The lower court’s opinion cited $48,000 that goes to "travel and entertainment," a $103,000 "board of directors fee,” and $1.3 million for salaries of staff in California that it said made the cost of water the highest of any municipality in the state.

Montana town wins back municipal water supply from private company

Published time: 3 Aug, 2016 18:25

„The high court upheld the Missoula District Court, which ruled last spring that the ownership of the water system by the city was “more necessary” than its use by a private company.

 The lower court’s opinion cited $48,000 that goes to "travel and entertainment," a $103,000 "board of directors fee,” and $1.3 million for salaries of staff in California that it said made the cost of water the highest of any municipality in the state.

Missoula was the only city in the state where a private company controlled the water supply.“

Egilsstađir, 03.08.2916-Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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