Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati?

Sett į blogg: Valdimar Samśelsson

Hér kemur žaš mjög skżrt fram aš Georg Soros styrkir meira en aš afmį pólķtķskan feril Sigmunds Davķš heldur styrkir hann NoBorder og aš Śtrżma Ķsraelsmönnum.


Chinese Secret Society  Challenges Illuminati

By Henry Makow PhD 6-30-7


Egilsstašir, 31.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Žaš er gott aš margir eru farnir aš lįta til sķn taka ķ žjóšmįla umręšunni. Bśum til Gott žjóšfélag. Kynna sér peningakerfiš. Žį er ekki hęgt aš spila meš okkur lengur.

Žaš er gott aš margir eru farnir aš lįta til sķn taka ķ žjóšmįla umręšunni.

Bśum til Gott žjóšfélag.

Kynna sér peningakerfiš.

Žį er ekki hęgt aš spila meš okkur lengur.

Egilsstašir, 30.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Yfirlęknir gagnrżnir bónusa Kaupžings
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Ég lķt ekki į žetta sem sjįlftöku, heldur naušung.


Žetta er frekar, aš žiš eigiš aš auka eign mķna ķ bankanum, žrotabśinu um (hugsašar tölur) 500 miljarša og fįiš žį 5 miljarša (hugsuš tala), fyrir ykkur.

Ef einhver vill ekki starfa fyrir bankann okkar, žį óskum viš honum velfarnašar ķ nżju starfi.

Ég lķt ekki į žetta sem sjįlftöku, heldur naušung.

Skįldašur sannleikur.

Egilsstašir, 30.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Vill skżrari umgjörš um bónusa
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Žegar allir skilja žetta, er ekki lengur hęgt aš spila meš fólkiš ķ veröldinni.

Tekst okkur landsmönnum aš fręšast um bankakerfiš?

Ég hef veriš aš setja inn smį fróšleik.

Sést žaš sem ég set inn um žetta bónusmįl?

Žegar allir skilja žetta, er ekki hęgt aš spila meš fólkiš ķ veröldinni.

Žaš er hęgt aš segja, viš fengum žetta į 100 miljarša, og nś fįiš žiš 5 miljarša, ef žiš seljiš eignirnar į 1000 miljarša.

Egilsstašir, 30.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Bónusgreišslur Kaupžings samžykktar
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Žaš er hęgt aš segja, viš fengum žetta į 100 miljarša, og nś fįiš žiš 5 miljarša, ef žiš seljiš eignirnar į 1000 miljarša.

Žetta bókhald ķ bönkunum,

žrotabśunum var bśiš til meš žvķ aš lįta eignir fólksins kverfa meš Kreppufléttunni

Kreppufléttan, endurtekiš 

hans Tómasar Jefferssonar.

Meš žvķ aš veršfella eignir fólksins, meš, fyrst, veršbólgu og sķšan veršhjöšnun į eignunum.

Žį gat bankinn sagt aš eignir fólksins vęru tapašar.

Žegar bankinn hafši nįš eignum fólksins til sķn meš veršhjöšnuninni, til dęmis į 10% verši, eša į 50% verši, var sagt aš nś vęri komiš ešlilegt įstand.

Žį voru eignirnar endurmetnar og byrjaš aš selja žęr į fullu verši, 100% eša eftir 110% leišinni.

Nś vilja eigendur bankana, žrotabśana, greiša bónusa til aš starfsfólkiš hįmarki endursöluveršiš.

Žaš er hęgt aš segja, viš fengum žetta į 100 miljarša, og nś fįiš žiš 5 miljarša, ef žiš seljiš eignirnar į 1000 miljarša.

Žetta er aš sjįlfsögšu sönn skįldsaga.

Lestu vel bloggiš hjį mér,vinstra megin undir höfundur. Skoša slóširnar žar.

Hent upp ķ hillu A4 blaš

Egilsstašir, 30.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Vilja hįa skatta į kaupauka
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Eigendur bankans segja viš starfsmennina. Ef žiš fęriš 500 miljarša, frį višskiptamönnum bankans, til okkar bankaeigendanna, Žį fįiš žiš 5 miljarša til aš skipta į milli ykkar. Ef žiš viljiš žaš ekki, žį óskum viš ykkur velfarnašar, ķ nżju starfi.


Stundum er sagt aš skįldsagan, sé sannari en sjįlfur raunveruleikinn.

Eigendur bankans segja viš starfsmennina. Ef žiš fęriš 500 miljarša, frį višskiptamönnum bankans, til okkar bankaeigendanna, Žį fįiš žiš 5 miljarša til aš skipta į milli ykkar. Ef žiš viljiš žaš ekki, žį óskum viš ykkur velfarnašar, ķ nżju starfi. Milljaršar ķ kaupaukagreišslur
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Eigendur bankans segja viš starfsmennina. Ef žiš fęriš 500 miljarša, frį višskiptamönnum bankans, til okkar bankaeigendanna, Žį fįiš žiš 5 miljarša til aš skipta į milli ykkar. Ef žiš viljiš žaš ekki, žį óskum viš ykkur velfarnašar, ķ nżju starfi.


