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Netanyahu: Some Arab countries see Israel as an ally


..... But at the same time, he added, “there is an opposing trend...countries like India, China, Japan, Russia – they're all coming to Israel. Scarcely a week goes by that we don't have a delegation from one of these countries of either political office-holders, or more and more, entrepreneurs, heads of companies. The same is happening in the nations of Africa and Latin America – virtually all of them. And they're all coming here. And the reason they're coming here is for two reasons.”

“The first reason is the concern with the spread of militant Islam, which has become a global plague and there terrorism that it produces,” Netanyahu said. “And countries want to have, to benefit from Israel's experience, our intelligence. I mean, military intelligence, special service intelligence, operational experience. They want to partake of that experience to help defend themselves. So one reason they're coming here with increasing numbers is the battle against the forces of yesterday, the forces of medievalism that want to take back our world at least a thousand years.”.....

 Egilsstađir, 15.02.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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