern flóttamann á Íslandi, má sjá um 100 í heimalöndunum.



Gyđingunum, Guđsfólkinu, í Gyđingalandi, var leyft af Róm, ađ stofna Rabbína skóla í Jamnia áriđ 70 eftir Krist.

Ţessi Jamnia skóli kenndi ţađ sem Rómverjum líkađi.

Róm barđist áfram á móti ţessum hugmyndum Gyđingana, Guđsfólksins, í 250 ár.

Trú og hugmyndir Gyđingana, Guđsfólksins lifđi áfram leynilega,  „neđanjarđar,“  í földum  kirkjum og dreifđust á međal fólksins, til ársins 313,

Af og til voru miklar ofsóknir í Rómarríkinu gegn ţeim, og náđu ţćr hámarki í tíđ Diocletians međ opinberum ofsóknum frá árinu 303 til 311.

Lét Diocletian keisari brjóta niđur húseignir og heimili kristinna manna og lét safna saman og brenna helgiritin.

Kristnir voru handteknir, pyntađir, limlestir. brenndir, sveltir og settir í drápskeppni á leiksviđum til ađ skemmta áhorfendum.

Ţessum ofsóknum lauk 31 apríl áriđ 311 ţegar Gallerius eldri keisari í Tetrarchyar, gaf út tilskipun um meira umburđarlyndi og meira frelsi í keisaradćminu.

Constantine, keisari í Vestur-Rómverska ríkinu og Licinius, keisari í Austur-Rómverska ríkinu voru ađilar ađ ţessari tilskipun.

Á ţessu tímabili var fariđ ađ kalla Gyđingana, Guđsfólkiđ, Kristna.

Trúlega hefur stjórnsýslunni í Róm, og ţess vegna í Jerúsalem, líkađ betur ađ geta kennt Gyđingum, Guđsfólkinu um krossfestinguna á Kristi, og fundist ágćtt ađ kalla ţessar hugmyndir Kristni.

Margt bendir til ađ stjórnkerfiđ í dag reyni ađ eyđa Kristninni, til dćmis ţegar ţeir ýttu Kristnum frćđum og Nýja Testamentinu út ú skólunum.

Einnig sáum viđ ađ heimsstjórnsýslan, og heimspressan gerđu ekki mikiđ úr ţjóđarmorđum á Kristnum og Yassidum í Miđ-Austur löndum.

Ţađ heyrist varla ađ Kristnum sé bođin ađstođ í fjölmiđlum, eđa hjálparstofnunum. Hvađa fjármagn heldur ţú ađ eigi fjölmiđlana og hjálparstofnanirnar? Er allri stjórnsýslunni stjórnađ af New World Order.

17.3.2017 | 14:00

Spurninginn er hvort ţetta er í raun stríđ gegn Kristni?

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 10. júlí 2016

Er veriđ ađ stofna heimsríki, NWO, New World Order, af fjármálakerfinu, sem er 80% í eign Sáda, Súníta, og ţá Islam.




Ţađ sem Jesú kenndi er sannleikur, vísindi. Nú stađreyndatrú okkar er ađeins ţađ, sem viđ höldum ađ sé rétt í dag, til dćmis Einstein og tómiđ, var áđur eterinn, nú sagt súpa og svo efniđ, sem er ađeins orka. Holograph ţrívíđi skjárinn sem viđ lifum í, er ađeins, sýndarveruleiki.

 Egilsstađir, 22.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Assad veit ađ hann má alls ekki beita eiturvopnum, til ađ gefa ekki olíu heimsstjórninni tćkifćri á ađ ráđast á Sýrland af fullum ţunga. Hér fyrir neđan er slóđ, ţar sem Ron Paul skýrir ţetta fyrir okkur.

Viđ allir verđum ađ muna ađ nú eru komnir nýir tímar og ađ viđ verđum allir ađ hlúa ađ góđa aflinu í okkur.

Gamli púkinn, í okkur er orđinn úreltur.

Púkinn eyđist, svo ađ viđ verđum ađ hlúa ađ góđa aflinu, svo ađ eitthvađ verđi eftir, ţegar púkinn okkar visnar.

Hvađ gerum viđ, ţegar viđ finnum ađ viđ erum ekki orđnir neitt nema hatur og illska?

