One can understand clearly the illusion only when he or she can free himself or herself from this illusion, - This come from the ability to switch off the mind and look inside, -

Is the World Just an Illusion or Real?

by Remez Sasson

Is the world just an illusion or real? This is a question that some of the people who visit this website and blog ask.

The world is not real in the sense that:

  • Nothing is permanent in the world.
  • The reality or lack or reality of the world largely depends on our five senses.
  • Everything is vibration in various wavelengths.
  • Everything is made from the same tiny particles, so the same particles can take different forms.
  • Everything that we call truth depends on our prior mental programming and education. What someone deems as truth, someone else deems as untrue.
  • The world is an illusion not in the sense that it is non-existent, but in the sense that we create this illusion with our attitude, upbringing and ignorance. We often create with our feelings and thoughts an illusory world that does not exist. We create a veil that hides reality.

One can understand clearly the illusion only when he or she can free himself or herself from this illusion, and this does not come from just denying the reality of the world and becoming apathetic. This come from the ability to switch off the mind and look inside, and requires a lot of inner work. ...

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