Stundum er sagt aš skįldsagan, sé sannari en sjįlfur raunveruleikinn.

Bónus greišslur til bankamanna.


Bónus greišslur til bankamanna.

Bankinn hefur 5000 miljarša til umsżslu.

Bankinn į 50 miljarša

Eigendur bankanna, segja viš starfsfólkiš aš ef žeir hękki eignirnar,

upp ķ 500 miljarša, žį fįi žeir 5 miljarša til aš skipta į milli sķn.

Ef einhver vill ekki fį margfalt kaup žį fer hann.

Starfsmašurinn į ašeins aš auka eignirnar.

Žegar eignir hafa lękkaš ķ verši, og vextir nįš öllum tekjum einstaklinga og fyrirtękja,

er byrjaš aš innheimta.

Žaš er aš žeir einstaklingar og fyrirtęki sem skulda bankanum skulu greiša skuldina

aš svo miklu leiti sem aš žeir geta, žį er ekki meira af žeim aš hafa.

Žį tekur bankinn eignirnar og selur til annarra.

Bónusinn er til aš starfsfólkiš missi ekki sjónar į žvķ aš nį öllum eignum af sem flestum,

žótt įhöld geti veriš um hvernig skuldin er til komin.

Eignir sem įšur tilheyršu hinum żmsu ašilum, enda sem eign bankaeigenda,

til aš eign žeirra hękki śr 50 miljöršum ķ 500 miljarša.

Žį fį bankastarfsmennirnir sķna 5 miljarša til aš skipta sķn ķ milli.

Žessir bónusar hafa ķ gegn um įrin reynst vel, til aš starfsmenn,

geri žaš sem žeim er ętlaš.

Snjall starfsmašur getur fengiš venjuleg laun allstašar,

žś veršur aš borga honum vel,

til aš hann vinni


Egilsstašir, 15.02.2010 jg


Eigendur bankans segja viš starfsmennina.

Ef žiš fęriš 500 miljarša, 500.000.000 kr (hef ekki töluna)

Frį višskiptamönnum bankans, til okkar bankaeigendanna,

Žį fįiš žiš 5 milljarša, 5000.000.000 kr til aš skipta į milli ykkar.

Ef žiš viljiš ekki hafa gott kaup hjį okkur,

žį óskum viš ykkur velfarnašar,

ķ nżju starfi.

Egilsstašir, 30.08.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson LBI samžykkti kaupauka
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Furthermore, if Spiridonov were to reproduce with his new body, his children would not have his genetic makeup but that of the donor’s. What kind of rights, then, might the donor’s family have to the offspring?.....


Russian man volunteers for first human head transplant


….Canavero has said the transplant – which would require 80 surgeons and cost tens of millions of dollars if approved – would have a “90 percent plus” chance of success. ….

….For example, Canavero is presuming that transplanting Spiridonov’s head and brain onto another body would automatically transplant his whole self with his mind, personality, and consciousness. But it’s not that simple, as Anto Cartolovni and Antonio Spagnolo, two Italian bioethicists, pointed out in a letter to Surgical Neurology International after Canavero’s paper was published last year…..

….Furthermore, if Spiridonov were to reproduce with his new body, his children would not have his genetic makeup but that of the donor’s. What kind of rights, then, might the donor’s family have to the offspring?.....

Egilsstašir, 30.08.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

The Illuminati have been warned that the Chinese secret society will not tolerate any more murders. It has also extended its protection to truth seekers in the West.“

Sett į blogg: Valdimar Samśelsson

Hér kemur žaš mjög skżrt fram aš Georg Soros styrkir meira en aš afmį pólķtķskan feril Sigmunds Davķš heldur styrkir hann NoBorder og aš Śtrżma Ķsraelsmönnum.


Einhversstašar las ég aš Kķna meš alla sķna gömlu menningu vęri į toppnum į pķramķdannum.

Hér eru ótrślegar tolla tölur.

China has a 40% tariff on the USA, but the USA has a 2% on them. That is not free and fair trade. It is to force all industry into a country that the globalists fully control, and they control China.

20.8.2016 | 19:09

Kķna meš alla sķna gömlu menningu, er nś meš sķnum dollarasjóšum, trślega bśiš aš eignast mikiš ķ stóru félögunum, sem eiga New World Order


Žetta er fyrir okkur žessa, sem höfum hugsanlega brotiš allar brżr aš baki okkar, erum margbrotnir, og eygjum enga möguleika fyrir okkur.

