Li was known as a much-loved figure in his community. He was married 23 times and is a father of more than 200 children.

The Oldest Man In The World 256 Years Breaks The Silence Before His Death And Reveals Its Secret

Birt 14. jan. 2017

The Oldest Man In The World 256 Years Breaks The Silence Before His Death And Reveals Its Secret To The World

The New York Times article from 1930 shows that Wu Chung-Chieh, a professor on the Chengdu University, discovered some Imperial Chinese government records from 1827 congratulating Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday. He went further with the documents, later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877. A New York Times correspondent in 1928 wrote that several of the old men in Li’s neighborhood stated that when their grandfathers were boys, they knew him and at that time he was a grown man.

Li Ching Yuen in fact began his herbalist career when he was 10. He was gathering herbs in the mountain ranges and he learned of their potency for longevity. For nearly 40 years, he lived on a diet of herbs like wild ginseng, lingzhi, goji berry, gotu kola and he shoo wu and rice wine. In 1749, when he was 71 years old, he is joining the Chinese army as teacher of martial arts. Li was known as a much-loved figure in his community. He was married 23 times and is a father of more than 200 children.

According to the commonly accepted tales that were told in his province, Li was able to read and write since he was a child, and by his 10th birthday had traveled in Shansi, Tibet, Kansu, Annam, Siam and Manchuria in order to gather some herbs. For the first 100 years he continued with his occupation. Then he switched to selling herbs that the others were gathering. He sold wild ginseng, lingzhi, goji berry, he shou wu and gotu kola as well as some other Chinese herbs, and he lived of a diet of these herbs and the rice wine.

He Wasn’t The Only One

As one of the Li’s supporters said, once he had encountered a man who was more than 500 years old, who taught him of the Qigong exercises and dietary recommendations which would help him to extend his lifespan to superhuman proportions. Apart from Qigong and herb-rich diet, what more can we learn from this Master of Longevity?

Egilsstaðir, 30.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

BroadBit metallic sodium batteries, 10x more power than Lithium-Ion, 5-minute full charge - expects its cost per kWh to be a third that of Li-ion when in mass production


Við þurfum að greiða kostnaðin fið hinar ýmsu rannsóknir til að við getum haldið áfram við að leita bestu lausna.

Hlusta og skoða, og dreyfa fróðleiknum um veröldina.

BroadBit metallic sodium batteries, 10x more power than Lithium-Ion, 5-minute full charge

Birt 30. maí 2016

BroadBit has invented and is commercializing a new type of metallic sodium battery in two families: Hi-Energy batteries with twice the energy per weight and Hi-Power batteries with ten times the power as todays lithium-ion batteries. BroadBits Hi-Power batteries can be fully charged in as little as 5 minutes. BroadBits batteries are made with abundant and cheap raw materials (e.g. table salt) and its manufacturing process is simpler than Li-ion. With these advantages, BroadBit expects its cost per kWh to be a third that of Li-ion when in mass production. Moreover, initial tests of the technology show no detectable degradation in battery performance over 600 cycles. This is because, unlike Li-ion, there are no side reactions, dendrite formation or mechanical stress due to ion intercalation. These innovations, if BroadBit can turn them into mass production and meet their promises, could make mobile devices lighter, faster charging and longer lasting and will finally enable low-cost, high range and convenient electric vehicles including cars, buses, bikes and even electric air planes and bring about the long awaited post combustion era of transportation. BroadBit is now scaling production of its proprietary electrolytes, anodes and cathodes and is looking for partners worldwide to assemble batteries from its components.

 Filmed in 4K at Berlin 2016 using the Sony AX53

Egilsstaðir, 29.09.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

“Empire Beneath the Ice, How the Nazis won World War II. Dave Hodges and Steve discussed the fact that most of the key Nazis survived the end of World War II. Steve would argue that the Nazi’s never went away.

 The globalist agenda, The New World Order

Hér er margt forvitnilegt


Steve Quayle Saw All of This Coming

Steve Quayle Is the author of Empire Beneath the Ice-How the Nazis Won World War II.

Steve Quayle was recently the special guest of The Common Sense Show. He is the author of a fascinating book that is sweeping the nation and the world. The book is entitled “Empire Beneath the Ice, How the Nazis won World War II.

Dave Hodges and Steve discussed the fact that most of the key Nazis survived the end of World War II. Steve would argue that the Nazi’s never went away.



In his book, he documents how Hitler and several top Nazi’s escaped the hangman’s noose. 

Many prominent Nazi’s were brought to America and occupied many key positions in our government along with many of its key affiliated partners (e.g. Wernher Von Braun and NASA).  

Steve Quayle is absolutely correct as my own father worked with these captured Nazi scientists and my father predicted in 1985 that this “Nazification” had already been visited upon the United States and it was only going to get worse.

In our interview, Steve pointed out that we are not just looking at the rebirth of Hitler’s ideas, we will also witness, as pointed out in the Book of Daniel, that Christians will soon be persecuted in this nation.

One might reasonably believe that the globalists will use the rise of Hitler’s ideas to give birth to a new form of fascism that will become the standard bearer of planetary unification. 

Listen to Dave Hodges interview with Steve Quale here. 

Related: Russia's Had Enough: No More 'Business as Usual' With US


Egilsstaðir, 24.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Ungir og gamlir, ekki láta spila með okkur áfram. Komum upp neti þar sem hægt er að kenna öllum um hin ýmsu málefni í stuttu máli. Þú, við getum ekki áttað okkur á málefnunum, nema að kynna okkur málefnin.

 Hvað eru fjárfestar nú þegar búnir að selja af eignum og jörðum af landinu okkar?

Þeir seldu fisksölufyrirtækin, þeir seldu Bláalónið, einhvern part af hitaveitu suðurnesja.

Við þurfum að vita hve mikið af húsnæði og jörðum þeir hafa selt til einkahlutafélaga í eigu útlendinga.

Allt upp á borðið?

Er ekki verið að selja peningaprentunina, með bankasölunum?

Eigendur bankana, skrifa tölu og segjast eiga töluna.

Ef bankinn er í einkaeigu, þá eignast eigandi bankans töluna.

Ef bankinn er í eigu þjóðarinnar, þá á þjóðin töluna og þá er engin skuld.

Þess vegna varð Ísland alltaf ríkara (ca.) á milli 1900 til 1980.

Þá átti Ríkið peningaprentunina.

Ungir og gamlir, ekki láta spila með okkur áfram.

Komum upp neti þar sem hægt er að kenna öllum um hin ýmsu málefni í stuttu máli.

Þú, við getum ekki áttað okkur á málefnunum, nema að kynna okkur málefnin.

Ekki öskra og garga.

Mynda umræðuhópa, sem velta fyrir sér hvernig best er að reka þjóðfélagið.

Egilsstaðir, 25.09.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Það er trúlega mun ódýrara að greiða heimsku skaða þeirra sem ásælast flugvöllinn, en að vera aðeins með einn góðan flugvöll á suðvesturlandi.

27.7.2016 | 17:46

Höldum flugvallar málinu,

ráninu á flugvellinum vel á lofti í næstu þingkosningum,

og þess vegna  í næstu áratugi.

Kennum þeim sem nú eru að reyna að eyðileggja tugmiljarða flugvöll að með tilkomu samtakamáttar fólksins á internetinu verður málið áfram vakandi.

Það eru þingmenn Íslendinga, sem eiga að búa til lög, svo að þessu flugvallar "ráni" verði afstýrt.

Þingmenn eiga að standa vörð um flugvöllinn.

Það er trúlega mun ódýrara að greiða heimsku skaða þeirra sem ásælast flugvöllinn, en að vera aðeins með einn góðan flugvöll á suðvesturlandi.

Hér er slóð, addressa.

Hvaða vald er það, sem hamast við að ná Flugvellinum af borgarbúum og landsmönnum öllum. Stjórnsýslan, það er Borgarstjórn og Alþingi og embættismenn, virðist ekki hafa bolmagn til að stöðva þessa valdbeitingu.

Egilsstaðir, 27.07.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Ráðherra í flugvallar málinu. "já ráðherra“ úr Sjónvarpsþáttunum, stýrir samningum. .. fyrsti ráðherrann semur um að fresta lokun um 10 ár, næsti um að loka öryggis flugbraut eftir 3 ár, og þar næsti um að selja land á flugvellinum.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 13. janúar 2017

Vegna hugsanlegra eldgosa á Suðvesturlandi, og þá ekki síst á Reykjanesi, eiga flugvellirnir að vera tveir, punktur.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 31. júlí 2016

Hvaða vald er það, sem hamast við að ná Flugvellinum af borgarbúum og landsmönnum öllum. Stjórnsýslan, það er Borgarstjórn og Alþingi og embættismenn, virðist ekki hafa bolmagn til að stöðva þessa valdbeitingu.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 13. júlí 2016

Ég er að reyna að sætta þig við, að ég láti eyðileggja Reykjavíkur flugvöll. Ég vil að þú, þegar þú hefur tapað 50 miljarða flugvelli, borgirðu aftur 50 miljarða fyrir járnbrautarlest til Keflavíkur.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 28. mars 2016 Landsbyggðin fái bætur fyrir flugvöllinn
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

The visions of Nikola Tesla A lot of people call me a dreamer, laughing at my ideas. Our world is generous with superficial people. Time will be the judge.

Lesa setningarnar á milli beggja **** stjörnu merkingana.  Read the sentences between the two **** star markings.

Þetta getur verið rétt, í báðum setningunum, eða er einhver að hræra í sögunni.

