European institute has developed a device that can withstand the EMP -- and identify an attacker in the aftermath. High-power microwave weapons small enough to fit in a suitcase can disable smaller targets like neighborhoods, banks and stock exchanges.

EMPs: How to detect a blast that could darken the world

...  Now a European institute says it has developed a device that can withstand the EMP -- and identify an attacker in the aftermath. …

… Some high-power microwave weapons small enough to fit in a suitcase can disable smaller targets like neighborhoods, banks and stock exchanges. Devices can be used to cause confusion or to infiltrate secure areas by disabling alarm systems. An attacker would merely need to get within a few yards of a target and push a button to unleash the pulse. 

Recently in Berlin, thieves have been using electromagnetic waves to defeat limousine security systems, for example. …


Eitt herskip var fryst, grillađ,  í Svartahafi, og nú ţrjú í eđa nálćgt Kínahafi.

Flug varnir viđ Alaska voru frystar, grillađar.

Ţađ virđist sem ađ USA hafi vanrćkt rannsóknir á EMP.


An Obama Parting Shot: No Nuclear EMP Protection

Egilsstađir, 22.08.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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