Abdeslam’s neighbourhood, Mollenbeek, ..laboratorium for multiculturalism. But “Mollenbekistan” is not unique in Europe: the Swedish..Malmö, the British .. “Londonistan”, cities .. Tolouse and Marseille, ..Parisian banlieu, the Dutch city of Rotterdam

Op-Ed: Will Europe fall?

Multiculturalism cannot withstand a true believer's ideology and civil war is lurking in its folds.

Giulio Meotti

…. Abdeslam’s neighbourhood, Mollenbeek, has become the most brutal laboratorium for multiculturalism. But “Mollenbekistan” is not unique in Europe: the Swedish city of Malmö, the British arcipelago of “Londonistan”, cities such as Tolouse and Marseille, the deep and large Parisian banlieu, the Dutch city of Rotterdam….

…. These terrorists used Raqqa just as a shooting range, just for practice. This is a European war. These are Europe’s children, the children of failed integration. ….


Egilsstađir, 30-03-2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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