This can be correct, in both sentences, or is someone stirring up in history.
Lesa einnig á milli++++ plús merkingana.
Read between the ++++ plus markings.
Einhver þýði þessa grein.

The visions of Nikola Tesla


The visions of Nikola Tesla


"A lot of people call me a dreamer, laughing at my ideas. Our world is generous with superficial people. Time will be the judge. "


In Philadelphia, Tesla predicting a disaster, almost by force, prevented his friend to board the train departing in the evening, and draumoramadurso saved his life. In reality, the train has been involved in a big accident.


**** Tesla convinced JP Morgan to give up his voyage on the Titanic. Morgan believed in Tesla’s intuition, listened to his advice and returned the ticket.****  

John Jacobs, another sponsor and friend ignored the advice of Tesla and died on the ocean liner.
A few years later Tesla predicted the exact duration of four years of the First World War and that it would have been completed by December, 18. He missed only 5-6 days. He also predicted the next twenty-year period of peace.
He sought to prevent the Second World War, but...


Tesla was convinced that thoughts can be sent and received at a distance and this worked.

"It seems to me I am much more ahead of time," said Tesla. He was seventy-eight years old and became famous, and was known as the father of radio, television, broadcast, induction motor and the discovery of cosmic rays.
At that time he announced the existence of a previously unknown source of energy in unlimited quantities that is present everywhere around us.
At the time of publication of the article, he was studying the development of devices, arguing that they would make unnecessary wars in future.

"Nineteen years had passed before the Niagara electric power station started to operate based on my system and it took fifteen years before my patent for the wireless transmission of signals, published in 1893, became universal application."

"I announced the existence of cosmic rays and my theory of radioactivity in 1896."

"One of the most important discoveries, the resonance of the Earth, as the basis for the transmission of energy without wires, was published in 1899, but many do not understand even today." (It should be noted that Tesla refers to the year 1937, we are now in the third millennium and people still do not understand or maybe they just pretend not to understand.)
Edison, Steinmetz, Marconi and others, two years after completing the transmission of electricity across the planet, argued that it was impossible to transmit even a normal signal wirelessly across the Atlantic.

"As I have mentioned, thanks to many important discoveries, I think it would not be a mistake to predict what life will be like in the twenty-first century. In 2100 the development of life will be under the complete control of science. "

"In the past, with the law of survival, the character to be good disappeared. A new sense of sympathy is opposed to the relentless action of nature. As a result, it will continue to preserve the life and development of less skilled members of the human species. "

"Health and physical education will become a fundamental part of the school system and the state apparatus. Since 2035, the Minister of Education, Hygiene and Physics of the U.S. government will be more important than the Minister of Defense. "

"The pollution of our coasts, as they are today near New York, for our children and grandchildren will be as inconceivable as for us life is inconceivable without water and sanitation."

"More and more people die from diseases caused by water pollution and because of coffee, tea, tobacco and other stimulants. Personally, I gave up all stimulants. Furthermore, I do not eat meat. I am convinced that in a century coffee, tea and tobacco will not be so pleasant. Alcohol, however, will continue to be used because it is a stimulant and the elixir of life already selected. The excitement will not disappear for taxation. It will be no longer fashionable to poison the body with harmful substances. In the twenty-first century natural food such as milk, honey, cereals will be the basic epicurean dinner in many restaurants. "

"There will be enough grain and grain-based products to feed the whole world, including the millions of hungry people in China and India."

"Our planet is rich, and if there is a lack of something, nitrogen, arising from the air, will restore the fabric of the Earth. In 1900 I developed a system for this purpose. Later, after fourteen years, before the needs of the war, it had been improved in a similar system by German chemists. "

"By the end of the next century, the systematic reforestation and scientific management of natural resources will have ended the forest fires, droughts and floods."

"The electricity produced by hydroelectric power, its distribution and long distance transport will allow each family to get cheap energy, so will stop burning oil. Reducing the effort for survival, humanity will be directed towards the development of ideals rather than material values. "

"Countless activities, carried out by man, will be replaced by machine "by hand "."

"Right now, scientists in the laboratories of American universities are trying to create something that has been described as "a machine that thinks." Such a development was already planned before. In fact, I built a "robot". Today, robots are a fact of life, but the principles are still to be discovered. In the twenty-first century, robots will occupy the place that slaves had in ancient civilizations. "

"In general, there is no reason, why this should not happen in less than a century. If the attention of mankind was not too concerned about the internal and external wars, revolutions, there would be no reason that the electronics in the millennium could be developed in a few decades. "

Nikola Tesla, 1937


Nikola Tesla

Wireless energy

Philadelphia Experiment

Tesla Purple Plate

Tesla Vs Einstein

Nikola Tesla's wireless car

What are flying saucers?

The water engine

How to stay young as long as possible

Who is God? Nikola Tesla explains

Egilsstaðir, 25.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


World War I, RMS Titanic, And The “Nitrogen Bomb” That Will Kill Us All

Special Report from Sister Ciara

One hundred years ago today, the world was nearing the final year of what was then called the Great War, and known now to history as World War I—and having a cost of 41 million human beings killed, maimed and missing, it’s important to remember, that at its very essence, this global mass insanity of slaughter and bloodletting was nothing more than a dispute among cousins over who was going to control the how’s and why’s of global trade.

The main Allied Powers of the British Empire and Russia Empire, along with their main Central Power adversary the German Empire, you see, were all ruled by the descendents of Queen Victoria—as the three principal monarchs of the age, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany; King George V of England; and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia were all cousins with each other: Kaiser Wilhelm II and King George V were first cousins, King George V and Tsar Nicholas II were also first cousins, and Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II were third cousins.

The competing economic ideologies between these warring cousins, you should also know, were the same as they are today—with the British Empire favoring Globalism (the failed liberal authoritarian desire for a “one world” view that rejects the important role of nations in protecting values and encouraging productivity), and the German Empire favoring Nationalism (loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups).

As to why these competing economic ideologies of Globalism and Nationalism were so critical for that time is because Europe was on the brink of mass starvation—and everyone knew it!

In fact, just 16 years prior to World War I, in 1898, Sir William Crookes called on science to save Europe from impending starvation as the world's supply of wheat was produced mainly by the United States and Russia.

Sir Crookes noted in his presidential address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science that as Europe’s countries populations grew, their own demands would outpace any increase in production. And then would happen to Europe? “It is the chemist who must come to the rescue of the threatened communities. It is through the laboratory that starvation may ultimately be turned into plenty” Crookes cried.

Prior to 1912, you must know, the only way that a rapidly transforming industrial world was able to feed itself was through the mass planting of grain crops that required enormous amounts of nitrogen fertilizer—but by the early 20th century had been nearly completely depleted as all sources of guano (bird feces) had been mined the world over.

The German Empire, however, in 1912, achieved the greatest scientific achievement in the history of mankind in their discovering how to produce nitrogen by “drawing it from the clear blue sky”—and that has since unleashed a fury on the world as threatening as the invention of the atomic bomb.

With all of the world knowing that the German Empire was now able to feed its population, and hence be able to field the greatest army in Europe (if not the world), and its stating that it would not share this historic discovery with any other nation, an elite group of American and British bankers, and business tycoons, meet in London during the Spring of 1912 to plan their revenge.

This revenge, of course, meant war—but that neither the British Empire nor United States could afford—that is unless they merged their nations’ banking structures together.

In order to merge the banking structures of these two nations, though, the United States first had to first establish a central bank that through the printing of money (fiat currency) would enable it to finance a war against the German Empire.

The American bankers and tycoons attending this Spring 1912 meeting in London had an agenda of how to create a central bank structure in the United States—and whose attendees were John Pierpont (JP) Morgan (the richest man in America), Henry Frick (American industrialist and business associate of J.P. Morgan), Milton Hershey (of Hershey chocolate fame), Benjamin Guggenheim (one of the richest men in America), Isidor Straus (American multi millionaire co-owner of Macy’s (with his brother) and former US Congressman), John Jacob Astor IV (one of the richest men in America) and John Mott (one of America most influential evangelists).

One of the main incentives used by JP Morgan to get these powerful people to attend this London meeting was their returning to the United States on the new ocean liner he had just built—called the greatest in the world—and named the RMS Titanic.

**** The only passengers of the London 1912 meeting to return on the RMS Titanic, though, were those who opposed to the creation of a central bank in the United States in order to finance a war against the German Empire—who were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus and Jacob Astor, and all of whom died when the RMS Titanic sunk **** on 12 April 1912—as opposed to JP Morgan, Henry Frick, Milton Hershey and John Mott, who all “suddenly” canceled their reservations and survived.



With no powerful opposition left to create a central bank in the United States after the sinking of the RMS Titanic, 18 months later, on 23 December 2013, the Federal Reserve System was created with World War I starting seven months later on 28 July 1914—and that saw, between 1914 and 1917, the American gross national product (GNP) go up an astounding 20%, its manufacturing soar up to 40%, the Allied Powers purchasing over $3 billion dollars in wartime orders and them borrowing from the Federal Reserve over $2 billion in bonds.

In fact, it was only when the German Empire appeared to be winning the war in 1917 that the United States even entered World War I—because if this happened, all the billions in loans made by the Federal Reserve would be worthless.

Now the reason it’s critically important for you to understand this true history is because without your knowledge of it, you would not be able to fully comprehend this graph of our world’s population over the past century:



As you can see by this population graph, since the start of the Industrial Revolution, beginning in the 1760’s, the world’s population remained nearly steady—but after World War I, when the German Empire’s nitrogen making process began to spread around the globe, the greatest explosion of human population growth our planet has ever known was unleashed.