Góđa afliđ er tínt og tröllum gefiđ.

Ţá er ráđ ađ segja, kalla, öskra af öllum sálarkröftum, í andanum, huganum.

Drottinn, hjálpađu mér, gefđu mér góđa andann.

Jesú, taktu hatriđ frá mér.

Ef ţú ert einlćgur, ţá bjargar Drottinn ţér strax.

Ţetta er til ţess, ađ viđ vitum, ađ viđ eigum,

útgönguleiđ út úr ósómanum.



  Ţegar viđ skrifum um eiturgasiđ í Sýrlandi, Ţá verđum viđ ađ hafa í huga ađ olíufélöginn vilja olíu leiđslu frá Katar, yfir Sádiarabíu, Jórdaníu, Sýrland, til Tyrklands og áfram til Evrópu.***

Ţess vegna er reynt ađ ná tökum á Sýrlandi.

Ef viđ íhugum málefniđ, ţá er engin skynsemi í ţví ađ Assad noti eiturvopn.  Assad má alls ekki gefa bakstjórn heimsins ástćđu til ađ segja, ađ herir Vesturlanda verđi ađ stöđva, eiturefnanotkunina.

Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'



Stöđvum olíu stríđin. Stop The Oil War. Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'

Ein af orsökum stríđanna í Miđ Austur löndum.

9.4.2017 | 01:05

MUST WATCH! The Hidden Truth Behind the Horrible Chemical Attack in Syria (ReallyGraceful)

Klikka á fyrir stćrri mynd



Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'



Í Morgunblađs greininni er hvergi sagt ađ stjórnarher Sýrlands hafi gert eitthvađ rangt í ţessu eiturefna tilfelli, ađeins notađ orđiđ herinn beitti, hvađa her?.

Haft er eftir, Avigdor Lie­berm­an, varn­ar­málaráđherra Ísra­el, og James Matt­is, varn­ar­málaráđherra Banda­ríkj­anna, ađ ţessi og hinn eigi, megi ekki gera aftur, ţađ er, hálfkveđnar vísur, sem skapa óvissu, og ef til vill ranga tilfinningu fyrir ţví, hver framdi ódćđiđ.

Viđ ţurfum ađ hafa einfaldar, opinberar upplýsingar um hver er eigandi, og hvađa heimssýn hver fjölmiđill er ađ stympla í okkur.

Gangi ykkur allt í haginn.

Egilsstađir, 12.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Enginn vafi á ađ herinn beitti efnavopnum
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

BREAKING: North Korea Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump - Hér er sagt ađ Norđur Kórea virđist ćtla ađ semja viđ Trump. - Vonandi. -

BREAKING: North Korea Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump



8,093 874

Published on Apr 15, 2017

North Korea failed to conduct a nuclear test Saturday after President Trump stood strong against the rogue Communist nation. 

Daily chartFreedom of worship is on the decline in many countries

A new report quantifies religious persecution by both governments and individuals

klikka, ţá stćrra


Egilsstađir, 18.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Jóhannesarguđspjall, Kafli 14, vers 6 - Velt vöngum um Bíblíuna. Tönn fyrir tönn. Fyrirgefning fyrir fyrirgefningu. EINFALT


Reglurnar eru allar í gildi

Klikka á slóđina.

Jóhannesarguđspjall, Kafli 14, vers 6

Velt vöngum um Bíblíuna. Tönn fyrir tönn. Fyrirgefning fyrir fyrirgefningu. EINFALT


Salt og ljós

Jeremía spámađur. Ef ţér leitiđ mín munuđ ţér finna mig › Háskóli Íslands › Hugvísindasviđ › BA verkefni
10. sep. 2013 - Ef ţér leitiđ mín munuđ ţér finna mig ... Mikilvćgt er ađ benda á ađ önnur rit Biblíunnar bera vitni um atburđinn sem átti sér stađ ţegar ... - Biblían
21Enn sagđi Jesús viđ ţá: „Ég fer burt og ţér munuđ leita mín en ţér munuđ deyja ... Ţví ef ţér trúiđ ekki ađ ég sé sá sem ég er munuđ ţér deyja í syndum yđar.