18.4.2016 | 19:29

Eru stęrstu fyrirtękin nśna ķ eigu olķupeninganna, og žį flóarķkjanna?

Er žaš žį Islam sem į,eša įtti New World Order?


Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati -

„The Illuminati have been warned that the Chinese secret society will not tolerate any more murders. It has also extended its protection to truth seekers in the West.“

The New World Order Agenda is the Alien Agenda

Egilsstašir, 29.08.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Putin. As regards to wearing a cross, earlier I never had it – once my mother gave it to me when I visited Israel. My mother gave it to me to have a blessing there at the Tomb of the Lord. I did so and now it is with me always.

Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words

smella į myndirnar til aš fį žęr stęrri












As regards to wearing a cross, earlier I never had it – once my mother gave it to me when I visited Israel. 

My mother gave it to me to have a blessing there at the Tomb of the Lord. 

I did so and now it is with me always.


Egilsstašir, 28.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the nama of the coming caliphate. We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, ... and all those like you.


Hvaš er feminismi, er hann aš eyša sjįlfum sér?

11.12.2015 | 15:17


The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You'll Ever See

They wish that we were dead.

But they have lost their fertility. So they look for fertility in our midst.

We will give them fertility!

We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians, and all those like you.

Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the nama of the coming caliphate.


Stop the Tape! The Muslim Invasion of America


Nikolai Starikov ber saman žegar Lenin var sendur til aš fella Tsarinn ķ Rśsslandi 1917.

Žį var Lenin settur ofar öllum Žżskum lögum.

Flóttamennirnir ķ dag eru ekki hįšir lögum Vesturlanda, lögreglan horfir į og ef lögreglumašur segir frį, er hann sóttur til saka.

Top Russian Writer Nikolai Starikov Explains Who Is Behind Europe's Refugee Crisis


Someone from above has pressured the authorities in the EU.

Just as happened to the German ambassador in Switzerland in 1917: (Lenin)

You know what, forget about everything, forget the procedures,

Let them go wherever they want, demand whatever they want, and so on.

So someone has organized this, and it is not the EU.

So let us consider who could have organized it.

Put aside ISIS and al-Qaida, as they only exist in the media World,

And in the form of armed groups receiving money, weapons and instructors MI6,

And train Bedouins to wield a weapon and cut peoples heads off.

What is left? Some serious power, which is forcing the European states to forget their own rules,

Who has organized this? The United States of America.

Notice, a plan was published for the distribution of refugees in Europe, and UK got zero.

Everyone was accommodating them, but not UK

And the US is another UK, but very far away

No – one could ever get there by sea, because that would require an ocean liner and not some crumbling rusted bucket.

However, to get into the UK you just need to walk through the Channel Tunnel, so no one is crossig by sea.

But they are not affected by the refugee problem.

The whole region has been ravaged.

Obviously, the migrant waves will be directed towards where there is prosperity.

Notice where all these people are going- no-one is going to Saudi Arabia, or to Qatar or Bahrain, wich are closer, and people of the same faith.

Among the refugees are many Arabs, but also non-Arabs.

The Arabs are essentially one ethnicity, but they do not go to those countries, only to Europe.

Which means it is an organized process.

Next question. We are told that the refugees pay money to the people-smugglers.

That is probably true.

Question: where do they get the money from.

These people are obviously not the poorest.

If they fled with only the shirt on their back, after their home was shelled,

Then the smugglers will not take them to Europe.

So these are not the most disadvantaged people.

Or if they are, then someone has given them money for the journey.

The smugglers would not take them for free.

Right it is not some humanitarian smugglers transporting them.

It means that someone gave them the money.

Next. There is a huge number of men of military age, with expensive telephones, withdrawing cash with ATM cards.

My friends from Hungary called me and reported that it seems to be their daily allowance.

We are being told that they are militants.

I was amused that someone reported the figure of 4000 fighters – then all the mass media repeated it.

Question: How do they know the number?

Did they check the box I am an ISIS militant when filling out the form?

Ok, a photo was found of one person with a scar, and published on Twitter. (vantar inn ķ ?)

It was clearly the same person.

But how do they know there are 4000 fighters

Only whoever counted them could know that which no one could do among 100,000s of refugees, unless they themselves confessed.

Next question. You are ISIS and you are conducting heavy military operations against the Kurdish militia, the Iraqi Army, Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian Army.

How many men do you have? 20,000.

And at this point you dispatched 4,000 to Europe.

Why? In order to establish terrorist centers in Europe.

Before that you only needed 10 people.

Have there been terrorist atrocities in Europe? Yes

Had they sent thousands of terrorists to Europe? Tens of thousands? Of course not.

They are individuals.

You would send 5-6 people, a group, a cell, a reconnaissance network.

You would not send a thousand intelligence agents.