Now I’m going to tell you something here that 100 years ago every school child in the modern world knew—EVERY SINGLE species of plant life that exists in the world needs nitrogen, and that nature provides via a bacteria called rhizobia that takes nitrogen from the air—but with our pumping massive amounts of artificially produced nitrogen into our planet’s atmosphere for the past century has thrown this whole system off.

++++ Because this is happening, the greatest cover-up in history is now occurring keeping you from knowing that our ocean food chains are near total collapse, that all over the globe plants are growing into strange circular patterns, that mass death events” are now occurring all throughout the Pacific Ocean, that throughout North America hundreds of millions of trees are dying, and that nitrogen filled blue clouds are now filling the skies of Antarctica.

To fully understand what exactly these “blue clouds” are we must go back to 1802 when guano (the accumulated excrement of seabirds, seals, or cave-dwelling bats) was discovered to be nitrogen fertilizer needed by the world to grow food—but by 1885, the use of began to throw large amounts excess nitrogen into our atmosphere—and that “scientists” of today call “Noctilucent clouds”.

But to thinking that these “blue clouds” of nitrogen floating in at the highest reaches of our planets atmosphere are our only danger, you’d be wrong, as this prize goes to a red alga species named Gracilaria Tikvahiae that voraciously eats nitrogen—and whose effect on our world soon to come I’ll let the Bible explain: “And the second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it turned to blood like that of the dead, and every living thing in the sea died. Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water, and they turned to blood.…”.

Many of you reading these words, of course, have been raised and taught by your elite rulers not to believe whatever the Bible says—and ++++ is evidenced by the shocking numbers of people this past week in America cheering a company micro chipping its workers, and the large numbers of Europeans, likewise, cheering their growing cashless society—but with all of them failing to heed, or even realize, this Biblical warning: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

As all of you who have read my letters for years know too, I, and my other Dear Sisters, only tell you the truth based on history, observable facts and right knowledge—how you receive these truths, however, I fear greatly for because so many of you are embroiled in the mass insanity enveloping your nations—and that is being deliberately done to you by those who seek your madness, otherwise you’d awaken to true things and prepare for what is soon to come.

And to be brutally honest with you too, as nearly every single month we plead with you to support us with just a pittance of what you have, my heart sank to a new level of sadness this week when I read that the supposed fact checking site Snopes—that joined with Facebook to destroy all articles of truth you should know and is now in danger of closing its doors” due to its owners lavish spending on prostitutes, and who is now going through a salacious scandal riven divorce—raised $500,000 in 24 hours to defend itself against the company suing it.

Those who support evilness, it sometime seems, always triumph over those who seek truth and knowledge—but which, RIGHT NOW, I’m asking each of you to make a stand against by supporting us.

Our Lord has told us all “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”—and if you don’t believe these sacred words then let me please ask you:

If you won’t support us for telling you the truth with even the merest pittance, why do you keep coming into our “house” and taking from us what we work so hard to make? Is this honest? Is this fair? Or is it madness?

Plast kál, gerfi hrísgrjón, plast egg, þá er nú betra að borða Bygg frá Vallanesi og Þorvaldseyri og öðrum íslenskum ræktendum, til skiptis, 1-2 msk blandað í ein tsk af hunangi á hverjum morgni 30 mín fyrir morgunmat, á tóman maga.

Hér er talað um það, að við höfum ekki hugmynd um hvað við erum að borða, þegar við borðum erlendar matvörur.

Ég veit ekki hvort þessar sjónsýnir eru sannar.

Þegar við borðum íslenskt vitum við meira, um hráefnið.

Bygg frá Vallanesi og Þorvaldseyri og öðrum íslenskum ræktendum, til skiptis, 1-2 msk blandað í ein tsk af hunangi á hverjum morgni 30 mín fyrir morgunmat, á tóman maga.

Þarna er ég aðeins að setja íslenskt bygg í hinar ýmsu ráðleggingar á netinu.

Að sjálfsögðu á að nota íslenskar gulrófur, gulrætur, kál, tómata, radísur og fleira til skiptis.

Þú notar byggið ómalað hart, notar það lagt í bleyti í miklu vatni, skiptir um vatnið þrisvar á dag, og þú notar það soðið.

Þessa íslensku ræktun á að borða mismikið alla daga.

Auðvitað er þetta auglýsing á hollan lífsstíl.


Plast kál, gervi hrísgrjón, og plastik egg.

Google- íslenska neðst

OMG - Plastic cabbage | Fake Synthetic Cabbage now in Indian market – Video


Fake Rice Being Made In A Factory In Vietnam - Fake Plastic Rice Warning


How To identify Plastic Rice In 6 Different Steps in 2017


PLASTIC EGGS || This is how you can identify it (Tamil)


Google, íslanska, ég varð að skýra aðeins, ætlaði að spara tíma og fá traustari þýðingu.

Hægt er að láta Google Crome þýða internet síðuna þegar skoðað er í Crome.


OMG - Plastkál | Fölsuð tilbúið hvítkál nú í indverska markaðnum - Video


Fölsuð hrísgrjón Tilvera Made In A Factory Í Víetnam - Fölsuð Plast Rice Viðvörun


Hvernig á að bera kennsl á plast hrísgrjón í 6 mismunandi skrefum árið 2017


Plast egg || Þannig er hægt að bera kennsl á það (Tamil)

Egilsstaðir, 22.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Ef Kára verður það á, að stilla tölvuna í okkur þannig, að við karlarnir förum að elta köttinn í staðin fyrir að elta konuna, þá verður hann að vera snar í snúningum og stilla tölvuna rétt, og endurræsa.

Nútíma menningin, ómenningin er að láta þjóðina hverfa, og einhver menning, sem hefur skilning á að konan, börnin, og heimilið eru grundvöllurinn, verður að taka við verkefninu.

Menntunin hefur öll byggst á því, að konan ætti að herma eftir karlmanninum, og klifra upp í staur og gala.

Það að gala væri svo merkilegt.

Ýmis öfl og samtök, okkar, það erum við, höfum lagt því lið að afmennta þjóðina.

Auðvitað eigum við að læra hjá Jesú, Tesla og Einstein og kenna um gömlu göturnar, kenna Kristnina í öllum skólum.

Ef við gerum það, þá þá leysum við vandamálin með ást og umhyggju.

Unglingunum verði hjálpað að þroskast og styrkjast, þannig að þau geti sem best komist í gegn um lífið.

Kári, er svona samnefnari fyrir fræðasamfélagið, og leitar uppi  tölvuna sem stjórnar uppbyggingu líkamans og stjórnar einnig, hverju karlmaðurinn og konan sækjast eftir.

Kári verður að passa sig á að stilla okkur ekki á það að við hættum að eiga börn, og að þjóðin hverfi.

Ef Kára verður það á, að stilla tölvuna í okkur þannig, að við karlarnir förum að elta köttinn í staðin fyrir að elta konuna, þá verður hann að vera snar í snúningum og stilla tölvuna rétt, og endurræsa.

Það að gera eitthvað vitlaust, er að við eða einhver í ferlinu, gerði vitleysu, og þá er á sama máta hægt að leiðrétta vitleysuna.

Gerðin var gerð röng, og við gerum hana aftur rétt.

Það er stillingin sem ræður því, sem að við leitum að, að því sem að við þráum.


Russian Scientists Discover Cure to Homosexuality, - The study concluded that “INAH [part of the hypothalamus] is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrate”.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 25. ágúst 2017

Varla erum við svo skini skroppnir að við skiljum ekki að til að þjóðunum vegni vel þá verður að borga konunum hæstu launin til þess að þær geti einbeitt sér að því að halda þjóðunum við.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 9. febrúar 2017

Það virðist sem Albert Einstein segi eins og Nikola Tesla að allt komi frá kjarnanum, the Core, eins og Nikola Tesla sagði. Við erum vanir að nota orðin, frá heilögum anda, og frá Guði.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 13. júní 2017

Never mind that Nikola Tesla spoke 8 languages, had 700 patents, Invented 80% of our modern technology, or that almost every thing electric is his inventions...the one thing that he talked about in depth, that nobody seems to mention is "Intuition".

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 23. mars 2017

Ef að Nikola Tesla og fleiri hefðu látið afturhaldið ráða för þá hefðum við ekki þessa gnægð eins og við höfum í dag. Kári Stefánsson er skyldugur* að upplýsa mæðurnar um hvað er æskilegt.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 21. mars 2017

Nikola Tesla Explains God Interview!

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 11. mars 2017

Egilsstaðir, 22.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hér kallar Trump á endur vakningu þjóðanna til að kljást við erfiðleikana. Ef góðir menn þegja, magnast illskan.

Analysis: At U.N., Trump calls for a 'great reawakening of nations' to confront evil

Gregory Korte, USA TODAY Published 3:13 p.m. ET Sept. 19, 2017 | Updated 4:18 p.m. ET Sept. 19, 2017


During his speech at the U.N. General Assembly, President Donald Trump called on countries to stop trade with North Korea and stop its nuclear program. He also targeted Iran, calling it a 'reckless regime' that funds terrorism. (Sept. 19) AP


President Trump addresses the United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York City Tuesday.(Photo: Drew Angerer, Getty Images)


… Those will be the headlines from President Trump's first address to the countries of the world at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, and for good reason. It was perhaps the most aggressive speech ever delivered by a U.S. president at the U.N., an organization whose founding document encouraged the nations of the world to seek peace, promote human rights and uphold international law. …

….  He envisions an international order in which each nation pursues its own self interests — and cooperates only when those interests converge. …

… But at the United Nations, Trump wanted the other 192 members to know: It's not just "America First."

It's every nation first. 