Sauđárkrókskirkja | 100 ritningarvers -
Hvert fermingarbarn velur sér vers úr Biblíunni sem ţađ gerir ađ sínum ... 4) Jesús segir: Biđjiđ, og yđur mun gefast, leitiđ, og ţér munuđ finna, knýiđ á, og fyrir yđur mun upp ... 9) Jesús segir: Ef ţér elskiđ mig, munuđ ţér halda bođorđ mín.

Biblían - Jeremía 29:11-14 Ţví ađ ég ţekki sjálfur ţćr... | Facebook
Ţegar ţér ákalliđ mig og komiđ og biđjiđ til mín mun ég bćnheyra yđur. Ef ţér leitiđ mín munuđ ţér finna mig. Ţegar ţér leitiđ mín af öllu hjarta lćt ég yđur finna ...

Matteusarguđspjall - Snerpa
Ţví ađ höfđingi mun frá ţér koma,: sem verđur hirđir lýđs míns, Ísraels." .... 29Ef hćgra auga ţitt tćlir ţig til falls, ţá ríf ţađ úr og kasta frá ţér. .... 7Biđjiđ, og yđur mun gefast, leitiđ, og ţér munuđ finna, knýiđ á, og fyrir yđur mun upp lokiđ verđa.

Ritningarvers – Árbćjarkirkja
10. jan. 2017 - Biblían. Ţví ađ ţín vegna býđur hann út englum sínum til ţess ađ gćta ţín á ... Biđjiđ, og yđur mun gefast, leitiđ og ţér munuđ finna, knýiđ á og fyrir yđur mun ... Jesús segir: „Ef ţér elskiđ mig, munuđ ţér halda bođorđ mín.“.

Kópavogskirkja | Ritningarvers og gott ađ kunna
Mt. 6.8; Biđjiđ, og yđur mun gefast, leitiđ og ţér munuđ finna, knýiđ á og fyrir yđur mun upp lokiđ ... Jh. 14.6; Ef ţér elskiđ mig, munuđ ţér halda bođorđ mín. – Minnisvers
„Ég hef Drottin ćtíđ fyrir augum, ţegar hann er mér til hćgri handar hnýt ég ... „Hjálp mín kemur frá Drottni, skapara himins og jarđar“ (Davíđssálmur 121:2). ... Jesús sagđi: „Ef ţér fariđ eftir ţví sem ég segi eruđ ţér sannir lćrisveinar mínir og munuđ ... „Leitiđ fyrst ríkis hans og réttlćtis, ţá mun allt ţetta veitast yđur ađ auki“ ...

Hefurđu „hjarta til ađ ţekkja“ Jehóva? — Varđturninn VEFBÓKASAFN
24:7, Biblían 1981. ... FINNST ţér fíkjur góđar, annađhvort nýjar eđa ţurrkađar? .... Jehóva ávarpađi svo fyrir munn Jeremía: „Ef ţér leitiđ mín munuđ ţér finna ...

Ástjörn - Gott efni fyrir gamla og nýja Ástirninga - A S T J O R N . I S
Biblían er Orđ Guđs. Leyfđu Guđi ađ blessa ... Jesús sagđi: "Biđjiđ, og yđur mun gefast, leitiđ, og ţér munuđ finna, knýiđ á, og fyrir yđur mun upp lokiđ verđa." Matt. 7:7 ... Jesús sagđi: "Ef ţér elskiđ mig, munuđ ţér halda bođorđ mín." Jóh. 14:15 ... Messa og tónleikar á skíđasvćđum
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Vertu vinur Rússlands og Indlands, ţá ertu einnig vinur Kína. Be friend of Russia and India, then you have China as a friend too. Direct the world to Christian rules, then everyone will stick to their same beliefs in their religion.

Address, slóđ.

Trump hefur sagt ađ hann vilji vingast viđ Rússa og vinna međ ţeim í ađ friđvćđa veröldina. Ţađ er ágćtt ađ Rússar og Bandaríkjamenn semji og stjórni veröldinni í sameiningu.

Be friend of Russia and India, then you have China as a friend too.

Vertu vinur Rússlands og Indlands, ţá ertu einnig vinur Kína. 

Stýrđu ţjóđunum ađ Kristnum reglum, ţá munu allir leita ađ ţeim sömu reglum í sínum trúarbrögđum.

Direct the world to Christian rules, then everyone will stick to their same beliefs in their religion.