It means that divisions have been removed from the front and sent to Europe under the guise of refugees.   For what?

Later, relatives can easily join them, if they become integrated

Again, it is a strange kind of situation.

Next, these refugees are very well organized.

In Budapest the soccer fans, who are always a bit afflicted by a nationalistic view of life,

Started throwing things at them, and they started throwing back.

Imagine: people are dispirited, women, children, pensioners.

Stones are thrown at them, and they start throwing stones back.

It is very well organized.

So there are tins of questions.

Clearly, this has been organized.

Clearly, money has been allocated for this.

Clearly, Europe has thrown its hands up in the air for some reason, and is doing nothing.

200,000 people have been brought to Germany in onr week, but they say ok, fine we will put 6 billion into the budget, that is trivial.

And what of the voters voices?

You know how the neo liberals like to say: That money could have been spent on kindergartens, roads and pensions.

Where is all that? There is none of that.

Next. Another interesting consideration on this subject.

Whenever we see a large number of people migrating in an organized fashion,

We know that someone is carefully directing this process.

And look at the accompanying media attention

Have people died during the Mediterranean sea crossing?

It is always said that this is inevitable, shipwrecks will always happen.

At just the right time, the photo of the Syrian boy was found.

It has been seen, how the shameless journalists who had found him, re positioned him and then photographed him.

What was the conclusion from that?

Since a Syrian boy has drowned, let us take revenge on Bashar al-Assad.

In an opinion poll, 52% of Brits support air strikes on Syrian troops by the UK air force.

Look at the logic, it is completely absent, because the media veil closes peoples eyes

Think about this: The West supports the rebels in Syria, Iraq, Libya.

Out of these rebels they assemble ISIS, which did not exist before, how did it appear?

ISIS starts fighting a war.

People start fleeing from this ISIS – not from the government forces.

Some perished while fleeing.

To take revenge for those people, let us bomb the Syrian army, which is opposing ISIS.

This is some utterly alternative reality that is being created.

They exploit whatever they can.

So what is the result? The US deals blow to Europe – as I wrote in my book Chaos and Revolution as the Dollar is Weapons – but only such as to weaken it, to keep it subordinated, and not to collapse it

Because it is needed as an ally against Russia and China.

When Libya was destroyed, it was obvious there would be a big migration wave.

Dealing with it is very easy.

I will give some free advice to our European partners on how this is done.

Remember that anyone crossing to Europe is supposedly spending money, right?

Well, if they have crossed to Lampedusa,

Then wash and feed them, let them sleep, them put them on a big white steamship and take them back to Africa.

Question: Will they try and cross a second time,

Hardly. Maybe they will.

Ok, but suppose they do. Then they get washed and fed, given a place to sleep, and in the morning they are back on the steamship to Africa.

Will they turn up a third time?

Maybe they will.

Even if someone keeps giving them money for this travel, they will get bored anyway.

You will get sick – you crossed the sea, had a look.

What did you see? Your room. Then crossed back. It is boring.

Even for tourism they would not keep crossing, never mind migration.

If you want these people to stop sailing across to you, then just return them, and that is all.

Everyone will learn of it.

In that sea-port they will say: My dear friend, we will happily take you to Lampedusa, but you will be back here again tomorrow. You really need that?

So this issue of these refugees is very simple to solve.

Moreover it is within the framework of the law.

Deportation of people not having the right to political asylum.

You could have an expedited procedure, if you find yourself choking, taking not half ayear, but one day.

Maybe for every one person who really has valid circumstances and is allowed to stay, another 100 are sent back.

And that is it – the issue is resolved.

This is a crisis, they are building walls, people are traveling on foot.

I am speechless.

And the last point I want to make on this.

People in Ukraine wanted to get into Europe.

No one is going to remove the visa requirement.

However, an example has now been shown.

Evidently there are no borders any more the customs and border rules have been removed.

Since it is possible for Arabs and blacks, why not for Ukrainians?

They just need to assemble in a crowd of 100,000 people, and simply walk across the Polish border, calmly, peacefully, shouting as they go.

The Polish border guards shall, according to the rules for this type of migrant, move aside, take down the barbed wire, and tie up their dog.

Then this crowd shall proceed – on foot or on transport, however it turns out – to Warsaw, seize the train station, and demand to be taken to Berlin.

And they should be taken. Otherwise what kind of discrimination is thiss??

Why do you transport Syrians, but you will not take Ukrainians from Warsaw to Berlin?

Those who so desperately wanted to get into Europe.

At the very least they say they are culturally the same people, although you and I know that these are people of Russian civilization.

Their skin color is similar to Eropeans, but their mindset is completely different.

But that is not the point here.

Does anyone really think this will happen?

Let them give it a tray.

It is not going to happen – I can tell you right awy.

The poles will release the dogs, use the gas. They will not let anyone through.