"As president of the United States, I will always put America first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries, will always — and should always — put your countries first," he told the other delegations to a round of applause

"Strong, sovereign nations," he said, in a phrase he repeatedly emphasized, "let their people take ownership of the future and control their own destiny."…

… Trump called for "a great reawakening of nations" to address the world's problems. With its tough talk, Biblical tone and nationalist themes, Trump's speech carried the voice of one of his most hard-line White House advisers, Stephen Miller. "If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph," Trump said

… He began the speech by talking about his election victory, the stock market's record high, good job numbers and his defense budget. He ended it with a tribute to the "forgotten" American middle class. …

In between, he hit on many of the resentments that propelled his campaign for president.

… He argued for helping refugees where they are, as opposed to resettling them in the United States. He spoke of the costs — "often ignored by both media and government" — of immigration. And he complained that other countries have "gamed the system and broke the rules" on trade.

"We can no longer be taken advantage of, or enter into a one-sided deal where the United States gets nothing in return," Trump said Tuesday. "As long as I hold this office, I will defend America’s interests above all else."…

Egilsstaðir, 20.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson



There’s not a moment I looked back and thought I did not crave that male stability and that father in my life," said Fontana. "When I was at age 11, I was finally allowed to meet my father. It was one of the happiest days of my life.


 Michael W. Chapman

 By Michael W. Chapman | September 18, 2017 | 2:45 PM EDT

Millie Fontana. (Screenshot: 

While speaking in Australia's Parliament against initiatives to legalize gay "marriage," Millie Fontana, a donor-conceived child of lesbian parents, said it is a "misconception" that all children reared by gays are "stable and happy," and added there was not a moment in her childhood she "did not crave that male stability and that father in my life."

When, at age 11, she finally met her father, it was "one of the happiest days of my life," she said, because she saw her "heritage" and her "other family" -- uncles, aunts, grandparents. 


Fontana further said the push for "marriage equality" in Australia does not mean equality for children, but solely "equality for adults." When "it comes to marriage and how closely intertwined marriage is with child reproduction, we cannot say yes to homosexual marriage without invalidating a child’s right to both genders," she said. 

Millie Fontana is a child's rights activist who often writes and lectures about her own upbringing. She also is a contributor to Them Before Us, an organization that defends the rights of children through social policy. 


Attempts to legalize gay "marriage" have failed 22 times in Australia since 2004. Milie Fontana,  spoke in Australia's Parliament in November 2015 as part of the Voice 4 Kids Summit. 

  (Photo: Pinterest) 

"The truth is that growing up with two mothers forced me to be confused about who I was and where I fit in the scheme of the world," said Fontana, then 23 years old.  "And it became increasingly obvious as soon as I hit school. You would see every other child embracing who they are on mother’s or father’s day. They would be rejoicing and celebrating with their parents and family members."


"And there I was sitting back and wondering what is wrong with me, and why don’t I have that connection with my father?" she said.  "Was he such a bad person that that could not be facilitated for me? That is damaging."

She continued, "As time went on and the lies went on – you know, ‘you don’t have a father,’ many different variations of just ‘you don’t have a father’ and ‘you’re not allowed to see your father,’ and ‘ you have another mother’ – as though that statement was enough to conceal the emotions inside me and offer me stability. The reality is that it just wasn’t enough."


 "There’s not a moment I looked back and thought I did not crave that male stability and that father in my life," said Fontana. "When I was at age 11, I was finally allowed to meet my father. It was one of the happiest days of my life. I felt stable and at peace for what was probably the first time in my childhood."


"I saw my future," she said. "I saw my heritage. I saw my other family. That was something I am so grateful to have been given at such a critical time in my development. And I cannot believe that LGBT is trying to push an agenda that says my feelings were not important, and that what I needed in order to continue as a healthy individual is not something – sorry. It’s almost laughable because we put aside the political correctness, as Katy said, and we look at it for what it is, which is child needs versus adult desire."



(Photo: NH Labor News) 

“Somebody’s relationship should always be respected, whether it is homosexual or heterosexual," said Fontana. "But when it comes to marriage and how closely intertwined marriage is with child reproduction, we cannot say yes to homosexual marriage without invalidating a child’s right to both genders."

“This is not equality for children," she said.  "This is equality for adults. And the term ‘marriage equality’ actually offends me because nobody is thinking about the consequence on the other side of the coin – what comes out of that union? What comes out of it is us."

Earlier in her talk, Fontana said, "When people look at children of gays, the misconception is straightaway that we are well-loved, and that we must be stable and happy. The reason for this is the gay community is promoting this ideology that ‘love is love,’ and that we don’t actually need any biological roots at all to be parented well and to be well-adjusted and happy."

 "This has been incorrect for me and for many others," she said.  "And the promotion of this ideology has made it difficult for people in my position to come forward and say what is actually going on behind closed doors for us."


“The lie affects us in so many different ways," said Fontana.  "We aren’t welcomed to come forward and, ironically, to come out about who we are and say that we don’t support this ‘marriage equality.’  We face rejection. I’d go so far as to say we face demonization, in terms of some of us. It is shocking that this minority has risen to the point of pushing us down as the new age minority that is upcoming." 

“I feel that the forced and deliberate separation of a child from a biological parent, without a valid reason regarding welfare, is a form of child abuse," said Fontana.  "And that any kind of biological connection, as long as it is not harmful to the child, should be facilitated wherever possible." 

“If you’re watching this or hearing this and you’re a child of my circumstance, I encourage you to come forward and share your story because in reality it needs to be okay for us to not be okay as children," she said. "And if we say yes [to gay marriage] and are afraid of being seen as homophobic, we are making it harder for future generations to say that they are not okay."


 til viðbótar:

 By Michael W. Chapman | September 19, 2017 | 12:31 PM EDT


Michael W. Chapman
Michael W. Chapman

Þetta er flott, það er aldeilis ekki ónýtt að fá svona upplýsingar frá manni á staðnum, á venjulegri plánetu, og hann getur bæði séð og heyrt hvað er að gerast á plánetu.

Sett á blogg: Arnar Pálsson


Þarna á blogginu veltu menn vöngum um málefnin.


Hæ, piltar.

Það var hringt um daginn, og ég fór í símann og sagði halló´.

Þá sagði einhver, frá einhverri vídd, ekki þrívíddinni okkar, heldur, ja, ég hef ekki hugmynd um það.

Hann sagði,heyrðu, er líf á plánetunum?

Ég fór að stama, ja ég veit það ekki, við vitum það ekki segir nústaðreyndatrúin.

Nústaðreyndatrúin er kennd í öllum æðstu menntastofnunum.

Þá sagði þessi frá víddinni, ég var búinn að komast að því, að þið bæði heyrið og sjáið, þarna í ykkar vídd.

Getur þú ekki horft í kring um þig og sagt mér hvað þú sérð?

Þú býrð reyndar á plánetu, segðu mér hvað þú sérð.

Ég varð hálf skömmustulegur, og sagði að é sæi allskonar líf sem við kölluðum mannlíf, og svo dýralíf, að ógleymdum öllum gróðrinum til lands og sjávar.

Ég lýsti þessu öllu.

Þá glumdi í mínum manni, þarna frá víddinni.

Þetta er flott, það er aldeilis ekki ónýtt að fá svona upplýsingar frá manni á staðnum, á venjulegri plánetu, og hann getur bæði séð og heyrt hvað er að gerast á plánetu.

Þakka þér fyrir upplýsingarnar, það er sem sagt líf á plánetum.

Við höfum þá sjónarvott af plánetunni þinni og þá er líklegt að aðrar plánetur hafi líf, miðað við aðstæður þar.

Ég bið ykkur þarna vel að lifa, og bestu kveðjur úr víddinni.

Sambandið slitnaði.

Egilsstaðir, 19.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Þessi maður bjargaði jörðinni, þegar tækin sögðu að árás á Rússland væri hafin. Hann ákvað að setja ekki gereyðingar eldflaugar Rússa af stað, tækin væru biluð.


'I was just doing my job': Soviet officer who averted nuclear war dies at age 77

Published time: 17 Sep, 2017 19:01

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Stanislav Petrov © Sergey Pirigov / Sputnik

A Soviet officer who prevented a nuclear crisis between the US and the USSR and possible World War III in the 1980s has quietly passed away. He was 77. In 2010 RT spoke to Stanislav Petrov, who never considered himself a hero. We look at the life of the man who saved the world.

A decision that Soviet lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov once took went down in history as one that stopped the Cold War from turning into nuclear Armageddon, largely thanks to Karl Schumacher, a political activist from Germany who helped the news of his heroism first reach a western audience nearly two decades ago.

On September 7, Schumacher, who kept in touch with Petrov in the intervening years, phoned him to wish him a happy birthday, but instead learned from Petrov’s son, Dmitry, that the retired officer had died on May 19 in his home in a small town near Moscow.

READ MORE: Another day the world almost ended

On September 26, 1983, Stanislav Petrov was on duty in charge of an early warning radar system in a bunker near Moscow, when just past midnight he saw the radar screen showing a single missile inbound from the United States and headed toward the Soviet Union.

“When I first saw the alert message, I got up from my chair. All my subordinates were confused, so I started shouting orders at them to avoid panic. I knew my decision would have a lot of consequences,” Petrov recalled of that fateful night in an interview with RT in 2010.


“The siren went off for a second time. Giant blood-red letters appeared on our main screen, saying START. It said that four more missiles had been launched,” he said. From the moment the warheads had taken off, there was only half an hour for the Kremlin to decide on whether to push the red button in retaliation and just 15 minutes for Petrov to determine whether the threat was real and report to his commanders. 