Try to understand when you are lying and when you are telling the truth.

We must try to have some self-realization.

We must start to build a new better world.


Egilsstađir, 12.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Vertu vinur Rússlands og Indlands, ţá ertu einnig vinur Kína. Be friend of Russia and India, then you have China as a friend too. Direct the world to Christian rules, then everyone will stick to their same beliefs in their religion.

Address, slóđ.

Trump hefur sagt ađ hann vilji vingast viđ Rússa og vinna međ ţeim í ađ friđvćđa veröldina. Ţađ er ágćtt ađ Rússar og Bandaríkjamenn semji og stjórni veröldinni í sameiningu.

Be friend of Russia and India, then you have China as a friend too.

Vertu vinur Rússlands og Indlands, ţá ertu einnig vinur Kína. 

Stýrđu ţjóđunum ađ Kristnum reglum, ţá munu allir leita ađ ţeim sömu reglum í sínum trúarbrögđum.

Direct the world to Christian rules, then everyone will stick to their same beliefs in their religion.


Try to understand when you are ling and when you are telling the truth.

We must try to have some self-realization.

We must start to build a new better world.


Egilsstađir, 12.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Tillerson og Lavrov vilja hreinskiptar viđrćđur
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Stöđvum olíu stríđin. Stop The Oil War. Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: It doesn t make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.

Stöđva stríđiđ.

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Savage Begs Trump To Stop WWIII

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Mín 7:13/23:09

Published on Apr 11, 2017

In this off the cuff interview Michael Savage begs Donald Trump to not plunge the world into another world war which may destroy life as we know it.

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Ein af orsökum stríđanna í Miđ Austur löndum.

9.4.2017 | 01:05

MUST WATCH! The Hidden Truth Behind the Horrible Chemical Attack in Syria (ReallyGraceful)

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Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'


Egilsstađir, 12.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Enginn vafi um efnavopnaárásina
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Stöđvum olíu stríđin. Stop The Oil War. Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: It doesn t make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.

Stöđva stríđiđ.

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Savage Begs Trump To Stop WWIII

Klikka á fyrir stćrri mynd


Mín 7:13/23:09

Published on Apr 11, 2017

In this off the cuff interview Michael Savage begs Donald Trump to not plunge the world into another world war which may destroy life as we know it.

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more.

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Ein af orsökum stríđanna í Miđ Austur löndum.

9.4.2017 | 01:05

MUST WATCH! The Hidden Truth Behind the Horrible Chemical Attack in Syria (ReallyGraceful)


Klikka á fyrir stćrri mynd



Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'


Egilsstađir, 12.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ţegar ađ Sovétríkin, hćttu ađ styđja einrćđisstjórnina í Austur- Ţýskalandi, ţá féll Austur Ţýska stjórnin strax. Ef Kína hćttir ađ styđja einrćđisstjórnina í Norđur- Kóreu, fellur ţá Norđur- Kóreu stjórn strax?

Ţegar ađ Sovétríkin, hćttu ađ styđja einrćđisstjórnina í Austur- Ţýskalandi, ţá féll Austur Ţýska stjórnin strax.

Ef Kína hćttir ađ styđja einrćđisstjórnina í Norđur- Kóreu Ţá fellur Norđur- Kóreu stjórn strax? 

Er ţetta sambćrilegt?

Vill Kína fá sameinađa Kóreu?

Fólksfjöldi, Norđur- Kórea.

25,115,311 (July 2016 est.)

Fólksfjöldi, Suđur- Kórea.

50,924,172 (July 2016 est.)

Samtals ca. 76 miljónir

Viđ ţessir sem erum á nírćđisaldri, munum ţegar Norđur- Kórea var látin ráđast inn í Suđur- Kóreu,  25.06.1950 – 27.07.1953


Asia's Biggest Nightmare: A U.S.-China War in North Korea

... If and when the North Korean government does collapse, some form of military intervention is inevitable. None of the regional powers will rest until all of Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons are accounted for, and nobody really knows what that number is. Armed remnants of the old government may try to seize control of nuclear weapons to gain concessions from the international community.  ...

Ef ég geri eitthvađ sem ekki má setja svona inn, ţá tek ég ţađ strax niđur.

Egilsstađir, 10.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ein af orsökum stríđanna í Miđ Austur löndum.

