We are in the midst of the greatest transfer of wealth to a scarce few individuals and banks, all of it being done within the boundaries of laws that the bankers themselves have either written or paid well to have written.

Glass-Steagall prevented this egregious behavior and must be reinstated.

Ţetta er forvitnilegt.

Nú ţegar 90% af fjölmiđluninni er stjórnađ af 6 stórfyrirtćkjum er líklegt ađ ţau ćtli sér ađ ráđa umrćđunni. Ţá ţarf mikla yfirsýn, eđa innsći, til ađ átta sig á umrćđunni.


Wall Street bankers are revolting against Donald Trump


"A hedge fund investor suggested that Trump's pitch to re-instate Glass-Steagall, a set of bank regulations that would potentially crimp business practices on which Wall Street has become dependent, was a curveball to his finance sector supporters. The investor said his pitch Monday to rearrange the corporate tax structure was also a surprise. Although the Republican National Convention is over, Trump continues to provide surprises to Wall Street.

Earlier Tuesday, he called the stock market a "big bubble," reiterating prior comments he has made about U.S. shares."


Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act



Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act immediately.

We are in the midst of the greatest transfer of wealth to a scarce few individuals and banks, all of it being done within the boundaries of laws that the bankers themselves have either written or paid well to have written. Glass-Steagall prevented this egregious behavior and must be reinstated.

Ég reyni ađ feitletra, undirstrika og lita til ađ ég og ađrir grípi frekar um hvađ skrifin fjalla.

Egilsstađir, 10.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Bloggfćrslur 10. ágúst 2016


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