“My cozy armchair felt like a red-hot frying pan and my legs went limp. I felt like I couldn't even stand up. That's how nervous I was when I was taking this decision,” he told RT.


Read more

Retired Soviet officer rewarded for averting nuclear war

Taught that in case of a real attack the US would have gone on an all-out offensive, Petrov told his bosses the alarm must have been caused by a system malfunction.
“I’ll admit it, I was scared. I knew the level of responsibility at my fingertips,” he said. 

It was later revealed that what the Soviet satellites took for missiles launch was sunlight reflected from clouds. Petrov’s action, however, received no praise, and he was scolded for not filling in a service journal. His superiors were blamed for the system’s flaws. “My superiors were getting the blame and they did not want to recognize that anyone did any good, but instead chose to spread the blame.”

For over 10 years, the incident was kept secret as highly classified. Even Petrov’s wife, Raisa, who died in 1997, didn’t know anything of the role her husband played in averting nuclear war.

That was until 1998, when Petrov’s superintendent, Colonel General Yury Votintsev, spoke out and a report about the officer’s quiet deed appeared in the German tabloid Bild.

“After reading this report, I was as if struck by thunder,” Karl Schumacher wrote in his blog.

“I could not get rid of the idea that I had to do something for the man who prevented an atomic war and thus saved the world,” says Schumacher, for whom “nuclear threat was so real for decades.” 

Schumacher flew to Russia to find the man who saved the world, and found him living in a flat in Fryazino, northeast of Moscow. Schumacher invited Petrov to the German town of Oberhausen, so that locals would find out about the episode of when the world was teetering on the edge of nuclear catastrophe.


Read more


Soviet officer who 'saved the world from WWIII' gets Dresden Peace Prize



During his stay in Germany, Petrov appeared on local TV and gave interviews to several daily newspapers. Global recognition followed that trip, with major awards presented to him. In 2006, the Association of World Citizens handed him an award, which reads: “To the man who averted nuclear war,” in the UN headquarters in New York.

In 2012, Petrov was honored with the German Media Prize, also awarded to Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama and Kofi Annan. Next year he received another accolade, the Dresden Peace Prize, with the prize given by a 25-year-old Dresden resident, who “belongs to the generation that would not have survived had it not been for Stanislav Petrov.”

Based on his story, the movie “The man who saved the world” premiered in 2014, featuring actor Kevin Costner. The actor sent Petrov $500 as a “thank you” for making the right decision. 

“At first when people started telling me that these TV reports had started calling me a hero, I was surprised. I never thought of myself as one – after all, I was literally just doing my job,” Petrov said.

Egilsstaðir, 18.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hér virðist sem að einhver með mikla tækni, eyði því sem þeir telja að sé hættulegt fyrir veröldina. Hjálp frá vinum?? Er þetta samningatækni, góði og vondi kallinn, Jim Mattis og Donald Trump?


 U.S. NAVY Disobeyed TRUMP - - With Help From Friends !!!!

Birt 16. ágú. 2017

The U.S. NAVY Blatantly Disobeyed a Trump Order re the Koreans.

 Get the details, and that of TWO other incidents,

proving that the military is of the Light and

proactively helping mankind.

They are getting help as well.

Get the details here. Fascinating.


Samsvarandi atvik átti sér stað þegar Kína keypti? Var það ef til vil New World Order?, Vestrænt  geimskota fyrirtæki

...AMOS-6 satellite was destroyed ... of an advanced “laser-weapon” ... an unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) ... from a US Navy aircraft .. the Eastern coastal waters of the US.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 8. september 2016

Farðu inn á þessa slóð. China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed On Florida Launch Pad 4.9.2016 | 19:27 As to how the AMOS-6 satellite was destroyed was from the firing of an advanced “ laser-weapon ” that was aboard an

Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed - China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed On Florida Launch Pad.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 8. september 2016

China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed On Florida Launch Pad 4.9.2016 | 19:27 000 Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed On Florida Launch Pad Hér sérð þú dróna fara fram hjá.

China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed On Florida Launch Pad

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 4. september 2016

Hvað er satt, hvað er ósatt? NESARA- REPUBLIC NOW - GALACTIC NEWS This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our world. Watch and become AWARE! 3.5 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet


 taktu eftir „“Þýða þessa síðu““ er fyrir þá sem eru ekki góðir í ensku.

Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a ...

  1. Skyndiminnisafrit
  2. Svipað

Þýða þessa síðu

Taurus the Bull; it is 500 light years from planet Earth. They are a humanoid ... them to do this was Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. ... About 400,000 people live on Erra, which the Pleiadians feel is the ideal amount for the welfare of their planet.

Planet Erra - The information the extra-terrestrials gave to Billy Meier ...

  1. Skyndiminnisafrit
  2. Svipað

Þýða þessa síðu

The home star and the home planet to the Pleiadians/Plejarans, as already ... They keep this name description, like all other Henok line descendants do, ..... The Pleiadians/Plejarans live according to this directive and as a result since a long ...


Klikka fyrir stærri mynd


Eldflaugarnar voru sprengdar af af „the Pleiadians,“ Það er af Pleiadian fólkinu, sem lifir á - Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades


Hér séð þú Fuel Cell Propulsion, efnarafal, hvenær kemur eitthvað svipað í bílinn, lesa grein í Mbl. Ca. 2001 Ál er málmur orkunnar.


This is a desperate New World Order at work.


Það eru einhverjir sem vilja koma á stríði og þeir eru í elítunni í öllum? Flestum löndum.


Þarna segir Trump að Assad fái einhvern frið.


Politíkin i alheiminum, vetrarbrautunum, Heldur þú að það séu ekki fleiri púkar en við sem étum náungann, hjá okkur sem borðum dýrin, meira að segja spendýrin sem eru náskyld okkur.


Já við púkarnir étum náungan, og við verðum að smala náunganum í réttina, ekki síst þegar við deyjum, þá er lag, ef ferjumaðurinn Jesú getur ekki hjálpað okkur, vegna þess að við höldum svo fast í illskuna. 

Illskan kemst ekki inn í himnaríkisfarið.




Það var leyft að hafa afskipti af málefnum jarðarbúa. Samtök þeirra sem leita í ljósið og litina,

en varast að til dæmis ýmsir fiskar hafa ljós beitu til að laða smádýrin að til að geta étið þau.


Vandræðin í veröldinni eru hluti af mikilli áætlun með lífið, sálirnar.

Hlustaðu á ferjumanninn JESÚ.

Þar er kennslu að fá.

Það er enginn vandi, aðeins að biðja um leiðsögn,

 já bara svona út í loftið, í huganum.




Skáldsagan er dregin út úr kjarnanum hans Nikola Tesla, við köllum kjarnann, Heilagan Anda og Guð.

Leiðir sagan til lausna og þroska?

Egilsstaðir, 14.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the nama of the coming caliphate. We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, ... and all those like you.

Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the nama of the coming caliphate. We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, ... and all those like you.


Hvað er feminismi, er hann að eyða sjálfum sér?

11.12.2015 | 15:17


The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You'll Ever See

They wish that we were dead.

But they have lost their fertility. So they look for fertility in our midst.

We will give them fertility!

We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians, and all those like you.

Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the nama of the coming caliphate.


Stop the Tape! The Muslim Invasion of America


Nikolai Starikov ber saman þegar Lenin var sendur til að fella Tsarinn í Rússlandi 1917.

Þá var Lenin settur ofar öllum Þýskum lögum.

Flóttamennirnir í dag eru ekki háðir lögum Vesturlanda, lögreglan horfir á og ef lögreglumaður segir frá, er hann sóttur til saka.

Top Russian Writer Nikolai Starikov Explains Who Is Behind Europe's Refugee Crisis


Someone from above has pressured the authorities in the EU.

Just as happened to the German ambassador in Switzerland in 1917: (Lenin)

You know what, forget about everything, forget the procedures,

Let them go wherever they want, demand whatever they want, and so on.

So someone has organized this, and it is not the EU.

So let us consider who could have organized it.

Put aside ISIS and al-Qaida, as they only exist in the media World,

And in the form of armed groups receiving money, weapons and instructors MI6,

And train Bedouins to wield a weapon and cut peoples heads off.

What is left? Some serious power, which is forcing the European states to forget their own rules,

Who has organized this? The United States of America.

Notice, a plan was published for the distribution of refugees in Europe, and UK got zero.

Everyone was accommodating them, but not UK

And the US is another UK, but very far away

No – one could ever get there by sea, because that would require an ocean liner and not some crumbling rusted bucket.

However, to get into the UK you just need to walk through the Channel Tunnel, so no one is crossig by sea.

But they are not affected by the refugee problem.

The whole region has been ravaged.

Obviously, the migrant waves will be directed towards where there is prosperity.

Notice where all these people are going- no-one is going to Saudi Arabia, or to Qatar or Bahrain, wich are closer, and people of the same faith.

Among the refugees are many Arabs, but also non-Arabs.

The Arabs are essentially one ethnicity, but they do not go to those countries, only to Europe.

Which means it is an organized process.

Next question. We are told that the refugees pay money to the people-smugglers.

That is probably true.

Question: where do they get the money from.

These people are obviously not the poorest.

If they fled with only the shirt on their back, after their home was shelled,

Then the smugglers will not take them to Europe.

So these are not the most disadvantaged people.

Or if they are, then someone has given them money for the journey.

The smugglers would not take them for free.

Right it is not some humanitarian smugglers transporting them.

It means that someone gave them the money.

Next. There is a huge number of men of military age, with expensive telephones, withdrawing cash with ATM cards.