MUST WATCH! The Hidden Truth Behind the Horrible Chemical Attack in Syria (ReallyGraceful)


Shita Múslima olíuleiđala, sem Rússar styđja, rauđ lína.

Súníta Múslima olíuleiđsla, sem US styđur, blá lína.

Ef bláa leiđslan er byggđ, ţá minnkar möguleiki Rússa á ţví ađ selja olíu og gas í Evrópu.

Reyndar gildir ţađ sama um ţá rauđu.


Klikka á stćrri mynd.

 2017-04-09-oliuleiđslur frá miđ-austur-londum

Egilsstađir, 04-09-2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Nokkrum sinnum hefur eiturvopnum veriđ beitt í styrjöldinni í Sýrlandi og alltaf hefur stjórn Assad veriđ kennt um, en í ljós hefur ţó iđulega komiđ ađ svo var ekki, en frá ţví greina vestrćnir fjölmiđlar sjaldnast.

Alvarleg mistök Donald Trump.

Blogg, Jón Magnússon


Reynt ađ setja sem athugasemd á bloggi hjá Jóni Magnússyni

Góđ umfjöllun.

Tókst gömlu „elítunni“  í stjórnkerfinu, ađ snúa á Trump?

Assad sagđi ađ tjón hefđi orđiđ tiltölulega lítiđ, og Rússar voru látnir vita.

Ađ ţetta vćri hugsuđ ađvörun til Kína vegna fundarins í Flórida, Mar-a-Lago.

Nú eiga allir ađ senda góđar hugsanir, til fundarmanna og yfir heiminn allan.

Egilsstađir, 07.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


.. secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad.

7.4.2017 | 13:03


Allir sendi góđar hugsanir, bćnir, til fundarins í Flórida, í bústađ Trumps, Mar-a-Lago. og yfir heiminn allan. Muna ađ bćn er til ađ láta einstaklinginn hugsa góđa hugsun sem er til eftirbreyttni. Sendu skýr og sterk skilabođ međ bćninni ţinni.


Nú eiga allir ađ senda góđar hugsanir, bćnir, til fundarins í Flórida, í bústađ Trumps, Mar-a-Lago. og yfir heiminn allan.

Muna ađ bćn er til ađ láta einstaklinginn hugsa góđa hugsun sem er til eftirbreyttni.

Sendu skýr og sterk skilabođ međ bćninni ţinni.

Láttu nú einusinni ađ ţér kveđa.

Viđ erum engir aumingjar.

Egilsstađir, 07.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Körfufylli af Twitter-vćnum samningum
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

.. secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad.

Eric ZUESSE | 28.04.2016 | WORLD

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

The great investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, in two previous articles in the London Review of Books («Whose Sarin?» and «The Red Line and the Rat Line») has reported that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria; and Hersh pointed to a report from British intelligence saying that the sarin that was used didn’t come from Assad’s stockpiles. Hersh also said that a secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad. «By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria». Hersh didn’t say whether these «arms» included the precursor chemicals for making sarin which were stockpiled in Libya, but there have been multiple independent reports that Libya’s Gaddafi possessed such stockpiles, and also that the US Consulate in Benghazi Libya was operating a «rat line» for Gaddafi’s captured weapons into Syria through Turkey. So, Hersh isn’t the only reporter who has been covering this. Indeed, the investigative journalist Christoph Lehmann headlined on 7 October 2013, «Top US and Saudi Officials responsible for Chemical Weapons in Syria» and reported, on the basis of very different sources than Hersh used, that «Evidence leads directly to the White House, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, CIA Director John Brennan, Saudi Intelligence Chief Prince Bandar, and Saudi Arabia´s Interior Ministry». And, as if that weren’t enough, even the definitive analysis of the evidence that was performed by two leading US analysts, the Lloyd-Postal report, concluded that, «The US Government’s Interpretation of the Technical Intelligence It Gathered Prior to and After the August 21 Attack CANNOT POSSIBLY BE CORRECT». Obama has clearly been lying.