So we have a strange situation: In Poland the state system is operating as it is supposed to, while in the rest of Europe it has been suspended for some reason.


Because currently there is a need to bring people from one place and or from the other.

That is the whole story.

What is achieved by weakening Europe?

Why are they being put down like this?

The Americans, and the Anglo-Saxons in general, as part of their strategy, always stick to same principle – their allies must be weaker than them.

That is why they were always trying to weaken the Soviet Union during WW2.

They did not open a second front, forgot to hand over navy ships.

When Italy pulled out of the war, their navy fell to the English.

Obviously, it was supposed to be split into three equal parts, but they forgot about all that.

Comrade Stalin said at every conference: Guys, were is our share of the Ilalian Navy?

In the end he insisted. The English with their ships and subs handed over part of the Italian Navy,

Only after the war did we get the former Giulio Cesare, which later became, if I remember correctly, the Novorossiysk, and sadly, was blown up by a frogman, and destroyed.

So their allies have to be weaker than them.

Once Europe became strong, and Germany began to do its own thing, they planned such an attack.

Notice that the waves of refugees, which have now turned up in Europe, are heading for only one country. 16:16 Germany.

Let us ask ourselves a question.

In Syria, Libya and elsewhere, in all the magazines, TV and radio stations, have they been talking about only one country

So everyone is unware that there is Austria with a high standard of living, France is alright too.

Then there is Luxembourg, Belgium, Czech Republik, Hungary, Italy, and every kind of country – do they not know that?

There is even Greece too. But they know only Germany. What is this nonsense?

Why are they all going to Germany? Why not stay in Austria? Their standard of living is more or less the same. They are all going to Germany. Now see at almost the same moment, just last week, Gazprom signed an agreement with German companies to begin the construction of the second branch of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Where does it deliver gas to? Germany.

Where are all the refugees going?

Following the gas.

It is a remarkable coincidence, is not it?

Gas is not the only reason.

But those who have organized the stream of refugees, do not want the gas to reach to Germany, giving Germany independence.

But suppose they can not prevent construction of the second pipeline branch.

Remember how they obstructed the first, Estonia tried in every way, Sweden too.

They said: Your pipeline is environmentally incompatible with our Baltic sea bed.

The seaweed will die off.

Estonia banned construction within their territorial waters, so they had to make a hook, but then Swedish environmentalists got upset.

So if you do not have this instruments, then do something different:

Ok, guys, carry on building as you are.

But meanwhile we will construct our own south stream, not gas but refugees.

So consider the pros and cons

Methinks these two events are tightly correlate

So it means Europe is being held on a hook.

On the one hand, they have to assist and obey the US,

But on the other hand, they must not become so strong that they could afford to disobey.

From the perspective of the Americans and English, Europe should not have the right to a voice at all.

They were told to bomb Libya even if it means you will get refugees later.

They were told to support the war in Ukraine, so they had to support it, even though trade routes will be broken and you will have armed conflicts in your soft underbelly.

As one conscientious blogger here said (Navalny) expand, do not reflect.

Same here – do not think about what Washington is telling you, just do it, and it will be fine.

But Europeans are not really happy with this situation, as they are the ones footing the bill for this party.

That is why they are infuriated.

And they are being put in their place.


Egilsstašir, 28.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Nś munum viš sjį hverjir eru fulltrśar fjįrmagnsins, sem er aš hegna Sigmundi Davķš Gunnlaugssyni fyrir aš lįta bankana, fjįrmįlakerfiš byrja aš greiša til baka til fólksins, žaš sem fjįrmįlakerfiš hafši įšur haft af fólkinu.

Nś veršur gaman aš fylgjast meš flokksžingi Framsóknarflokksins.

Nś munum viš sjį hverjir eru fulltrśar fjįrmagnsins, sem er aš hegna Sigmundi Davķš Gunnlaugssyni fyrir aš lįta bankana, fjįrmįlakerfiš byrja baš greiša til baka til fólksins, žaš sem fjįrmįlakerfiš hafši įšur haft af fólkinu.

Viš veršum aš rannsaka žetta.

Var žetta rįn?

klikka til aš fį myndina stęrri



Egilsstašir, 27.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Tóku ekkert tillit til upplżsinga
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Viš žurfum aš lesa um hvernig losun hafta er notuš til aš tęma eignir landana og skilja löndin eftir ķ skuldum. Vera bśinn aš lęra fyrir nęstu kosningar.

Hefur rķkistjórnin veriš į fullu viš aš losa höftin, svo aš fjįrmįlakerfiš geti aftur tęmt allar eignir frį Ķslandi?

Er hugmyndin aš fylla allt af skuldum?

Geir sagši, Guš blessi Ķsland.

Viš segjum aftur, Guš blessi Ķsland, og lękni alla žessa sem eru aš reyna aš afvegleiša žjóšina, žjóširnar.