My friends from Hungary called me and reported that it seems to be their daily allowance.

We are being told that they are militants.

I was amused that someone reported the figure of 4000 fighters – then all the mass media repeated it.

Question: How do they know the number?

Did they check the box I am an ISIS militant when filling out the form?

Ok, a photo was found of one person with a scar, and published on Twitter. (vantar inn í ?)

It was clearly the same person.

But how do they know there are 4000 fighters

Only whoever counted them could know that which no one could do among 100,000s of refugees, unless they themselves confessed.

Next question. You are ISIS and you are conducting heavy military operations against the Kurdish militia, the Iraqi Army, Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian Army.

How many men do you have? 20,000.

And at this point you dispatched 4,000 to Europe.

Why? In order to establish terrorist centers in Europe.

Before that you only needed 10 people.

Have there been terrorist atrocities in Europe? Yes

Had they sent thousands of terrorists to Europe? Tens of thousands? Of course not.

They are individuals.

You would send 5-6 people, a group, a cell, a reconnaissance network.

You would not send a thousand intelligence agents.

It means that divisions have been removed from the front and sent to Europe under the guise of refugees.   For what?

Later, relatives can easily join them, if they become integrated

Again, it is a strange kind of situation.

Next, these refugees are very well organized.

In Budapest the soccer fans, who are always a bit afflicted by a nationalistic view of life,

Started throwing things at them, and they started throwing back.

Imagine: people are dispirited, women, children, pensioners.

Stones are thrown at them, and they start throwing stones back.

It is very well organized.

So there are tins of questions.

Clearly, this has been organized.

Clearly, money has been allocated for this.

Clearly, Europe has thrown its hands up in the air for some reason, and is doing nothing.

200,000 people have been brought to Germany in onr week, but they say ok, fine we will put 6 billion into the budget, that is trivial.

And what of the voters voices?

You know how the neo liberals like to say: That money could have been spent on kindergartens, roads and pensions.

Where is all that? There is none of that.

Next. Another interesting consideration on this subject.

Whenever we see a large number of people migrating in an organized fashion,

We know that someone is carefully directing this process.

And look at the accompanying media attention

Have people died during the Mediterranean sea crossing?

It is always said that this is inevitable, shipwrecks will always happen.

At just the right time, the photo of the Syrian boy was found.

It has been seen, how the shameless journalists who had found him, re positioned him and then photographed him.

What was the conclusion from that?

Since a Syrian boy has drowned, let us take revenge on Bashar al-Assad.

In an opinion poll, 52% of Brits support air strikes on Syrian troops by the UK air force.

Look at the logic, it is completely absent, because the media veil closes peoples eyes

Think about this: The West supports the rebels in Syria, Iraq, Libya.

Out of these rebels they assemble ISIS, which did not exist before, how did it appear?

ISIS starts fighting a war.

People start fleeing from this ISIS – not from the government forces.

Some perished while fleeing.

To take revenge for those people, let us bomb the Syrian army, which is opposing ISIS.

This is some utterly alternative reality that is being created.

They exploit whatever they can.

So what is the result? The US deals blow to Europe – as I wrote in my book Chaos and Revolution as the Dollar is Weapons – but only such as to weaken it, to keep it subordinated, and not to collapse it

Because it is needed as an ally against Russia and China.

When Libya was destroyed, it was obvious there would be a big migration wave.

Dealing with it is very easy.

I will give some free advice to our European partners on how this is done.

Remember that anyone crossing to Europe is supposedly spending money, right?

Well, if they have crossed to Lampedusa,

Then wash and feed them, let them sleep, them put them on a big white steamship and take them back to Africa.

Question: Will they try and cross a second time,

Hardly. Maybe they will.

Ok, but suppose they do. Then they get washed and fed, given a place to sleep, and in the morning they are back on the steamship to Africa.

Will they turn up a third time?

Maybe they will.

Even if someone keeps giving them money for this travel, they will get bored anyway.

You will get sick – you crossed the sea, had a look.

What did you see? Your room. Then crossed back. It is boring.

Even for tourism they would not keep crossing, never mind migration.

If you want these people to stop sailing across to you, then just return them, and that is all.

Everyone will learn of it.

In that sea-port they will say: My dear friend, we will happily take you to Lampedusa, but you will be back here again tomorrow. You really need that?

So this issue of these refugees is very simple to solve.

Moreover it is within the framework of the law.

Deportation of people not having the right to political asylum.

You could have an expedited procedure, if you find yourself choking, taking not half ayear, but one day.

Maybe for every one person who really has valid circumstances and is allowed to stay, another 100 are sent back.

And that is it – the issue is resolved.

This is a crisis, they are building walls, people are traveling on foot.

I am speechless.

And the last point I want to make on this.

People in Ukraine wanted to get into Europe.

No one is going to remove the visa requirement.

However, an example has now been shown.

Evidently there are no borders any more the customs and border rules have been removed.

Since it is possible for Arabs and blacks, why not for Ukrainians?

They just need to assemble in a crowd of 100,000 people, and simply walk across the Polish border, calmly, peacefully, shouting as they go.

The Polish border guards shall, according to the rules for this type of migrant, move aside, take down the barbed wire, and tie up their dog.

Then this crowd shall proceed – on foot or on transport, however it turns out – to Warsaw, seize the train station, and demand to be taken to Berlin.

And they should be taken. Otherwise what kind of discrimination is thiss??

Why do you transport Syrians, but you will not take Ukrainians from Warsaw to Berlin?

Those who so desperately wanted to get into Europe.

At the very least they say they are culturally the same people, although you and I know that these are people of Russian civilization.

Their skin color is similar to Eropeans, but their mindset is completely different.

But that is not the point here.

Does anyone really think this will happen?

Let them give it a tray.

It is not going to happen – I can tell you right awy.

The poles will release the dogs, use the gas. They will not let anyone through.

So we have a strange situation: In Poland the state system is operating as it is supposed to, while in the rest of Europe it has been suspended for some reason.


Because currently there is a need to bring people from one place and or from the other.

That is the whole story.

What is achieved by weakening Europe?

Why are they being put down like this?

The Americans, and the Anglo-Saxons in general, as part of their strategy, always stick to same principle – their allies must be weaker than them.

That is why they were always trying to weaken the Soviet Union during WW2.

They did not open a second front, forgot to hand over navy ships.

When Italy pulled out of the war, their navy fell to the English.

Obviously, it was supposed to be split into three equal parts, but they forgot about all that.

Comrade Stalin said at every conference: Guys, were is our share of the Ilalian Navy?

In the end he insisted. The English with their ships and subs handed over part of the Italian Navy,

Only after the war did we get the former Giulio Cesare, which later became, if I remember correctly, the Novorossiysk, and sadly, was blown up by a frogman, and destroyed.

So their allies have to be weaker than them.

Once Europe became strong, and Germany began to do its own thing, they planned such an attack.

Notice that the waves of refugees, which have now turned up in Europe, are heading for only one country. 16:16 Germany.

Let us ask ourselves a question.

In Syria, Libya and elsewhere, in all the magazines, TV and radio stations, have they been talking about only one country

So everyone is unware that there is Austria with a high standard of living, France is alright too.

Then there is Luxembourg, Belgium, Czech Republik, Hungary, Italy, and every kind of country – do they not know that?

There is even Greece too. But they know only Germany. What is this nonsense?

Why are they all going to Germany? Why not stay in Austria? Their standard of living is more or less the same. They are all going to Germany. Now see at almost the same moment, just last week, Gazprom signed an agreement with German companies to begin the construction of the second branch of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Where does it deliver gas to? Germany.

Where are all the refugees going?

Following the gas.

It is a remarkable coincidence, is not it?

Gas is not the only reason.

But those who have organized the stream of refugees, do not want the gas to reach to Germany, giving Germany independence.

But suppose they can not prevent construction of the second pipeline branch.

Remember how they obstructed the first, Estonia tried in every way, Sweden too.

They said: Your pipeline is environmentally incompatible with our Baltic sea bed.

The seaweed will die off.

Estonia banned construction within their territorial waters, so they had to make a hook, but then Swedish environmentalists got upset.

So if you do not have this instruments, then do something different:

Ok, guys, carry on building as you are.

But meanwhile we will construct our own south stream, not gas but refugees.

So consider the pros and cons

Methinks these two events are tightly correlate

So it means Europe is being held on a hook.

On the one hand, they have to assist and obey the US,

But on the other hand, they must not become so strong that they could afford to disobey.

From the perspective of the Americans and English, Europe should not have the right to a voice at all.

They were told to bomb Libya even if it means you will get refugees later.

They were told to support the war in Ukraine, so they had to support it, even though trade routes will be broken and you will have armed conflicts in your soft underbelly.

As one conscientious blogger here said (Navalny) expand, do not reflect.

Same here – do not think about what Washington is telling you, just do it, and it will be fine.

But Europeans are not really happy with this situation, as they are the ones footing the bill for this party.

That is why they are infuriated.

And they are being put in their place.


Egilsstaðir, 28.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Með því að hækka gengi krónunar, þá getur fólkið keypt meira af útlendum vörum og þjónustu, og þá er von til að þjóðin, Ríkið skuldi meira, og þá fá útflutningsfyrirtækin færri íslenskar krónur, og geta þá síður borgað lánin, bókhaldið til bankans.

Central-banks  slóð


 Kreppufléttan, endurtekið  slóð

Allar þessar kreppur eru skipulagðar fyrir fram.

Fyrst færð þú peninga, bókhald til að byggja upp heiminn.

Bókhaldið, peningarnir eru ekki verðmæti.