However, now, for the first time, Hersh has implicated Hillary Clinton directly in this «rat line». In an interview with, Hersh was asked about the then-US-Secretary-of-State’s role in the Benghazi Libya US consulate’s operation to collect weapons from Libyan stockpiles and send them through Turkey into Syria for a set-up sarin-gas attack, to be blamed on Assad in order to ‘justify’ the US invading Syria, as the US had invaded Libya to eliminate Gaddafi. Hersh said: «That ambassador who was killed, he was known as a guy, from what I understand, as somebody, who would not get in the way of the CIA. As I wrote, on the day of the mission he was meeting with the CIA base chief and the shipping company. He was certainly involved, aware and witting of everything that was going on. And there’s no way somebody in that sensitive of a position is not talking to the boss, by some channel».

This was, in fact, the Syrian part of the State Department’s Libyan operation, Obama’s operation to set up an excuse for the US doing in Syria what they had already done in Libya.

The interviewer then asked: «In the book [Hersh’s The Killing of Osama bin Laden, just out] you quote a former intelligence official as saying that the White House rejected 35 target sets [for the planned US invasion of Syria] provided by the Joint Chiefs as being insufficiently painful to the Assad regime. (You note that the original targets included military sites only – nothing by way of civilian infrastructure.) Later the White House proposed a target list that included civilian infrastructure. What would the toll to civilians have been if the White House’s proposed strike had been carried out?»

Hersh responded by saying that the US tradition in that regard has long been to ignore civilian casualties; i.e., collateral damage of US attacks is okay or even desired (so as to terrorize the population into surrender) – not an ‘issue’, except, perhaps, for the PR people.

The interviewer asked why Obama is so obsessed to replace Assad in Syria, since «The power vacuum that would ensue would open Syria up to all kinds of jihadi groups»; and Hersh replied that not only he, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff, «nobody could figure out why». He said, «Our policy has always been against him [Assad]. Period». This has actually been the case not only since the Party that Assad leads, the Ba’ath Party, was the subject of a shelved CIA coup-plot in 1957 to overthrow and replace it; but, actually, the CIA’s first coup had been not just planned but was carried out in 1949 in Syria, overthrowing there a democratically elected leader, in order to enable a pipeline for the Sauds’ oil to become built through Syria into the largest oil market, Europe; and, construction of the pipeline started the following year. But, there were then a succession of Syrian coups (domestic instead of by foreign powers – 195419631966, and, finally, in 1970), concluding in the accession to power of Hafez al-Assad during the 1970 coup. And, the Sauds' long-planned Trans-Arabia Pipeline has still not been built. The Saudi royal family, who own the world’s largest oil company, Aramco, don’t want to wait any longer. Obama is the first US President to have seriously tried to carry out their long-desired «regime change» in Syria, so as to enable not only the Sauds’ Trans-Arabian Pipeline to be built, but also to build through Syria the Qatar-Turkey Gas Pipeline that the Thani royal family (friends of the Sauds) who own Qatar want also to be built there. The US is allied with the Saud family (and with their friends, the royal families of Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman). Russia is allied with the leaders of Syria – as Russia had earlier been allied with Mossadegh in Iran, Arbenz in Guatemala, Allende in Chile, Hussein in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya, and Yanukovych in Ukraine (all of whom except Syria’s Ba’ath Party, the US has successfully overthrown).

Hersh was wrong to say that «nobody could figure out why» Obama is obsessed with overthrowing Assad and his Ba’ath Party, even if nobody that he spoke with was willing to say why. They have all been hired to do a job, which didn’t change even when the Soviet Union ended and the Warsaw Pact was disbanded; and, anyone who has been at this job for as long as those people have, can pretty well figure out what the job actually is – even if Hersh can’t.

Hersh then said that Obama wanted to fill Syria with foreign jihadists to serve as the necessary ground forces for his planned aerial bombardment there, and, «if you wanted to go there and fight there in 2011-2013, ‘Go, go, go… overthrow Bashar!’ So, they actually pushed a lot of people [jihadists] to go. I don’t think they were paying for them but they certainly gave visas».