Ég vil aš 2, 4, 6 setjist saman og skoši og reyni aš skilja Fjįrmįlakerfiš.

Hér til vinstri, undir höfundur.

Kreppufléttan, endurtekiš

Hent upp ķ hillu A4 blaš

China has a 40% tariff on the USA, but the USA has a 2% on them. That is not free and fair trade. It is to force all industry into a country that the globalists fully control, and they control China.

Lesa nešst ķ žessari sķšustu slóŠ

Viš žurfum aš lesa um hvernig losun hafta er notuš til aš tęma eignir landana og skilja löndin eftir ķ skuldum.

Vera bśinn aš lęra fyrir nęstu kosningar.

Egilsstašir, 26.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Óskum eftir aš allir velti vandamįlum veraldar fyrir sér, og mišli hugsun sinni til okkar hinna. Viš dreifum hugmyndunum įfram, og einhver stślka eša strįkur grķpa hugmyndirnar, og bingó, lausnin er fundin.


Settar į blogg: Valdimar Samśelsson




Borgžór Jónsson

Žessi skrif hjį žér eru stór góš.

Allir lesi žaš vel.

Alls ekki hrópa einhvern óžverra.

Viš eigum aš lęra.

Hvernig veršur mauradrottningin til, hermaurinn, žernan.

Žegar heimilisfašir į fimmtugs aldri, vaknar einn morguninn og segir. Ég er 10 įra stślka, og ég vil klęšast sem slķk.

Žį er aš leita skżringa.

Fékk hann slag um nóttina og dó, fór śr lķkamanum.

Hafši žį lķtil stślka, dįiš um sama leiti og villst.

Rįfaši litla stślkan inn ķ veröldina aftur, ķ žennan lķkama?

Žaš er ekki ljótt aš reyna aš hugsa.

Aš żmislegt gerist fyrir, ķ og eftir mešgöngu er ekki ólķklegt.

Rannsóknir sem auka žekkingu okkar į veröldinni, hérna megin og hinu megin, öllum svišunum, sem hugur okkar nęr aš greina.

Aldrei aš rįšast į žann sem leitar lausna.

Sį sem leitar finnur.

Viš sem erum ófróšari, megum ekki hamla, eša leggja stein ķ götu skaparanna, leitaranna, sem finna lausnirnar, sem okkur hefur ekki dottiš ķ hug ķ dag.

Ef viš leitum ekki žį finnum viš sķšur lausnir.

Óskum eftir aš allir velti vandamįlum veraldar fyrir sér, og mišli hugsun sinni til okkar hinna.

Viš dreifum hugmyndunum įfram, og einhver stślka eša strįkur grķpa hugmyndirnar, og bingó, lausnin er fundin.

Žiš eruš snillingar.

Ég biš ykkur vel aš lifa. Góša nótt.

Egilsstašir, 25.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson



Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 12. įgśst 2012



Konurnar eru djįsniš og žęr fęša, skapa heiminn okkar.

Lęra, skoša og žį opnast fyrir lausnir.

Jį DoctorE, hinir eru lķka į žroskabrautinni.

Egilsstašir, 25.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Ekki rįšast į manninn.

Leita fręšslu og žekkingar, sem leiša til lausna.

Valdimar, žś įtt heišur skiliš fyrir aš vekja mįls į vitręnni umręšu um mįlefniš.

Viš minni spįmennirnir erum oft hręddir viš žaš.

Egilsstašir, 25.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Valdimar Samśelsson

Žś veršur aš uppörva okkur sem erum aš lęra.

Žegar viš reynum aš halda ķ einn plśs, gefšu okkur tvo plśsa.

Uppörvum hver annan.

Von og meiri von.

Dreifum yfir heiminn, okkur, bjartsżni, góšvild og heilun.

Verum ekki sparsamir į gjafirnar, nóg, er til.

Valdimar Samśelsson

Einn +, tveir plśsar og žrķr plśsar.

Fyrirfram, žakk fyrir.

Egilsstašir, 25.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Af hverju megum viš ekki sjį engla alheimsins, konurnar? Ekki datt Guši ķ hug aš fela konuna.

Hvers vegna er žetta fólk sem kallar alla sem segja satt, rasista, og viršist vilja troša konum ķ poka, og klippa gat fyrir augun.


Af hverju megum viš ekki sjį engla alheimsins, konurnar?

Ekki datt Guši ķ hug aš fela konuna.

Egilsstašir, 24.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson




Muslim Man Leaves American Woman in Tears - SHOCKING MOMENT!!!

000 Mį ekki klęšast niqab ķ skólanum
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Af hverju er veriš aš nķša Sigmund Davķš Gunnlaugsson fyrrverandi forsętisrįšherra. Hann į heišurinn af žvķ aš lįta bankana byrja aš greiša til baka, til fólksins. Var žaš bankarįn?, Kreppufléttan hans Tómasar Jefferssonar?

