China, India, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan all are expressing a large interest in and financial commitment to developing a harvesting infrastructure for this promising resource. Þetta er ástæða deilunar um Suður Kína haf.

China and India To Harvest Massive New Fuel Source: Crystal Methane Jason Mick (Blog) - December 14, 2007 5:08 PM

China, India and numerous other developing nations bet on new carbon fuel to complete their ascent to economic dominance

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Þeir báru eld að botnfallinu, setinu af hafsbotninum, og gasið lekur úr kristöllunum, sem eru eins og svampur, og sjúga í sig gasið.

Here the methane hydrate trapped within the muddy sediment is showed fueling a golden flame. Methane hydrate resources are estimated to surpass coal, oil, and natural gas supplies combined.  (Source: Spiegel Online)

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Hér er blái liturinn, staðirnir þar sem mest er af setinu, sem er fullt af orku.

Þetta er ástæðan, að Kína reynir að yfirtaka Suður Kína haf, 800 kílómetra í suð vestur að ströndum Víetnam, Malaysiu , Brunei og suður að Filipseyjum.***

There are rich deposits of methane hydrates surrounding much of Asia.  (Source: Spiegel Online)


... China, India, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan all are expressing a large interest in and financial commitment to developing a harvesting infrastructure for this promising resource.  While the west has only expressed marginal interest in it, these Asian nations see it as an invaluable tool to pass their western competitors which they are fast approaching in terms of economic power. ...

... Fossil fuel prospecting companies are considering using drilling and heating pipes to melt the crystals and release the methane, which will be subsequently captured.

China is not alone in its zealousness for the fuel.  Japan built the world's largest research drilling ship to aid in its prospecting chances and India has invested almost 300 million USD to begin a national program of methane prospecting and harvest.  India has achieved a significant early success, discovering an extremely thick 132 m methane-hydrate containing layer of sediment has been found in the Krishna-Godavari Basin in the Indian Ocean. ... 


***Þarna virðist Washington hafa sagt að USA mundi ekki skipta sér af svæðisbundnum deilum, og þá er strax farið í landvinninga. "Yang, called on Washington to "honour its promise of not taking a position in territorial disputes""

14.6.2016 | 16:09

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Egilsstaðir, 29.04.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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