Although the US government had directed “the lion’s share” of US$1 billion through the UN: “Christians and persecuted peoples of the Middle East have not been getting the relief they need.”

 UK government discriminates against Christian refugees from Syria

Whitehall officials attempt to block access to statistics which reveal how victims of genocide are neglected by UK and UN ...

Whitehall officials attempt to block access to statistics which reveal how victims of genocide are neglected by UK and UN ...

 In 2015 out of 2,637 refugees there were only 43 Christians, just 13 Yazidis and only one Shia Muslim.

 In 2016 the statistics were even worse.

Out of 7,499 refugees there were only 27 Christians, five Yazidis and 13, Shia Muslims.

It is widely accepted that Christians made up 10 per cent of Syria’s pre-war population and Shia’s around 1.5 per cent while there are estimated to have been 70,000 Yazidis in Syria.


US Vice President Mike Pence says UN has failed to help Christians and other victims of genocide in the Middle East

... In a profound and deeply moving speech on Tuesday, US Vice President Mike Pence said that the United Nations had failed to help Christians and other religious minorities facing genocide in the Middle East or even to treat them equitably....


He went on to say that although the US government had directed “the lion’s share” of  US$1 billion through the UN:

“Christians and persecuted peoples of the Middle East have not been getting the relief they need.”


Trump hættir að láta Sameinuðu þjóðirnar fá styrki frá Bandaríkjunum til að bjarga Kristnum og öðrum minnihlutahópum í Mið-Austurlöndum. Í þess stað á að styrkja Kristna og aðra minnihluta beint, í gegn um trúarhópa sem eru að hjálpa fólkinu. Endursögn.

 Egilsstaðir, 05.11.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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