Hann fæddist í Afganistan, hér bauðst honum og fjölskyldunni hans að að búa í góðu húsi, í góðu hverfi, fékk góða menntun, og hafði aðgang að góðum bíl. Og hvernig launaði hann atlætið?

Stop Justifying Islamist Terrorism: An Australian Example



Aðeins endursagt, hér vantar aðeins meira á íslensku.

Hann fæddist í Afganistan, hér bauðst honum og fjölskyldunni hans að að búa í góðu húsi, í góðu hverfi, fékk góða menntun, og hafði aðgang að góðum bíl.

Og hvernig launaði hann atlætið?

Egilsstaðir, 17.07.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

These wars against Christians are supported by so-called moderate Muslims all over the world. Muslim refugees beginning to realize that they are not welcome in Christian countries because of their violent ways.....

17.7.2016 | 07:58

How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries?

27.8.2015 | 21:18


A German's View on Islam - worth reading. Takið afrit og lesið og sendið áfram. Látum ekki þögnina hjálpa múslímum að vinna stríðið gegn restina að mankyninu.

These wars against Christians are supported by so-called moderate Muslims all over the world. Muslim refugees beginning to realize that they are not welcome in Christian countries because of their violent ways.....

Have the Crusades finally started again?

A short but inclusive report on the following countries which are the first to ban Islam.  See how the rest of the world is acting fast on the threat posed by Islam and its barbaric Sharia Law.

Prof. Paul Eidelberg, 17/07/16 01:33
...."Muslim refugees beginning to realize that they are not welcome in Christian countries because of their violent ways  and continuing wars in Syria and Iraq whipped up by the hideous
ISIS who are murdering young children and using mothers and daughters as sex slaves.
These wars against Christians are supported by so-called moderate Muslims all over the world." ....
Egilsstaðir, 17.07.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Bloggfærslur 17. júlí 2016


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