However, it’s not actually part of America’s deal with its allies the fundamentalist-Sunni Arabic royal families and the fundamentalist Sunni Erdogan of Turkey, for the US to supply the salaries (to be «paying for them», as Hersh put it there) to those fundamentalist Sunni jihadists – that’s instead the function of the Sauds and of their friends, the other Arab royals, and their friends, to do. (Those are the people who finance the terrorists to perpetrate attacks in the US, Europe, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, India, Nigeria, etc. – i.e., anywhere except in their own countries.) And, Erdogan in Turkey mainly gives their jihadists just safe passage into Syria, and he takes part of the proceeds from the jihadists’ sales of stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil. But, they all work together as a team (with the jihadists sometimes killing each other in the process – that’s even part of the plan) – though each national leader has PR problems at home in order to fool his respective public into thinking that they’re against terrorists, and that only the ‘enemy’ is to blame. (Meanwhile, the aristocrats who supply the «salaries» of the jihadists, walk off with all the money.)

This way, US oil and gas companies will refine, and pipeline into Europe, the Sauds’ oil and the Thanis’ gas, and not only will Russia’s major oil-and-gas market become squeezed away by that, but Obama’s economic sanctions against Russia, plus the yet-further isolation of Russia (as well as of China and the rest of the BRICS countries) by excluding them from Obama’s three mega-trade-deals (TTIP, TPP & TISA), will place the US aristocracy firmly in control of the world, to dominate the 21st Century, as it has dominated ever since the end of WW II.

Then, came this question from Hersh: «Why does America do what it does? Why do we not say to the Russians, Let’s work together?» His interviewer immediately seconded that by repeating it, «So why don’t we work closer with Russia? It seems so rational». Hersh replied simply: «I don’t know». He didn’t venture so much as a guess – not even an educated one. But, when journalists who are as knowledgeable as he, don’t present some credible explanation, to challenge the obvious lies (which make no sense that accords with the blatantly contrary evidence those journalists know of against those lies) that come from people such as Barack Obama, aren’t they thereby – though passively – participating in the fraud, instead of contradicting and challenging it? Or, is the underlying assumption, there: The general public is going to be as deeply immersed in the background information here as I am, so that they don’t need me to bring it all together for them into a coherent (and fully documented) whole, which does make sense? Is that the underlying assumption? Because: if it is, it’s false.

Hersh’s journalism is among the best (after all: he went so far as to say, of Christopher Stephens, regarding Hillary Clinton, «there’s no way somebody in that sensitive of a position is not talking to the boss, by some channel»), but it’s certainly not good enough. However, it’s too good to be published any longer in places like the New Yorker. And the reporting by Christof Lehmann was better, and it was issued even earlier than Hersh’s; and it is good enough, because it named names, and it explained motivations, in an honest and forthright way, which is why Lehmann’s piece was published only on a Montenegrin site, and only online, not in a Western print medium, such as the New Yorker. The sites that are owned by members of the Western aristocracy don’t issue reports like that – journalism that’s good enough. They won’t inform the public when a US Secretary of State, and her boss the US President, are the persons actually behind a sarin gas attack they’re blaming on a foreign leader the US aristocrats and their allied foreign aristocrats are determined to topple and replace.

Is this really democracy?

Tags: ISIS   Libya  Clinton 

Egilsstađir, 07.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

I'll back Texas independence, EU's Juncker warns Trump. The EU's Juncker warns Trump over Brexit comments

 I'll back Texas independence, EU's Juncker warns Trump

The EU's Juncker warns Trump over Brexit comments


Egilsstađir, 05.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Search Results

I'll back Texas independence, EU's Juncker warns Trump -

6 days ago - (CNN) The president of the executive arm of the European Union had a message for US President Donald Trump on Thursday: mind your own ...

EU's Juncker Says He'll Back Texas Secession If Trump Champions ...

6 days ago - EU to Trump: Mess With Brexit and We’ll Mess With Texas. ... European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker hit back at Donald Trump’s support for the U.K.’s withdrawal from the European Union, saying that he would champion American states that wanted to secede from the union ...

Jean-Claude Juncker's Warning to Trump - The Atlantic

6 days ago - An EU Official Lets Loose on Trump. “I’m going to promote the independence of Ohio and the exit of Texas” if the U.S. president continues to promote Brexit to other EU members, Jean-ClaudeJuncker said. ... By the ordinarily staid standards of EU officials, Jean-Claude Juncker ...

Trump better stop encouraging EU secession or kiss Texas goodbye ...

6 days ago - The EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has called on US President Donald Trump to stop applauding Brexit and become more ...

