Stúlkan hittir drenginn og hann var ekki með byssu, á meðan skothríðin heyrist. Vopnin sem hann hafði heima voru ekki tekin af honum, þótt einhverjir hefðu láti vita um þau. Var hann geymdur til að kenna honum um.

Bera þetta saman við fréttir hjá RÚV í dag.

Menntaskóla stúlka í Parkland í Flórída, kom auga á Nikolas Cruz í skólanum.

Hún sagðist hafa heyrt skothríð í öðrum hluta byggingarinnar,

á meðan hún var að tala við Cruz, og sagði að hann hefði ekki

haft byssu, þegar hún talaði við hann.

Við verðum hugsi.

Er RÚV að segja að strákurinn hafi gert þetta?

Á öðrum stað er haft eftir einum kennaranum, að Nikolas Cruz

geti ekki einu sinni klætt sig í buxurnar.

Frétta upptökulið frá Houston, var við upptökur í Íþróttahúsi

þarna nálægt, og dreif sig að skólanum.

Þeir sýndu blaðamannapassana, og var hleypt inn á göturnar

nálægt skólanum.

Þar tók teimið upp viðtöl og myndir af nemendum og kennurum, og

þetta er þeirra frásögn.

Ýmsar slóðir frá aðal fréttamiðlum virka ekki núna, og segir það sína sögu, svo að ég tek þá ekki niður.

Þegar slóð hverfur, þá ferð þú inn á leitarvélarnar, svo sem og setur nafnið á slóðinni sem hvarf, og leitarvélin finnur samskonar efni.

Oft er sagt að slóðin sé hættuleg, ef bakstjórnin vill ekki að þú lesir slóðina.


Allveg neðst eru linkar frá mér.


A high school girl in Parkland, Florida says that she recognized Nikolas Cruz at the school.

She said she heard shooting in another part of the building

while talking to Cruz and that Cruz did not have a gun

when she spoke to him.

What are your thoughts?


ný slóð

Students At Florida School Shooting Report Crisis Drills and Multiple Shooters


BOMBSHELL - Florida High School Student Heard Multiple Shooters & Talked To Nikolas Cruz



 Birt 15. feb. 2018

A high school girl in Parkland, Florida says that she recognized Nikolas Cruz at the school.

She said she heard shooting in another part of the building

while talking to Cruz and that Cruz did not have a gun

when she spoke to him.

What are your thoughts?



Federal Aviation Administration logs reveal that a Las Vegas police helicopter picked up armed terrorists on the night of the massacre.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 30. ágúst 2018

FAA: Police Helicopter Picked Up Armed Terrorists During Vegas Massacre. Federal Aviation Administration logs reveal that a Las Vegas police helicopter picked up armed terrorists on the night of the massacre.

How did Nikolas Cruz go from “full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting this rifle I’ve never seen before” to not even being able to keep his trousers up?

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 27. mars 2018

That Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott already issued new gun control measures indicates that this covert gun-grabbing scheme is very much a Uniparty initiative . BREAKING! Gov. Scott Goes for Gun Controls in Florida, Gunowners Feel Betrayed

Undermining the American Republic is the single most important objective of Operation Gladio C. Other nations are experiencing their own versions of Operation Gladio C as seen throughout the European Union, the Middle East, etc.”

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 15. mars 2018

← Trey Gowdy: “Show Me a Law That Will Prevent the Next Mass Killing (Video) Students At Florida School Shooting Report Crisis Drills and Multiple Shooters (Video) → OPERATION GLADIO C : Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets

Teacher, police here? - strange he’s in full metal garb. Helmet, face-mask, bulletproof armor, shooting this rifle - She said more than one shooter. - media has an agenda and is working hand in hand with globalists to disarm the good American people

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 26. febrúar 2018

Both of these eyewitness accounts fly in the face of the official narrative the mainstream media is expecting us to digest. By now, it’s evident that the media has an agenda and is working hand in hand with globalists to disarm the good American

Stúlkan hittir drenginn og hann var ekki með byssu, á meðan skothríðin heyrist. Vopnin sem hann hafði heima voru ekki tekin af honum, þótt einhverjir hefðu láti vita um þau. Var hann geymdur til að kenna honum um.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 19. febrúar 2018

A high school girl in Parkland, Florida says that she recognized Nikolas Cruz at the school. She said she heard shooting in another part of the building while talking to Cruz and that Cruz did not have a gun when she spoke to him. What are your thoughts?

Egilsstaðir, 30.12.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

19.2.2018 | 19:56


Bloggfærslur 30. desember 2018


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