Dennis Lee, an American hero, goes over why they killed the electric car! He shows a super efficient electric motor that could be powered with just two deep cycle Marine batteries! You'd never have to go to the gas station,




New Motor Killed The Electric Car! Dennis Lee Explains

Dennis Lee, an American hero, goes over why they killed the electric car! He shows a super efficient electric motor that could be powered with just two deep cycle Marine batteries! You'd never have to go to the gas station, just replace the two batteries when they finally gave out years down the road!

Spread the word about this technology so everybody knows we're being completely ripped off! It's time to wake up! Share on all social networks and email lists so we can change history together!

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Egilsstaðir, 28.06.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Bloggfærslur 28. júní 2017


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