Europe - if you can't stand up for your children, who will? - Or are they Soros puppets implanted into the judicial system that are at work? - The law applies to everyone equally - whether you're a Crimean Tatar or a Slavic, subject to the same protocols.


smileSmá endursögn á íslensku.

Europeans have no future - Putin on Migrant Crisis

smileEvrópubúar eiga enga framtíđ - segir Pútin um innflytjanda vandan.

smileSmá endursögn á íslensku.


Birt 1. nóv. 2016

In a truly shocking twist, the Supreme Court of Austria has decided to acquit the Iraqi man, "that may not have realised the 10-year-old Austrian boy did not want to be sexually abused by him."

smileŢađ er sláandi, ađ Hćstiréttur Austurríkis, hefur ákveđiđ ađ sýkna Íranskan mann, sem ef til vill hefur ekki gert sér grein fyrir ađ 10 ára Austurrískur drengur vildi ekki láta misnota sig.

Amir, 20, was visiting the Theresienbad pool in the Austrian capital of Vienna in December 2015, as part of a trip to encourage integration, when the incident occurred.  

smileHinn 20 ára gamli Amir fór í ađlögunar ferđ í Theresienbad laug í höfuđborg Austurríkis, ţegar ţetta skeđi. 

Europe - if you can-t stand up for your children, who will?

smileEvrópa - ef ţú passar ekki börnin ţín, hver á ţá ađ gera ţađ?

Of course there is the fact that Western Europe has supported the US in their violent destruction of the Middle East over the past 20 years. Is it a guilty conscience that seems to appease the blatant criminal activity on behalf of some newcomers?

smileAuđvitađ hefur Evrópa stutt viđ Bandaríkin, í eyđileggingunni í Miđ-Austurlöndum síđustu 20 ár. Er ţađ sektarkenndin, ađ friđa samviskuna og taka létt á brotum innflytjenda?

Or are they Soros puppets implanted into the judicial system that are at work? 

smileEđa eru ţetta fulltrúar Sorusar, sem hafur veriđ komiđ fyrir í dómskerfinu?

Russia is a multicultural and multi-religious society, and has been for 1000 years.

smileRússland er fjölmenningar og fjöl trúflokka samfélag, og hefur veriđ ţađ í 1000 ár.

The law applies to everyone equally - whether you're a Crimean Tatar or a Slavic Russian - every Russian citizen is 'native' as such and subject to the same protocols.

smileLögin í (Rússlandi) gilda fyrir alla jafnt – hvort sem ţú ert Tatar frá Krím, eđa Rússneskur Slavi – allir Rússneskir borgarar tilheyra landinu, og fara eftir lögum Rússlands.

smileSmá endursögn á íslensku. 

Egilsstađir, 13.07.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Bloggfćrslur 15. júlí 2018


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