Ósigur Repúblikana í fulltrúadeildinni, var skipulagður af Deep State, Bakstjórninni. Kosninga svik og þjófnaður, réði öllu á kosningadaginn, 06.11.2018. Góður árangur hjá Trump, ætti hann að hafa viðhaldið, meirihluta Republikana í Fulltrúadeildinni.

Revenge of the RINOs: How the Republican House Defeat Was Engineered by Deep State

Voter Fraud and Election Theft Ruled the Day on November 6th


State of the Nation



Hefnd nashyrningsins: (ég þarf að lesa það betur þegar ég hef tíma, en gæti verið Deep State fólkið í báðum flokkum, Repúblikana og Demókrata. Jg)

Ósigur Repúblikana í fulltrúadeildinni, var skipulagður af Deep State, Bakstjórninni. Kosninga svik og þjófnaður, réði öllu á kosningadaginn, 06.11.2018,.

Ýmsar þekktar svika aðferðir voru viðhafðar til að tryggja að Demókratar ynnu fulltrúadeildina.

Vegna góðs árangurs hjá Trump forseta, ætti hann að hafa viðhaldið eða styrkt meirihluta Republikana í Fulltrúadeildinni.

Það gerðist reyndar ekki, heldur stórsigur Demókrata.

Ýmisar stórfréttir voru skipulagðar, til að þjóðin gleymdi atburðum kosningadagsins.

Þeir sem vilja geta kynnt sér málefnið.


The CIA in league with the Democratic Party Is Moving to Take Control of the House of Representatives



 All Major Pollsters Are Agents of Deep State, Predictions Are Fabricated to Validate Election Thefts.


Egilsstaðir, 20.12.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Revenge of the RINOs: How the Republican House Defeat Was Engineered by Deep State – The Millennium Report

 Kavanaugh character assassination plot to associate Trump with alleged sexual abuse (Deep State’s Blaseygate Exposed as Seditious Black Op)

 False flag bomb psyops perpetrated against Democrat VIPs to blame a Trump supporter (FALSE FLAG BOMB SCARES: Who’s really doing it and Why?)

 Hurricane Michael: A geoengineered superstorm and weather bomb dropped on the Right-leaning Florida Panhandle to eliminate Republican voters (Voting Analysis Determines that Devastation of FL Panhandle from Hurricane Michael Could Swing Key Elections to Democrats)

 Khashoggi assassination plot to tarnish Trump administration with Saudi savagery (Khashoggi Assassination Plot Exposed)

 False flag mass shooting at Pittsburgh Synagogue conducted to blame Trump for national division (FALSE FLAG MASS SHOOTING: Pittsburgh Synagogue Targeted by Deep State-Directed Terrorist Attack

 Honduran Caravan sent as a ‘blue wave’ of illegal aliens to perform unlawful voting for Democrat candidates (OCTOBER SURPRISE: Soros & Company Crashes a Blue Wave into the Mexican Border to Steal the Midterm Elections)

• Hot yoga shooting and false flag operation in Tallahassee where an alleged Right-leaning assailant carries out a “November jolt”. (ELECTION PSYOP: A ‘False Flag’ Mass Shooting in Tallahassee Just Before Election Day, How Convenient for Candidate Gillum)
(Source: Deep State will pull out all the stops to flip both houses of Congress



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