Ef allir myndu geta greitt bankanum bókhaldið til baka, þá fær bankinn, bókhaldi, peninginn, sem er ekkert.

Ef bankinn getur komið í veg fyrir að þú getir greitt bókhaldið, peningana til baka, þá eignast bankinn eignirnar.

Með því að hækka gengi krónunnar, þá getur fólkið keypt meira af útlendum vörum og þjónustu, og þá er von til að þjóðin, Ríkið skuldi meira.

Þegar ég hef hækkað gengi krónunnar þá fá útflutningsfyrirtækin færri íslenskar krónur, og geta þá síður borgað lánin, bókhaldið til bankans.

Þegar allir eru orðnir velskuldugir, og verðbólgan nægilega mikil, loka ég fyrir fjármálabókhaldið, það er peningalánin.

Þá verða allir að greiða lánin sín á gjalddögum, og þá minnkar samsvarandi fjármála bókhald, peningar út í þjóðfélaginu.

Þar sem bankinn veitir ekki ný lán út í þjóðfélagið, hann segir að nú sé kreppa, verður þurrð á fjármála bókhaldi, peningum í þjóðfélaginu.

Þá stöðvast allt þjóðfélagið, fólk og fyrirtæki missa tekjur og geta ekki greitt lánin sín.

Þá reyna allir að selja til að borga skuldir, en bankinn neitar öllum um lán, fjármálabókhald til að kaupa eignirnar.

Allir reyna að lækka verðið þegar aðila vita að til stendur að bjóða eignirnar upp og selja þær á brot af verðmæti, en engin getur keypt, bankinn segist vera tómur.

Nú segir bankinn, að þín eign í fasteignum og fyrirtækjum sé farin, og tekur eignirnar til sín á brot af verðmæti eignanna.

Nú segir bankinn að kreppan sé búin, þeir séu búnir að ná flestum verðmætum í þjóðfélaginu, og nú viljum við endurmeta eignirnar upp í byggingakostnað og meira vegna staðsetningar.

Þessa fléttu, KREPPUFLÉTTUNA, hefur fjármálakerfið notað yfir aldirnar til að hirða allt af fólkinu.

Við munum að banki er alltaf tómur.

Kreppufléttan, endurtekið  slóð

Central-banks    slóð

18.3.2012 | 15:25


The SBUS sold franchises and literally doubled the number of banks in a short period of time.

The country began to boom and move westward, which required money.

Using fractional lending at the 10:1 rate, the central bank and their franchisees

created the debt/money for the expansion.

Things boomed for a while, then the banks decided to shut off the debt/money,

citing the need to control inflation.

This action on the part of the SBUS caused bankruptcies and foreclosures.

The banks then took control of the assets that were used as security against the loans.

Closely examine how the SBUS engineered this cycle of prosperity and depression.

The central bank caused inflation by creating debt/money for loans and credit

and making these funds readily available.

The economy boomed.


Then they used the inflation which they created as an excuse to shut off the loans/credit/money.

The resulting shortage of cash caused the economy to falter or slow dramatically

and large numbers of business and personal bankruptcies resulted.

The central bank then seized the assets used as security for the loans.

The wealth created by the borrowers during the boom was then transferred

to the central bank during the bust.

And you always wondered how the big guys ended up

with all the marbles.


Now, who do you think is responsible for all of the ups and downs

in our economy over the last 85 years?

Think about the depression of the late '20s and all through the '30s.

The FED could have pumped lots of debt/money into the market

to stimulate the economy and get the country back on track,

but did they?

No; in fact, they restricted the money supply quite severely.

We all know the results that occurred from that action, don't we?

Why would the FED do this?

During that period asset values and stocks were at rock bottom prices.

Who do you think was buying everything at 10 cents on the dollar?

I believe that it is referred to as consolidating the wealth.

How many times have they already done this in the last 85 years?

Do you think they will do it again?

Just as an aside at this point, look at today's economy.

Markets are declining.


Because the FED has been very liberal with its debt/credit/money.

The market was hyper inflated.

Who creates inflation?

The FED.

How does the FED deal with inflation?

They restrict the debt/credit/money.

What happens when they do that?

The market collapses. Það verður önnur bankakreppa
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Þú ert góður í tölum, upplýsingum, Steini Briem. Það vantar tölur um hvað mikið af þessari mengun sem við köllum, mengunin er áburður, sé nýtanleg fyrir aukinn vöxt hjá grænu plöntunum okkar -

sett á blogg: Ómar Ragnarsson

Líka ofmat að segja, að virkjun á Íslandi komi í veg fyrir kolaorkuver í Kína.


Þú ert góður í tölum, upplýsingum, Steini Briem. Það vantar tölur um hvað mikið af þessari mengun sem við köllum, mengunin er áburður, sé nýtanleg fyrir aukinn vöxt hjá grænu plöntunum okkar.

Við vitum að þar sem gas kemur upp úr jörðinni, neðansjávar, þá er gasið strax nýtt af ýmsum örverum, og þar verður til nýtt lífkerfi.

Það var mun meiri mengun, gas sem er áburður, hér fyrr í gegn um ár hundruð þúsundin, en nú og mun meiri gróður.

Ég las bók eftir trúlega einhvern T Gold frá Ástralíu, fyrir áratugum, og á hana trúlega einhversstaðar.

Hann skýrir hvernig olían og þá gasið kemur stanslaust upp úr massa jarðarinnar, þannig að það verðu ekki skortur á olíu.

Takið eftir að þessir loftslagsmenn, hafa engan áhuga á að setja reglur sem minnka mengunina, aðeins að fá skatttekjur.

More than 30,000 scientists say “Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming” is a complete hoax and a lie based on ZERO scientific evidence

Climate change (global warming)Posted 11 months ago under Uncategorized

klikka á mynd, þá verður hún stærri, vona ég, ef ekki fara á slóðina


Steini Briem, við þurfum glögga einstaklinga, til að mennta okkur hina sem erum tregari.

Lesa eftir Tesla, Einstein, og Jesú.

Við verðum að nýta það sem þeir kenndu okkur.

Never mind that Nikola Tesla spoke 8 languages, had 700 patents, Invented 80% of our modern technology, or that almost every thing electric is his inventions...the one thing that he talked about in depth, that nobody seems to mention is "Intuition".

3.3.2017 | 07:20

Góðir hálsar, gangi ykkur allt í haginn.

Egilsstaðir, 11.09.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Háspennulínu frá Kárahnjúkum og í Vatnsfell.

þá er hægt að miðla orkunni þangað þar sem skortur er á vatni, hverju sinni.

Fá Bjarna Jónsson til að áætla hvað mörgum þriggja herbergja ibúðum við töpum, á til dæmis 30 árum við það að tengja ekki saman Kárahnjúka og Vatnsfell.

Auðvitað á að leggja veg líka til að draga að sér umferðina á svæðinu, og minnka þá utan vega akstur og lengja nýtingartíma svæðisins.

Burt með skíta undir steina ferðamennskuna.

Hálendisvegir og Að skíta undir steina

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 12. nóvember 2015

Hálendisvegir Góða vegi yfir hálendið. Öflugar háspennulínur frá til dæmis frá Kárahnjúkum í Vatnsfell. 000 Að skíta undir steina. Ég sá mjög fallega gönguför yfir hluta af hálendinu, í INN. Þar sýndist mér að 10 til 20 manna hópur væri að sýna hvað

Hvaða lífsvenjur eru það í þjóðfélögum ýmissa Evrópulanda sem valda því að þjóðir Evrópu eru að hverfa? Eru það einhver hegðunarmunstur eða efnablöndur sem við borðum?


Ég hef lesið að soja innihaldi kvenhormón, líki, estrógen, líki.

Sagt var að þetta stöðvaði kynþroska drengja, og flýtti kynþroska kvenna.

Einnig var talað um að soja hefði ruglað kynin í bústofninum.

Við vitum ekkert hvað er í sojabaununum í dag.


Ég sá einhversstaðar frétt, fyrir tveim til þrem vikum,  um að einhver hefði fengið stór brjóst af því að borða soja, en finn það ekki núna.

Ég hef lesið að soja innihaldi kvenhormón, líki, estrógen, líki.

Sagt var að þetta stöðvaði kynþroska drengja, og flýtti kynþroska kvenna.

Einnig var talað um að soja hefði ruglað kynin í bústofninum.

Við vitum ekkert hvað er í sojabaununum í dag.

Þegar sojabaunir voru borðaðar í gegn um aldirnar, voru þær „gerjaðar“ og þá ef til vill ekki í miklu magni.

Það eru miklir hagsmunir í stórframleiðslu í heiminum.

Þá sér hagsmunaaðilinn um að búa til góða umsögn um vöruna, og fela það sem er óæskilegt.


Soja eru mest erfðabreyttu nytjaplöntur í heimi -

  2. 17. apr. 2015 - Soja er mest erfðabreytta nytjaplanta í heimi og fer ræktun á ... meðal annars gefin ungbörnum eftir að þau hætta á brjósti og unnin er úr eins konar sojaostur. .... Þá hafa fundist í Japan 3000 ára gamlar sojabaunir sem eru talsvert stærri en villtar ... Efnið í þræðinum fékk heitið Azlon en framleiðsla þess var ...