Learn, learn, learn. Lęra, lęra, lęra.


Sett į blogg:  Pįll Vilhjįlmsson

Rįšuneytiš stašfestir Guardian - RŚV laug upp į forsętisrįšherra


Af hverju er veriš aš nķša Sigmund Davķš Gunnlaugsson fyrrverandi forsętisrįšherra.

Hann į heišurinn af žvķ aš lįta bankana byrja aš greiša til baka, til fólksins.

Var žaš bankarįn, Kreppufléttan hans Tómasar Jefferssonar?

 Kreppufléttan, endurtekiš

Af hverju rįšist žiš į manninn sem reyndi og tókst aš lįta bankana greiša, var žaš bankarįniš?,  žaš er Kreppufléttuna hans Tómasar Jefferssonar aš hluta. 


Ekki trśi ég žvķ aš žiš styšjiš žaš aš lįta fjįrmįlakerfiš spila meš žjóšina įfram.

Förum į fulla ferš ķ aš frelsa fólkiš.

Viš ętlum aš hjįlpa fjįrmįlakerfinu aš hętta aš lįta eignir fólksins hverfa meš veršhjöšnun og taka žį eignirnar til sķn, og selja sķšan į uppsprengdu verši til baka til fólksins.

Nś ķ dag eru fréttir um aš žeir sem verši bestir ķ aš selja fólkinu fyrrverandi eignir fólksins til baka į uppsprengdu verši, fįi tug milljóna ķ bónus.


Bónus greišslur til bankamanna.

Egilsstašir, 24.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Voru žaš ekki milljaršar?

Egilsstašir, 24.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Kreppufléttan 2013 og mišbankinn

Hvernig skildi gömlu flokkunum ganga ķ kosningunum,

nś žegar allir skilja aš KREPPUFLÉTTAN,

hirti eigur fólksins,

 og žaš er ekki bśiš

aš skila žeim ÖLLUM til baka.


Egilsstašir, 29.12.2013  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Obama getur tekiš viš starfi Ašalritara Sameinušu žjóšanna, og stżrt Bandarķska hernum įfram. Einnig getur Obama fęrt Federal Reserve til Sameinušu žjóšanna.

Žaš eru żmsar hugmyndir ķ gangi.

Viš fylgjumst meš, eftir bestu getu.

Muna aš horfa yfir allt svišiš.

Obama getur tekiš viš starfi Ašalritara Sameinušu žjóšanna, og stżrt Bandarķska hernum įfram.

Einnig getur Obama fęrt Federal Reserve til Sameinušu žjóšanna.

U. S. Military run by UN – NATO


Military COUP d'etat: Treasonous Panetta Says U. S. Military run by UN - NATO.


U.S. Army Overthrows Obama and Storms Federal Reserve!


Banksters - William Black tells the real truth


After conquering the US, Barack Obama now seeks to become King of the World

Egilsstašir, 23.08.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIS) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About

Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIS) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About


Allies No More? Kurds Fight to Conquer Syrian Government-Run Enclave


Did the CIA stage and spearhead the coup?


Qatar’s ex-Foreign Minister reveals: Qatar and Saudi Arabia start and escalate the Civil War in Syria


Where were You When the Anti-Christ Came?

On the Road to Damascus


Į eftir aš kķkja į žetta.

Egilsstašir, 23.08.2016.  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Viš horfum yfir svišiš. Žaš kemur bros, glott, harmur, hvaš skildi sś blanda žķša? Viš förum į fulla ferš ķ aš laga allt. Žį er žaš spurningin, hvernig? Svariš finnst, ef leitaš er. , - lausna.

Viš horfum yfir svišiš.

Žaš kemur bros, glott, harmur, hvaš skildi sś blanda žķša?

Viš förum į fulla ferš ķ aš laga allt.

Žį er žaš spurningin, hvernig.

Svariš finnst, ef leitaš er., - lausna.

Egilsstašir, 22.08.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Innlegg ķ umręšuna.

Russia to Benjamin Netanyahu: Take Your Pick—Carrots or Sticks?


Russia is Politically and Militarily Castrating Erdogan in Syria

Vladimir Putin to George Soros: Thank God we kicked you out of Russia


China has a 40% tariff on the USA, but the USA has a 2% on them. That is not free and fair trade. It is to force all industry into a country that the globalists fully control, and they control China.



