Creeping Sharia in Health Care


"Islamic supremacy is arriving in medical settings using stealth means, or what is often referred to as creeping sharia. "

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"The doctor, a meticulously groomed, soft-spoken, modern-appearing man made it clear that, among other things, he believed that Muslim females become “mature” when they turned nine and therefore can be married at that age. I ignored the alarm bell that went off in my head when he made that statement. Of course I’ve long since realized that this highly educated doctor who worked at a prestigious hospital had sanctioned, at the very least, child rape (in keeping with the teachings of his prophet, the king of all pedophiles, Mohammed)."

Egilsstađir, 02.08.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Three things you (probably) don't know about islam


Egilsstađir, 02.08.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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