Influence of soy isoflavones on breast enlargement. - Soya

  2.  Some women experience breast enlargement after eating more soy foods. ... Yeah, when I drink soymilk consistently for weeks at a time my breast get bigger.Eating Soy May Turn on Genes Linked to Cancer GrowthEating Soy May Turn on Genes Linked to Cancer Growth Save as Favorite. ... If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer and are concerned about any isoflavone ...Soy Milk Breasts - Does Soy Milk Give Men Breasts?Many men who eat soy or drink a lot of soy milk develop soy milk breasts.This little bean that is thought to be so healthy has some nasty secrets for men.Egilsstaðir, 09.09.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
  8. Þýða þessa síðu

Hvaða cultur, menning, menntun, siðfágun eða ræktun skildi hafa ruglað þjóðir Evrópu, þannig að fólkinu fækkar, og er að hverfa, vegna þess að konurnar eru óvirkar, vegna menningar, ómenningar hjá þjóðum Evrópu.



Hvernig ruglaðist Evrópa?


Hvaða cultur, menning, menntun, siðfágun eða ræktun skildi hafa ruglað þjóðir Evrópu, þannig að fólkinu fækkar, og er að hverfa, vegna þess að konurnar eru óvirkar, vegna menningar, ómenningar hjá þjóðum Evrópu.

Við eyðum jafn vel börnunum fyrir fæðingu.

Við höfum gleymt að skipuleggja heimilin, og stórfjölskylduna og bæjarfélagið, þannig að fjölskyldan með barnið gangi fyrir.

Önnur menning, fyllir skólana með sínum börnum, og hefur þann sið að setja konurnar í poka, og klippa tvö göt á pokann, fyrir augun til að konan sjái út í heiminn.

Er þetta þín óska framtíð, Evrópska kona, Evrópski maður.

Hvar tíndir þú vitinu Evrópu maður.

Kona, menningin er fyrir þig, þig og barnið, börnin, ef þú uppfóstrar þjóðirnar, menntar þær og annast með ástúð og kærleika, þá blómstra þjóðirnar.

Guð skapar þjóðirnar í gegn um konuna, kona, þú ert þjóðin.

Kona, Jesú er fyrir þig, þú átt að fá ástúð og virðingu.

Kona, þér hefur ekki verið bannað að vera kona.

Kona, þú átt að vera kona.

Kona, þú átt að vernda karlinn, hann þráir þig, og að fá smá hrós og uppörvun.

Fyllum kirkjurnar, og verum stolt af menningunni okkar.

Egilsstaðir, 09.09.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Tekst Merkel að fjarlægja sig frá verkunum. Er Merkel að reyna að fjarlægja flokkinn frá Erdogan og Tyrklandi fyrir kosningarnar í Þýskalandi?

Is Merkel trying to distance her party from Erdogan, Turkey before the referendum in Germany?

Er Merkel að reyna að fjarlægja flokkinn frá Erdogan og Tyrklandi fyrir kosningarnar í Þýskalandi?


Germany's Angela Merkel Faces Down an Election …


These 5 Facts Explain Angela Merkel's Tough 2016—and Tougher 2017

Read More: How Angela Merkel Went From Ignored to Person of the Year

Er allt kerfið að hjálpa Merkel við að mála þá mynd, að hún sé ekki fótþurka Súnita Islam?

skoða seinna.

Egilsstaðir, 09.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Fari ekki í frí til heimalandsins
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Ég heyrði í konu á miðjum aldri segja að það væri hörmung að horfa upp á það hvernig væri farið með ungu fjölskyldurnar. Foreldrarnir þræluðu sér út við að reyna að standa sig, til að koma sér upp íbúð og sjá fyrir fjölskyldunni.

Mér kom þetta í hug þegar ég las hugleiðingu læknisins.

Ég heyrði í konu á miðjum aldri segja að það væri hörmung að horfa upp á það hvernig væri farið með ungu fjölskyldurnar. (2008 +/- 2?)

 Foreldrarnir þræluðu sér út við að reyna að standa sig, til að koma sér upp íbúð og sjá fyrir fjölskyldunni.

Svo væri fjármálakerfið stillt þannig að það hirti allt af fjölskyldunum.

Þá finnst foreldrunum að þeir hafi ekki staðið sig, og þau í þekkingarleysi sínu kenna sér um ófarirnar.

Oft endar þetta með skilnaði.

Ísland var sett í þessa fjármálahakkavél 2008, Venesúela er í fjármálahakkavélinni í dag.

Nú í dag hækkaði fjármálakerfið íslensku krónuna til að almenningur gæti keypt meira en landið hefur efni á, og verði þá áfram skuldug fjármálafyrirtækjunum.

Vegna háa gengisins á krónunni, fá útflutningsfyrirtækin færri krónur fyrir gjaldeyririnn, og geta þá síður greitt af lánum sínum.

Þá er fjármálakerfið búið að koma í veg fyrir að heimili og fyrirtæki greiði töluna, bókhaldið, peninginn, frá bankanum til baka.

Þá er næsta skrefið að segja að bankinn sé tómur, bankinn er alltaf tómur, og að nú verði allir að borga skuldina og enginn fái ný lán, það er að peningabókhaldið sem heldur öllum viðskiptum gangandi fer inn í bankann og ekkert peningabókhald kemur í staðinn.

Þá stöðvast þjóðfélagið, og þá missa heimili og fyrirtæki tekjurnar og geta ekki greitt lánin.

Þá reyna allir að selja, en bankinn lánar engum til að kaupa.

Þá reyna allir að selja á fyrst 80% og síðan á 50% en engin getur keypt, fjármálafyrirtækin, bankinn neita að lána, skrifa peningabókhald, það er stöðva öll viðskipti.

Nú segir bankinn að aðilar séu að bjóða eignirnar á 50% og að þá sé eign fólksins í íbúðarhúsnæði og atvinnuhúsnæði farin.

Þið getið ekki greitt af lánunum ykkar, svo að við fjármálafyrirtækin verðum að taka eignirnar, íbúðarhúsnæðið og atvinnuhúsnæðið til okkar.

Svona tekur fjármálafyrirtækið, íbúðirnar og atvinnuhúsnæðið til sín á 50% verði, eða á uppboði á til dæmis 2%...

Þegar fjármálafyrirtækið hefur náð eignunum með þessari fjármálafléttu, KREPPUFLÉTTUNNI, þá lætur fjármálafyrirtækið endurmeta eignirnar upp í 100%, eða bygginga kostnað á nýjum eignum.

Finnst þér gaman að láta spila með þig?

Talan frá bankanum, var ekkert, og ef þú endurgreiðir töluna, þá fær bankinn, töluna sem var og er EKKERT til baka.

Fjármálafyrirtækið verður að ná af þér afraksturinn af vinnu huga og handa, annars fær fjármálastofnunin ekkert, enda lánaði fjármálastofnunin ekkert.

Egilsstaðir, 07.09.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Peningar, seðlar.


Hent upp í hillu A4 blað

Kreppufléttan, endurtekið Svaf ekki þriðju hverja nótt
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Þetta er gildra. This is a trap. Fréttir hafa sagt að einhver öfl hafi reynt að láta Bandaríska herinn, varpa kjarnorkusprengjum á Bandaríkin og kenna öðrum um til að koma á stríði, á milli stórþjóðanna.

Ekki láta ginna sig,

til að flytja allan herinn langt út í Kyrrahafið,

og standa svo í vandræðum heima.

Þetta er gildra.  This is a trap.  Málefni Norður Kóreu

slóð - linkur

X  USA, sýna athygli, vera viðbúinn X


Putin & Xi Jinping says North Korea is begging for war



...the Chief of the Central Security Service, fled to New York City 17.11.16 seeking an urgent meeting with President-elect Donald Trump just hours after he, Rogers, singlehandedly aborted the unauthorized flight of one of America’s “Do[o]msday Planes”.

6.12.2016 | 02:20

Það er til nýrri svona frétt.


Það hafa komið fréttir, að minnsta kosti í tvígang, um að einhverjir aðilar í stjórnkerfinu í Bandaríkjunum, hafi haft áform um að senda sprengiflugvélar vopnaðar kjarnorkusprengjum, til að henda sprengjum, á einhverja staði í Bandaríkjunum, og kenna öðrum um árásina, og koma þannig á stríði á milli stórþjóðanna.

Þetta gæti verið ástæðan fyrir því hvað Norður Kóreu stjórn er ákveðin í sínum stríðshótunum.

Er eitthvað er til í þessu, að aðilar innan Bandaríkjanna vilji koma á stríði, og koma Bandaríkjunum á kné, til að geta stofnað New World Order heimsríki?

Mikið er á Youtube um að Obama hafi samið við UN um að herlið frá hinum ýmsu löndum, komi til Bandaríkjanna á vegum Sameinuðu þjóðanna, og sé reyndar þegar komið til Bandaríkjanna.

Ríkistjórn Bandaríkjanna verður að gæta þess að vera á varðbergi vegna ástandsins.

Ekki láta ginna sig, til að flytja allan herinn langt út í Kyrrahafið, og standa svo í vandræðum heima.

The deep state vill helst að Bandaríkin byrji stríðið.


Did the US just agree to allow the Foreign Troops within the UN to Police the Streets of the USA?

klikka á mynd



UN Troops Set To Invade The USA!


Þarna á svæðinu er samskonar slóðir, linkar.


Putin & Xi Jinping says North Korea is 'begging for war

klikka á mynd


000   slóð 

X  USA, sýna athygli, vera viðbúinn X 

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. apríl 2013

USA Hver er að ginna USA til að færa varnarmátt og athygli til Austur Asíu. Hvar er veikur punktur hjá þér USA? Athyglin þarf að vera algild. Einhver sagði nálægt Austur Tímor, ekki veit ég það. Kemur ógnin úr óvæntri átt? Það er engin nauðsyn að fækka

Hvað eru Kristnir að hugsa


Egilsstaðir, 05.09.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson Trump er „ekki brúður mín“ segir Pútín
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

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