Hér er nż slóš:

Samanburšur į (enskri grein) um IMF og Magma

Grein frį 2008 um mjög svipaša hluti og Magma atburšina:

rétt ķ dag, 10.11.2016  kl. 14:06

rétt ķ dag, 10.11.2016  kl. 14:06

( Svo męlir hver sem hann mašurinn er til  žessi slóš viršist hafa villst)

Slóšin hér, tilvķsunin viršist hafa breyst, setti hér fyrir nešan svipašar slóšir.


rétt ķ dag, 10.11.2016  kl. 14:06

rétt ķ dag, 10.11.2016  kl. 14:06

Gušni Karl Haršarson

rétt ķ dag, 10.11.2016  kl. 14:06

 Burrow into NM Rothschild, you'll find it all there. The IMF/World Bank implosion, four points, how they bring down a country and destroy the resources of the people. First you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks to foreign banks.

Then you go to what is called market-based pricing. That is the stuff like in California where everything is free market and you end up with water bills no one can pay.

Then you go to what is called market-based pricing.

That is the stuff like in California where everything is free market

and you end up with water bills no one can pay.

Then open up your borders to trade - complete free marketeering.

Its like the opium wars.

This is not free trade; this is coercion trade.

This is war.

They are taking apart economies through this.

China has a 40% tariff on the USA,

but the USA has a 2% on them.


That is not free and fair trade.

It is to force all industry into a country

that the globalists fully control,

and they control China."


Egilsstašir, 20.08.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Rétta slóšin viršist horfin, set hér aš nešan slóšir um svipaš.

Leitunar slóš.

ll find it all there. The IMF/World Bank implosion, four points, how they bring down a country and destroy the resources of the people. First you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks to foreign banks. Then you go to


World Bank Secret Documents Consumes Argentina - Greg Palast ...

Žżša žessa sķšu

  1. mar. 2002 -But whatthey were saying is look, you take a country like Argentina, which is, .... AJ: Burrow into NM Rothschild, you'll find it all there. ... The IMF/World Bank implosionfour points, how they bring down a country ... First you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks to foreign banks.

IMF and World Bank Destroying Countries - Secret Documents Taken ...

Žżša žessa sķšu

The World Bank-IMF is owned and controlled by Nathan Mayer Rothschild and 30 ... Then they taxed thepeople. ... Because you have riot, all the capital runs away from your country and that ... TheIMF/World Bank implosionfour points, how they bring down a country ... That is, you sell off your local banks to foreign banks.

IMF / World Bank Destroying Countries - Unity Publishing

Žżša žessa sķšu

The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild and 30 to 40 ... It is more thansomeone getting rich at the public expense. ... Burrow into NM Rothschild, you'll find it all there. ...Bank implosionfour points, how they bring down a country and destroy the ... That is, you sell off your local banks to foreign banks.

The World Bank/IMF is Owned And Controlled By NM Rothschild ...

Žżša žessa sķšu

  1. mar. 2011 -Let me control a peoples currency and I care not who makestheir laws. ... Burrow into NM Rothschild & Sons, you'll find it all there. The IMF/World Bank implosionfour points, how they bring down a country ... First you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks gold to foreign buyers.

Samanburšur į (enskri grein) um IMF og Magma -

Žżša žessa sķšu

The IMF/World Bank implosionfour points, how they bring down a country and destroy theresources of the peopleFirst you open up the capital markets. That is ...

IMF/World Bank/Enron/Bush - Grand Theft Larceny - Global Research

Žżša žessa sķšu

  1. mar. 2002 -So I got the insight of what was happening at the WorldBank. ... But what they were saying is look, you take a country like Argentina, ... with orders from the IMF and World Bank to sell-off all their assets, public assets. .... The IMF/World Bank implosionfour points, how they bring downcountry and destroy ...

Greece is for sale - Stormfront

Žżša žessa sķšu

  1. jśl. 2015 -IMF Just replace the word "Argentina" with "Greece" and I thinkyou get the picture. ... TheIMF/World Bank implosionfour points, how they bring down a country and destroy the resourcesof the peopleFirst you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks toforeign banksThen you go ...


Žżša žessa sķšu

  1. jśl. 2008 -The WorldBank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild and 30 ... country theIMF/World Bank got involved in ended up with a crashed ... implosionfour points, how they bring down a country and destroy ... First you open up the capital markets. That is, you sell off your local banks to foreign banks.

The Economy Of Babylon

Žżša žessa sķšu

  1. jśl. 2015 -It is importantyou have some real understanding of the Economy and .... In the process ofselling off those national infrastructure assets they also ... to bring down all countries and destroy theresources of the people. ... 1) First the IMF will open up the capital marketsLocal banks are soldto foreign banks.

the imf has america in its crosshairs - Snippits and Snappits - Blogger

Žżša žessa sķšu

  1. jan. 2010 -Read howthey work below, and substitute YOUR country for the .... Burrow into NM Rothschild, you'll find it all there. The IMF/World Bank implosionfour points, how they bring down a country and destroy the resources of the peopleFirst you open up the capital markets andsell off all local banks to foreign ...


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