Watch: Jean-Claude Juncker threatens to promote the break-up of the ...

6 days ago - I'm talking about Jean-Claude Juncker, of course, who just said that if ... he would 'promote the independence of Ohio and Austin, Texas, in the ...

European Union - EU boss threatens to break up US in retaliation for ... › News › Politics

5 days ago - EU could BREAK UP the US: Juncker in jaw-dropping threat to Trump ... for Ohio andTexas to split from the rest of America if the Republican ...

Texan caller MOCKS Jean-Claude Juncker over THREAT to split ...



Steingrímur Hermannsson hefđi sagt, ţetta eru meiri vandrćđin, ég skil ekkert í ţessu. Ţeir hljóta ađ vera sérfrćđingar í ađ fela slóđina, en hafa ekki fattađ ađ ţađ var ekkert ađ fela. Er greitt meira fyrir felureikning?

Já, ég gerđi allt vitlaust, ţetta var ekki kennt í skólanum. Ţetta kom mér á óvart, Ég var međ allt önnur plön í höfđinu.

Ég fór til forsetans, ţađ var ekki svo sniđugt. 

Rćđa viđ gömlu félagana, í ICAVE og flokknum, hefđi veriđ gáfulegra.

Og svo Wintris, Ég veit meira núna, fulltrúi bankans hefur ramma, um hvernig hann á ađ taka á svona málum, innlögnum.

Fulltrúinn, hefur gátlista, ţar stendur félag, já félag, já Wintris,

Skúffurnar í rammanum, skrifborđinu eru merktar félag, Tortóla, Panama, London svindl bank, Luxemburg svindl bank og Sviss ekki svindl bank.

Ég er búinn ađ átta mig ađeins núna.

Steingrímur Hermannsson hefđi sagt, ţetta eru meiri vandrćđin, ég skil ekkert í ţessu.

Ţeir hljóta ađ vera sérfrćđingar í ađ fela slóđina, en hafa ekki fattađ ađ ţađ var ekkert ađ fela.

Ef greitt er meira fyrir felureikning, ţá setja bankarnir alla inn á felureikning. Ég var ekki búinn ađ átta mig á ţví.

Trúlega hefur ţótt best ađ setja ţetta á Sviss ekki ekki ekki svindl bank.

Ef til vill fćr bankinn meira greitt fyrir felu bank?

Nei, ég veit ekki hvađ ég á ađ hugsa eđa segja.

Auđvitađ eru bankamenn snillingar, hafa, ramma, skrifborđ og skúffur, og aflandsfelubanka.

Og ţađ allra skemmtilegasta, ađ allt er ţetta bara í tölvunni á skrifborđinu hjá ţeim.

Viđ skrifum lćrđar greinar og gerum miklar rannsóknir, um allan heim, Panama, Tortola, Luxumborg, svindl bankarnir, allt í labtoppnum hjá fulltrúanum.

Stundum eru leigđ pósthólf, eđa skúffur hjá einhverjum aflands lögfrćđistofum.

Veistu ég skil ekkert í ţessu.

Eigum viđ ekki bara ađ herma eftir Trump, eđa láta Trump herma eftir okkur, og hćtta ađ fela ţađ ađ bankalánin eru ađeins bókhald.

Fólkiđ er eins og kýr í fjósi, lćtur bankamanninn mjólka sig og ná af sér öllum eignum ţjóđanna.

Bankinn hefur bókhaldiđ, en fólkiđ hugann og höndina, sem skapar allt sem gert er.

Auđvitađ hlćgjum viđ ađ ţessu, Veraldarbankinn vill ađ sjálfsögđu hafa okkur í fjósinu áfram.

En nú eru komnir nýir tímar, allir, meira ađ segja stjórnmálamenn og bankastarfsmenn eru farnir ađ skilja Bankafléttuna.

Já, ađ sjálfsögđu, skrifiđ ţiđ sem mest um hvađ ég var klaufalegur og óviđbúinn, svindliđ, sem ekki var svindl, peninginn sem er bara bókhald, bankann sem lánar bókhald, nú lögum viđ ţetta allt saman.

Hent upp í hillu A4 blađ

Kreppufléttan, endurtekiđ

Peningar, seđlar.


Egilsstađir, 04.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson „Mr. Prime Minister...“
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Nćsta síđa »


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